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What To Know About Hiking With Marijuana

The wonderment of the great outdoors is great when you go hiking and experience the fresh air and magic – and it can be a little extra special with marijuana.

Hiking is the most popular summer sport, especially when the temperatures are under 100.  It is an easy entry activity just needing good shoes and the right location and off you go.  Emerging yourself in nature and seeing waterfalls, meadows, vistas and scenic views are all the big payoff. It can be even better when considering the option of adding in some of cannabis.  Here is what to know about hiking with marijuana.

Hiking while drinking alcohol is never a good idea. Alcohol can impair balance, significantly contributes to dehydration, and impair judgement. While you don’t want to get totally stoned while hiking, a little focused consumption or microdosing can enhance nature’s wonders.

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While there are many approaches to get high on a hike, vapes and gummies tend to be the easiest.  Find a strain which gives you energy and focus and manage the high so you can enjoy the hike.  It will unlock parts of your brain and the make the journey better.

Pack all the necessary tools

As you head out, make sure to pack all your necessary items in discreet and convenient places. If you’re taking a vape or pipe, pack one that you wouldn’t mind losing or breaking, since accidents (tripping, falling, etc.) are common while hiking. If you’re planning on smoking, make sure you’ve prepared it ahead of time and stored it somewhere that protects it and keeps the smell contained.

Women Have More Intense Marijuana Cravings Than Men, Study Finds
Photo by Denys Nevozhai via Unsplash

Be discreet

No matter the state where you live, cannabis is still considered a Schedule I drug, meaning that if you’re caught with it in a national park, you’re still breaking the law. Also, not everyone enjoys the smell of weed so be considerate of others and smoke in an area that’s secluded and private.

Pack water and snacks

Water is a basic necessity when hiking, but plan to add a bit more if you’re considering bringing weed. Remember to pack your favorite snacks in case you get hit with the munchies and still want to be able to enjoy your hike.
Photo by Eddy Billard via Unsplash

Never travel alone

No matter how experienced you are with marijuana, it’s important to be with someone if you’re planning on consuming somewhere other than your home; you don’t want to get too stoned and then be unable to make your way back home. And you never know if something can go wrong.

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If you’re an inexperienced hiker or if you’re trying out a new trail, being with a companion is even more important. It’s also more fun to converse with someone, high or not, while on the trail.

Don’t litter

After you’re done consuming, snacking and hiking, make sure to take the trash with you and leave the space a little better than you found it.

Can You Consume Marijuana While On Antibiotics

There is nothing worse than being sick, no only do you bad, but you miss out on doing some fun things.

Being sick is no fun for multiple reasons. No matter what time of year, you feel you are going to miss out on fun things including seeing friends, sleeping well and imbibing.  Often when sick, antibiotics are prescribed. They treat or prevent some types of bacterial infection. Their superpower is killing bacteria or preventing them from reproducing and spreading. They are not effective on viral problems like the flu. But for them to be effective, you have to take them regularly and not do anything to interfere with their work. Alcohol is always a big no no when on antibiotics. Drinking alcohol can lower your energy and slow how fast you get better from illness. So it’s a good idea not to drink alcohol until you finish your antibiotics and are feeling better. But can you consume marijuana while on antibiotics?

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There hasn’t been much research on the interactions of cannabis and antibiotics, but commons sense comes into play. Research indicates marijuana use can increase the pain-relieving effects of opioids without increasing the levels of opioids found in plasma. This seems to reduce opioid useThe same research review noted children taking clobazam, an anti-seizure medication, and cannabidiol, experience increased levels of clobazam in their blood. And, those who are taking valproate and using medical marijuana appeared to be at higher risks for abnormalities in liver function. 

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Unlike alcohol, there is still needed research to be done examining individual medications and how of marijuana use could change how they work in the body. Patients taking medication for chronic health conditions need to talk with their medical professional before using marijuana, but what if you’re on a short treatment using antibiotics? Can you use marijuana while taking antibiotics and kick your infection to the curb without complications of delay? 

When it comes to taking antibiotics and using marijuana at the same time, currently, there is no research indicating it isn’t a safe practice. Some medical professionals have expressed concerns taking THC with antibiotics could increase the risk of unpleasant side effects of both. If you use while taking antibiotics, it’s best to keep an eye out for increased side effects and to stop using THC if you experience any. Currently, it is not on the list of drug interactions with antibiotics. 

