Monday, June 17, 2024

medical cannabis

Refurbished Arizona Bank Becomes Marijuana Drive-Thru

In Sun City, Ariz., shopping for marijuana will now be just as easy as a refurbished bank becomes a medical marijuana drive-thru.

California Veterinarian Wants Medical Marijuana For Pets

He is aware of the controversy of medical marijuana for pets, but the Oakland, Calif.-based vet has seen enough anecdotal evidence to sway him.

This Marijuana Topical Company Can Help Solve Your Pain Issues

Cannabis is listed as a schedule 1 drug, which means it has no medicinal benefit whatsoever, but thousands are helped everyday with marijuana topicals.

There Is Now Proof That Cannabis Is Saving Lives In Colorado

Multiple studies have suggested that marijuana may help wean opioid users off the highly addictive substance. Yes, cannabis is saving lives in Colorado.

How Medical Marijuana Can Effect Bipolar Disorder

Depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder include physical fatigue, guilty feelings, suicidal fantasies, excessive sadness and disrupted concentration.

Long Lines To Grow Medical Cannabis in Arkansas

There were long, long lines to grow medical cannabis in Arkansas. Those who wish to grow and distribute cannabis showed up in droves on...

Marijuana’s Delta 3 Carene: The Terpene With Tons Of Medical Benefits

When it comes to the medicinal effect of cannabis, people tend to think the plant’s most valuable benefits are located within the cannabinoids.

The Secret To Treating Chronic Pain With Cannabis

Jim McMahon spoke about the stigma that remains present in the NFL towards those players who wish to treat their chronic pain with cannabis.
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