Saturday, March 15, 2025

Meme Of The Week: Marie Kondo’s Inspiring And Terrifying Netflix Show Leads To Hundreds Of Memes

“Tidying Up With Marie Kondo” is Netflix’s latest binge-worthy reality TV show, cementing Kondo as the tidying queen of the universe. The show follows and explores the magic of the KonMari method, which aims to transform your cluttered spaces into spots that make you feel serene, happy and peaceful. Her method encourages you to organize your home according to categories, focusing on items that spark joy versus items that don’t. In short: items that don’t spark joy gotta go.

Marie Kondo speaks calmly, looking organized and tidy in her perfectly coordinated clothes and tiny frame. She embodies her mantra, which may be why the show works so well.

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Despite Kondo’s peaceful and adorable demeanor, she’s a scary host, demanding a lot of work from her “patients.” Participants of the show are asked to throw all of their clothes in a pile and to go through each item, feeling ashamed when they realize the amount of stuff they’ve accumulated over the years. It’s easy to picture Kondo having a delightfully twisted time while rummaging through your own closet.

Kondo’s double nature is prime for memes, which emphasize how much work participants have to go through in order to “come clean” at the end of the process. Check out some of the best memes:

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