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Another issue is marijuana impact on the immune system. In taking antibiotics to fight off an infection, the body has to do its part to get well. Early research suggests CBD may aid some antibiotics.  But there is debate about how cannabis affects the immune system. Some research indicates marijuana may suppress the immune system, but there is also conflicting information suggesting it may make your immune system stronger and help it fight illness.

Ultimately, there don’t appear to be real risks associated with consuming marijuana while on antibiotics. If it a serious issue, always talk to your medical professional and monitor the situation. It is always a good idea to pay close attention to your body, noting adverse reactions and making changes if necessary.

The Best Habits To Stay Energized

So much to do and so little time it seems. Here are the best habits to stay energized and make the most of everyday.

There are many things to enjoy during the day, but sometimes it seems the energy is not there to take advantage of opportunities presented. Having full energy usually means you have a great chance at consistent happiness. Being energetic typically revolves around bursts of prolonged activity, your physical health will likely improve alongside your mental health. Being short of energy is normal, but longer term periods of low energy could mean other things and you might want to get it checked out with a medical professional. To get in a good groove, here are the best habits to stay energized.

RELATED: Science Explains How Marijuana Inspires Awe 

Go to bed early

The most obvious advice for having more energy is also the most important. If you don’t get enough sleep, there’s more odds of you feeling less energetic and having less productive days. Seven to eight hours of sleep is the recommended amount for staying energized and for keeping your mind sharp in the long run. Develop a sleep routine and it will become part of the body’s muscle memory.

5 healthy morning habits that are not healthy
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Use your mornings for the hard work

While some people leave important work for the nighttime, this is likely not due to their own choosing. Time constraints, juggling different jobs and other pressures might force you to push off important tasks for later on in the day, leaving you feeling unmotivated and without energy. Young argues that getting the important stuff out of the way during the first 4 hours of your work day is important because it shapes the rest of your day and makes you feel accomplished.

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Focus on the solution and not the problem

Focusing on the problem rarely helps. Instead, it only wastes your time and energy as you go over it repeatedly in your mind. Such brooding can leave you exhausted from fear and worry and prevent you from taking decisive action. Many people spend a lot of time and energy trying to understand, describe, and quantify the problem they are facing, but this can be a waste of time if it takes away from finding a solution.

Invest in good friends

Friends have a positive influence on you, especially if conversations with them can make you feel energized and inspired. Focus on these kinds of friendships, the ones that make you feel like there’s a two way relationship where you feel heard but you also get to listen.

heres how you can share your bed without losing quality of sleep
Photo by Elizabeth Livermore/Getty Images

Take 20 minute naps

While naps are considered a luxury, studies prove that they produce some cognitive benefits and that they can motivate you to complete a task late in the day. The most important aspect of naps is to limit them to 20 minutes, preventing it from becoming a long sleep and eating up the rest of your day.

Exercise daily

Going to the gym every day sounds like a tall order, especially if you’re not already in the habit of doing so. Young recommends doing pushups, burpees and other types of exercises you can do at home throughout the day, getting your body moving without taking large chunks of time from your schedule. These can be supplemented with visits to the gym and fitness classes.

Cannabis Workers Now Outnumber These Industries

With over 440,000 working in the cannabis industry, it overtook these groups – but is still way behind others.

Back in 2020, we predicted cannabis industry workers (as an industry) would overtake computer programmers.  And, it happened. Currently there are 440,000 people working in weed, and 343,000 in computer programming.   While a large amount of computer programmers work for marquee companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Apple and Stripe, most cannabis workers work for mom and pop businesses.

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The economics of the marijuana industry is also positive as the jobs are spread out across the country and in different sized communities. Most tech jobs are in hubs including Atlanta, Austin, New York City and Seattle. Currently, the cannabis industry is at the mercy of DC and the Biden administration as it waits rescheduling.  Overall, the federal government is the largest employer in the US with 2.95 million clocking in to make things run, which doesn’t always understand start up industries.

finding business opportunities in the cannabis industry
Photo by FatCamera/Getty Images

The cannabis industry is way behind the behemoths of retail and fast food. Their base is a mixture of big companies and small business in almost everyone community. There are 9.2 million workers employed as retail salespersons, cashiers or first-line supervisors and  4,717,192 workers in fast food taking and making your coffee, burger, taco and donuts.

