The holiday season blurs all sorts of time and space, making us feel like we’ve been living in a parallel universe where eating, drinking and sleeping is what life’s all about. Sadly, it isn’t, and coming back to reality can be a downer.
The most important part about all of this is to avoid feeling sorry for yourself, or feeling guilty over what you ate and drank over the holidays. By the first week of January, be sure to start eating cleanly and begin focusing some of your energies on getting back to the gym and completing your fitness goals. contacted experts on fitness and gathered these 5 tips on getting back in shape after the holidays.
Check them out:
Cardio And Clean Food
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Joe Ferraro, from Rumble Boxing, claims that he likes to eat as clean as possible the minute he gets home from holiday break. He avoids sugars and eats lots of lean proteins and vegetables. As a way of burning off the extra carbs, he tries cardio and boxing in the mornings.
Stock Your Fridge With Healthy Foods
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By stocking up on healthy foods you can avoid caloric cravings and snacks. Having a stocked fridge is also a good way to avoid dining out.
Work Out In The Mornings
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By working out in the mornings you’ll jump start your metabolism, improve your physical and mental energy, and you’ll also avoid skipping out on your workout later because it got too late or because you’re feeling lazy.
Don’t Go Crazy With Your Goals
New year’s resolutions can make us set some pretty ambitious standards for ourselves, which can be unrealistic and frustrating once the year starts. Lauren Williams, from Chisel Club, suggests that you use January as a reset month, where you can think and focus on what it is you want to achieve during the year. This can mean to cut down drinking for a month, to jog more, or to practice more meditation.
It’s Okay To Have Indulged A Bit Over The Holiday Break
Forgive yourself. If you feel out of shape, avoid feeling bad about what you ate and drank. Instead, work out often and focus on eating healthy. Feeling shame and guilt will only make the process more difficult and slow going, because it’ll deprive you of your motivation.