Friday, July 26, 2024

Woman Says Planes Won’t Stop Dropping Poop on Her Driveway

Earlier this week, a Salt Lake City woman walked to her car to pick up her children from school and noticed something unexpected all over her white vehicle: human feces that apparently fell from the sky.

“At first I thought, ‘Wow, some bird really took a dump on my car!” Bethany Bowker told KSL. But she soon realized she was dealing with human poop. “This is undeniable.”

So she did what any outraged person would do in 2017: She took a video of the poop and uploaded it to Facebook.

“It’s like they dumped all the poop out of the airplane and it landed in my drive way,” she says in the video, scanning her camera over the human waste. “It’s all poop. Human poop…It’s on my car. Splattered everywhere.”

Making things worse, Bowker says this isn’t the first time an airplane has dumped crap on her property. It also happened several years ago, too, she told KSL. “But this is the worst I’ve ever had it,” she said. “I’m tired of it.”

“It just makes me sick,” she added.

KSL reached out to the FAA, who released the following statement:

“The FAA periodically receives reports of blue ice (frozen wastewater) falling on a house. If the person can tell us (the FAA) exactly when and where it happened, we can try to run radar replays to see if an aircraft flew overhead around that time. We don’t provide any advice on how to clean up blue ice.”

According to Bowker’s Facebook page, local authorities arrived at her house yesterday afternoon to clean up the poop.

There’s at least some silver lining for Bowker. “I’m just glad I wasn’t outside when it happened,” she told Deseret News.

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