According to some tech workers in Seattle, computer programmers have reached the apex of benefits during the pandemic and now are settling into to fewer perks like the rest of the work force. Still the average salary of programmer is $100K while in the cannabis industry, it is $47K. There is a significant difference in training and location, but the cannabis industry still provide a good number of jobs in country.

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When it comes to numbers, the cannabis workforce is about the same size as Target (450K), Kroger (420K) and FedEX (480K). It is way smaller than Amazon (1.6 million) and Walmart (2.3 million). There are almost 1.9 million farmers and over 1.5 million realtors (members of the National Association of Realtors). And, in regards to jocks, there are a bit over 35K who work in all the professional sports in the United States.

How To Pick The Right CBD Or Weed Tincture

While not the most popular form of ingestion, tinctures can be an easy and fun way to absorb weed or CBD…here is how to find the right one.

Flower, vapes and gummies are the most popular way to consume cannabis. But there are other ways to consume which fits the situation. A marijuana tincture is a concentrated liquid extract of the plant. There can be THC or CBD oil tinctures. They can be used by placing the liquid directly on the tongue/in the mouth or it can be added to food. They can be fast acting and another way to consume without smoking. This can be especially beneficial for medical marijuana patients who have nausea and/or can not smoke.

Tinctures are made by soaking the bark, berries, leaves (dried or fresh), or roots from one or more plants in alcohol or vinegar. The alcohol or vinegar pulls out the active ingredients in the plant parts, concentrating them as a liquid.  Selecting and buying an oil tincture depends on many factors like how are you consuming. Other ones include:

  • THC or CBD?
  • 1:1 ratio or different ratio?
  • Terpene enriched or not?
  • With flavor or without?
  • How many milligrams per dose?
  • Does the extraction method matter?
  • Do added ingredients matter?

Here are things to consider.

THC Tincture VS CBD Tincture

Generally, if shopping online, the CBD options will be CBD from hemp. THC in amounts more than 0.3%, are not allowed to be sold online because of legality. Hemp CBD is legal if THC is tested and is less than 0.3%.

RELATED: A Beginner’s Guide To CBD

If you are looking for a THC tincture, even the best CBD tincture may not be right if a THC high is the goal. THC and CBD are both great but are very different. If in a legal cannabis state and looking for THC, you’ll find the best oil tincture selection at a cannabis dispensary.

The same is true for someone who wants a CBD tincture. When shopping for THC free CBD, a full spectrum product will not be best. What’s best may be a broad-spectrum and/or isolate CBD tincture.

Cannabis Ratio’s

The Risks Of Infusing Hemp-CBD Topical Products With Essential Oils And Menthol
Photo by IRA_EVVA/Getty Images

Cannabis ratios for oil tinctures look like: 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, and so on. These ratios generally tell how much CBD to THC is in the product. Here are examples of ratios you may find on oil tinctures:

1:1  a balanced half and half of CBD and THC. Still psychoactive.

4:1  More CBD than THC and considered a middle/mid. Less psychoactive.

8:1  High CBD, low THC and considered the ratio for wanting virtually no high.

Someone may recommend a 1:1 product; however, if you want zero THC, that 1:1 will not be a good choice for you.

RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About Cannabis Oil

Cannabis Spectrums

Generally, tinctures are available in different spectrums when CBD is the focus: full, broad, isolate, and nano. These spectrums determine the range of cannabinoids in the tincture:

Full Spectrum: Contain all of the compounds that the plant carries: the terpenes, essential oils, and cannabinoids- including THC.

Broad Spectrum: The “in between” option of isolate and full spectrums- Broad spectrum will have most of the plant’s compounds but in this spectrum, THC is removed.

Isolate: Known as the purest form it extracts a single compound and “isolates it” from the others. Isolate removes all other compounds leaving just the CBD cannabinoid.

Nano: The water-soluble option- meaning, it dissolves in water.

Terpene Enriched Oil Tinctures

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Terpenes are the oil compounds responsible for the fragrance of the cannabis plant (and many other plants) as well as the flavors, effects, and colors. There are over 20,000 terpenes in existence. The cannabis plant produces about 100 of them.

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Terpenes are important since they contribute to the impact each cannabinoid has on the body. Knowing the terpene profile within the cannabis oil tincture is an important consideration.

