Sunday, March 23, 2025

Curious About Paraphilia And Other Things

Paraphilia is a fancy word for sexual deviation, which can range from harmless yet strange behaviors like being very attracted to feet (podophilia, if you wanna get technical) to the more disturbing and famous deviations, like pedophilia.

There are all types of sources for sexual arousal and many of them aren’t disorders, that’s to say that they don’t impair people’s lives. They’re just quirks you might’ve not noticed. Anil Aggrawal, renowned doctor and professor, said it best with this quote, “like allergies, sexual arousal may occur from anything under the sun, including the sun.”

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We’ve compiled a list of the weirdest – and we mean weird – paraphilias we could find. Check out the list below to see if your quirky sexual preferences made the cut.



The word sounds a little like arachnid, but no, thankfully it has nothing to do with spiders. Actirasty is the sexual arousal to the sun’s rays. For those who take their love of the beach a little too far.


That’s a scary name for people who get turned on by having sex in front of mirrors, which isn’t all that weird.


Arousal to stuttering. Which is really nice for people who have a stutter.


Watch out museum goers, there are people out there who’re actually attracted to statues. Now you know to keep your distance when someone seems a little too into the mannequin at the store. 


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Stairs. Or better yet, getting turned on by falling down the stairs.


Arousal to bees and wax. We can wrap our minds around the wax part, because candles and all of that, but… bees?!


The name pretty much says it all; there are people in the world who get turned on by sucking on other people’s noses.


While it sounds slightly murder-ish, this paraphilia claims that some people get aroused by being physically cold and watching others be cold. That’s just cruel.


Arousal to the thought of hellfire and damnation. Just… Wow. 


Arousal to reproductive-aged adults. Which sounds very appropriate and healthy.


Getting turned on by wood. Literally.



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