Friday, July 26, 2024

Watch This Guy Fail Miserably At Trying To Feed Cops Doughnuts

Thwarting conventional stereotypes, a comedian found out the hard way that while the general public and Homer Simpson both love doughnuts, cops — not so much.

As part of his series “Feeding Strangers,” comedian Nick Antonyan trolled police officers on Hollywood Boulevard and got shot down more times than a chick holding 10 cats on her Tinder profile pic.  In fact, not a single cop wanted anything to do with Nick’s frosted pastries. He likely would have had a better shot at coffee and bagels. Also, who wants to eat something that a complete stranger was holding onto? Gross, dude.

Nick tells Foodbeast that: “I was terrified. It took me over an hour and a half to grow some balls and approach a cop.” And that  while some cops were obviously not cool with it, “most understood the joke and went with it.”


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