Not to be confused with swirly rainbow cotton candy foods (okay, a little confusion is allowed), unicorn foods have a whimsical, colorful charm that make them super appealing to all ages. Pink, blue, purple, sprinkles, marshmallows…it’s the stuff childhood dreams are made of come to life.
The Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino brought the mythical creature to light last month when they introduced their limited edition drink, but just about any food can be made into a unicorn with a little food coloring. Here are 7 fantastical treats straight from your imagination.
1. Frappuccino
Let’s start with the obvious. The Starbucks Frapp is no longer on the menu (that’s the sound of every barista in the universe applauding), but you can still make your own with some plant-based grocery store food coloring. All the flavor, half the toxicity.
2. Popcorn
Melted candy and tiny specs of color tossed with a neutral backdrop (popcorn) is really what this is all about. Adding sprinkles to your recipe is the secret ingredient!
3. Smoothie
This unicorn smoothie is a super healthy take on the sugar-laden Frapp. It’s filled with frozen fruit, blueberry powder, coconut water and whipped coconut cream.

4. Cookie Dip
If you’re not lactose intolerant, this magical dip is for you! Loaded with cream, cream cheese and marshmallow fluff, this stuff will make you feel like you’re floating on a cloud of sugar.
5. Cupcakes
These Lisa Frank inspired cupcakes take a little bit more skill, but they’re baked right in a jar, so clean-up is a snap. Skip making the fondant horns, which just delays the cake eating process.
6. Ice Cream
This sounds more time consuming than it is. Really, it’s about combining cream and condensed milk, decorating with food coloring and sprinkles and then freezing. Super fun party trick for both kids and adults.
7. Cheesecake Bars
Like something out of a Disney movie, these no-bake unicorn bars combine everything you’re cavities love: wafer cookies, marshmallows, bright blue frosting and sprinkles.