Friday, July 26, 2024

5 Ways To Schedule Your Day When Working From Home

Keeping a strict schedule is hard when working from home. Here’s how you can increase productivity.

The benefits of working from home are obvious: you get to dictate your schedule, cook your meals, and work in pajamas if you want to. The catch is that the novelty of working from a home office gets old fast. Plus, if there’s no organization in your day, it’s likely you’re not going to be very productive. And now that we’re in the midst of a lockdown, where every day is just like the last, it’s even more difficult.

Working from home takes some practice, but it can be surprisingly effective if you manage to crack your inner schedule. Here are some tips that can help you make the most out of your work space:

Work with your chronotype

There are mysterious morning people and normal ones who function best after 8 a.m. and after a large cup of coffee. Figure out your preferences and build your schedule around that, trying to find which hours are your most productive. Be aware that if you work from home and are in contact with coworkers, your schedule might not be as lenient.

Get dressed

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Photo by Ed Gregory via stokpic

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Working in your PJs is great, but not a lot of people can commit to that lifestyle. If you’re finding working from home hard and taxing, get dressed even if you’re sitting on your couch. There’s no need to put on jeans — sweatpants can do the trick. This simple change can make you a little more active and help you complete your tasks faster.

Set boundaries

Although it’s cool to have the ability to manipulate your own schedule, it’s also important to have time to do other things. Take time to work out and to nurture your brain in other ways, that way you’ll make the most of your flexible schedule.

Prioritize your tasks

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Make a list, organizing your priorities. The basic set up and order is up to you, but try to prioritize the tasks that demand the most attention and have deadlines. That way you’ll get your work done efficiently and in time.

Take breaks

Freelancing and having a home office is all about balance; you can’t work too much and you can’t take too many breaks. It’s also deceptively easy to fall into patterns, resulting in days where there’s lots of productive work and days when you find yourself incapable of completing tasks. If you find yourself having trouble with work, forgive yourself and play with the variables. Try working at different times, waking up earlier or later, doing something you enjoy first thing in the morning or rediscovering the benefits of short naps.


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