Here are a few popular terpenes and their said effects:

  • Myrcene: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibiotic, sedative, anti-mutagenic
  • Limonene: elevated mood, stress relief, anti-fungal, antibacterial
  • Linalool: pain reducer, anti-microbial, reduces anxiety, and lowers depression
  • Humulene: fights tumors, helps terminate cancer cells, antibacterial, anti-fungal

Oil Tinctures with Added Ingredients

Some cannabis oil tinctures are flavored, contain essential oils, and have added carrier agents. CBD in tincture is less potent than CBD oil. This is generally because of the other ingredients being added to enhance the flavor. Some of those ingredients include: herbs, sweeteners, vitamins, and carrier agent like MCT or coconut oil.

A little research will makes a huge difference when it comes to tinctures.

Best Ways To Add CBD To Your Wellness Routine

A wellness routine is essential for the mind and body…adding CBD might give it an extra boost.

In the last 10 years, CBD has surged into the market, putting it on par with super foods and other ways to help the body and mind. While more research needs to be done, CBD has grown to almost an $8 billion global market. There is scientific data CBD helps some things, including sleep disorders, fibromyalgia pain, muscle spasticity, inflammation, some pain and anxiety.

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Science will unlock more benefits from CBD in future, but for now, it can be an add to make life more enjoyable.  While CBD is a chemical found in cannabis, it doesn’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient producing a high. So you can blend it into your daily life without having to worry about catching a buzz.  To help, here are the best ways to add CBD to your wellness routine.


No matter gender and age, meditation is a skill anyone can be developed and honed, providing more relief as you become adept. Some are better at concentrating and meditating than others, which is why CBD might provide some assistance to calm the brain and concentrate.


ask a doctor can marijuana help with my yoga routine
Photo by Rima Kruciene via Unsplash

Yoga is another practice, like meditation, encourages mindfulness and staying in the present moment. It also helps stretch the body, expand flexibility, increase endorphins and encourages the production of dopamine. The consistent use of CBD can help the body stay limber and relaxed and it can also make it easier for the brain to connect with the present moment.

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Anxiety is common, even if it affects people to different degrees. While for some anxiety can be paralyzing and incredibly difficult, for others, it can be managed with regular exercise and meditation. For these people, CBD could help manage emotions and feelings while reducing the odds of experiencing stress. It can improve the daily quality of life.


Stress and hot weather are some causes for acne. CBD may reduce both inflammation and the expression of inflammatory cytokines.  Reliable and tested CBD skincare products may help manage skin and prevent bumps and blemishes. And for people who are suffering from acne, some CBD oil might help cope with inflamed skin and pain of infection.


Other forms of skin irritations, like the ones produced by wearing masks and face coverings, or simply the products you use to care for your skin on a day to day basis, can include CBD.  There’s plenty of oils, balms and creams that prevent the development of zits, skin damages, and more, even when it comes to people with sensitive skin.

Sore muscles

Marijuana’s Effect On Sore, Aching Muscles
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CBD lotions and products can treat topical physical pains and aches including some forms of arthritis or more common ones, like the ones you get after you workout. CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief for muscles that have been overused.


If you’re looking for a different kind of sensation than marijuana or alcohol, try to look for products that contain large amounts of CBD instead. These can be found in vapes, edibles, and tinctures and oil.  It should leave you feeling light and relaxed, ready to do activities and stay productive.

The Best Tips To Stay Calm And Avoid An Anxiety Spiral

Anxiety happens to everyone, but more and more are struggling to get it under control…here are some helpful tips.

Anxiety and stress is a factor of life, but for some, anxiety can be more frequent and last longer. It can disrupt day to day life and cause issues long past the actual reason for the anxiety. Roughly 40 million adults in North America have an anxiety disorder.  And for the first time, the new generation of Gen Z is suffering higher anxiety even though all studies show we live in a safer world.  There are way to help prevent it, but sometimes it creeps up and wham, you are in the moment and don’t know what to do.  Here are the best tips to stay calm and avoid an anxiety spiral.

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It can be hard to pinpoint the moment when anxiety gets of out control, which is why anxious people sometimes find themselves going through different scenarios in their heads, each one more unlikely than the next, yet all equally distressing.  There are certain actions to take to minimize the stress level.

Deep breaths

Deep breathing — or diaphragmatic breathing — can help manage anxiety since an early symptom of spiraling is shallow breathing. Deep breaths, especially ones pulled from the diaphragm, will oxygenate the body and ground you in the present.

To learn how to use your diaphragm for breathing, put a hand on your chest and a hand on the stomach and start taking deep breaths. The hand on your stomach should move with each breath, while the hand on your chest should remain relatively static. Try these breathing techniques whenever you’re anxious.

Do a physical chore

If you’re feeling anxious and jittery, try completing a physical chore, like cleaning the dishes, mowing the lawn or organizing your closet. These tasks allow a brief escape from your thoughts, creating some distance between yourself and the story that your brain is working so hard to tell you. Additionally, the actual act of cleaning and decluttering can boost your mood, help you move your body more, improve focus, and help you feel more in control of your surroundings.

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Distract yourself

Depending on the type of anxiety, try other types of distractions, like watching a movie or listening to music. If you need something more engaging to keep your thoughts from running away from you, try playing a video game with headphones on. Video games require the use of the you to use your body and your brain simultaneously, which is why so many people find them as ideal distractions.

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CBD has greater anti-inflammatory properties than THC, so CBD-dominant products could reduce anxiety by quelling inflammation in the brain and nerves. While more research needs to be done, there is evidence pointing towards a calming effect for CBD in the central nervous system.

Try staying present

Experiment with different methods that help you stay in the moment, whether that’s  closing your eyes or contracting and releasing your muscles. These techniques are very common for keeping you grounded and in the moment, something that can put a stop to anxious thoughts that are keen to distance you from what’s going on right now.

benefits of weed journaling
Photo by Thomas Martinsen via Unsplash

Monitor your thoughts

Keeping track of your thoughts can help prevent anxiety spirals by learning what your trigger points are. Try to pay attention to your moods. Are you feeling irritated? Did someone else’s behavior stress you out? Noticing how you’re feeling in the moment will allow you to find what triggers your anxiety. Tracking behaviors is a very common and helpful thing to practice, allowing you to know yourself better and to avoid any sneak attacks by your feelings.

Marijuana-Infused Water To Beautify And Medicate

This is like whipped cream and cookies – it takes enjoyment to a new level – and can reduce stress…

Spas are a $21+ billion in US and Canada not to mention all the home spa candles, music, etc. Everyone needs a little me time and it doesn’t take to much to covert a regular space to an escape from the anxiety of life.  And what better way to relax than add a little marijuana-infused water to beautify and medicate.

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Cannabis in water can make a difference both mentally and physical. Mental it can help you chill and relax and lose yourself in the moment of bliss.  From a beauty view, it can help with moisturization and hydration. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory property calm skin irritation, redness, and inflammation. Cannabis also contains antioxidants to help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and environmental stressors.

Here is some DIY recipes to turn your home into you own person relaxation station.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Spa Spritz

      • 1 cucumber
      • Rosewater Honey Water
      • Cannabis infused glycerin tincture*

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Optional additives :

      • Hyaluronic acid
      • Omega 7 sea buckthorn oil
      • Collagen

Photos by Maria Penaloza

First skin the cucumber, then blend into a juice using either a juicer, muddler or blonder. If you’re using a blender or muddler add water to help get the nutrients (and liquid) out.

RELATED: Make Your Own Marijuana-Infused Massage Oil Candles

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Add a splash of hot water to some honey to turn it into a quick syrup. Once dissolved add cannabis tincture and mix well. Add cannabis honey syrup to a glass with ice. Pour cucumber juice over ice, add a splash of rosewater, close jar and shake. If you are adding other supplements, add before shaking phase.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Pour cold still or sparkling water over the mixture, garnish with strips you peeled off the cucumber and some slices with the skin on.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

*Glycerin Cannabis tincture:

In an oven safe container double sealed with foil, decarboxylate 3.5 grams finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees Fahrenheit. Put cannabis in a mason jar or vacuum sealed bag, pour over 2 oz vegetable Glycerin and seal tightly. Place in a water bath at just under boiling for 1 hour. Strain and keep contents in a sterilized container. Stores indefinitely in freezer.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Try sipping this while holed up in the tub, it will change your experience dramatically. Now you can be high while you kick back and work on your face all in one simple drink. Not to mention it tastes light, fragrant, and incredible.

Photos: Maria Penaloza 

Key Differences Between Gummies And Joints

There is a big change in consumer behavior…here is some key information it things involve.

With the mainstreaming of marijuana, alcohol is taking a dip in use.  Gen Z are embracing the trend of California sober and all generations are taking a second look at cannabis. The American Medical Association and the College of Physicians have recognized cannabis has medical benefits, and a significant portion of users are using it for anxiety and sleep. Microdosing has become a thing to help people manage stress, focus, and more.

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But how people consume has evolved, so has how they have consumed.  Traditionally, people smoke a joint, or a bong or bowl.  Homemade edibles were popular, but not nearly as used as inhaling.  With with legal marijuana, come reliable, flavorful products which have captured the public’s eye – and wallet.  And gummies and vapes are discreet, on-the-go ways to consume with the added benefit of discretion.  In data collected from BDSA, a leading analytical firm who covers cannabis, shared 49% of those who have used marijuana have used a gummy.

While both edibles and flower contain THC, the highs they produce are not exactly the same. Here are the key differences between gummies and joints.

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THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects. It is one of many compounds found in the resin secreted by glands of the marijuana plant.  It acts much like the cannabinoid chemicals made naturally by the body, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).  Cannabinoid receptors are concentrated in certain areas of the brain associated with thinking, memory, pleasure, coordination and time perception. THC attaches to these receptors and activates them and affects a person’s memory, pleasure, movements, thinking, concentration, coordination, and sensory and time perception, according to NIDA.

RELATED: How To Make Your Edibles Taste Less Like Weed


With over 50% of the population having access to legal dispensaries, the difficult guess from homemade treats are over. Retail purchased gummies usually have 10mg. Microdosing usually is 2.5-5 mg, so you might want to consider a half if you are a newbie.

Smoking can vary based on the strengthen of the flower and how much you inhale. Dispensary purchased pre-rolled joints usually give an idea of the strengthen, so pay attention to how you are feeling before you toke another time.

Photo by Greg Raines via Unsplash


Inhaled marijuana takes goes straight to the blood via the lungs. It can take 1 to 15 minutes to kick in, peaking for an hour or so before the effects start to fade. The high can last 6 hours after use.

Edible cannabis has to be digested and metabolized via the stomach then to the liver, so it could take up to an hour to kick in and two hours for the high to peak. The high will fade over the next three hours can last 8-12 hours after use.

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marijuana overdose
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Timing, dosage and absorption can provide a different high, so the effects are personal to you. Edibles can sometimes induce a more intense, intoxicating high than smoking. But smoking can provide a longer high with the constant puff, puff, puff.

Trial and error help decide the best method for you.

Pizza Bath Bombs Are The Best Soak Topping

Why not marry to fun things to truly relax?

Nothing comforts the worries of your day like a slice of pizza. The melting cheese and delicious topping coat your mouth with a blanket, telling you it’ll be all right, sweet child. A motherly feel, almost, except without any of the familial baggage. Similar is the experience of a good soak in the tub. Why not combine two wonderful things into one relaxing treat.  Well, now pizza bath bombs are a real!

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It makes sense, the bath bomb industry is worth $24 million annually and millions love a good soak. From muscle relaxation and stress reduction to improved sleep quality and skin health, bathing transcends the ordinary, elevating it to a ritual of self-care and luxury.  Why not combine it with pizza – which is a $250 billion food.  Well, someone has created the pizza bath bomb.

Baths have been used for millennia to not only keep clean, but immerse the body in warm, soapy water, which can slow our heart rates, soften the skin, help to open up pores, and generally just make us feel good.  Bath bombs release minerals and emollients into the soapy warm water to refresh and rejuvenate skin while hopefully helping the bather look and feel great. Fragrant oils are put in them to give aromatherapeutic qualities for the bath time also, helping the body unwind after a long day, release stress, reset and refresh in the warm water.

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Stress can be hard on the body. Stress has been connected to a number of ailments, including:

  • Sore muscles
  • Heart disease
  • Hair loss
  • Acid reflux
  • A weakened immune system
  • Weight gain

Some research studies also suggest that a type of warm bath therapy may have positive effects on people living with depression. Warm baths are linked to decreases in stress hormones and more balanced serotonin levels, which help regulate mood.

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