Saturday, February 8, 2025

4 Super-Discreet Ways To Use Marijuana

Even in states that have legalized the leaf for recreational purposes, there are still plenty of situations where smoking a joint or hitting a vape pen will not fly.

Marijuana is headed into the mainstream, no doubt about it. But that does not mean it is socially acceptable in all circles. Even in states that have legalized the leaf for recreational purposes, there are still plenty of situations where smoking a joint or hitting a vape pen will not fly. So, what is the outcast cannabis connoisseur supposed to do — stay sober, pop pills like the rest of the goons in the office, or watch along the sidelines as co-workers knock back bottles of booze after 5 p.m.?

The world today is rough enough without being forced to face it head on devoid of a buzzed mindset to help dismiss the lunacy of politics, water cooler chatter and other white noise reverberating around the asylum that is the daily grind. Thankfully, the scientific minds of the cannabis trade have found a solution to keeping America stoned on the down low.

Klear Cannabis Syrup

The best method for medicating inconspicuously is to do it in plain sight. It is for this reason that Klear Cannabis infused syrup is the perfect product for anyone looking to get high without being detected. This edible THC can be mixed in water, coffee or any other beverage for that matter. It can also be taken like regular cough syrup. But it is wise to figure out the preferred dosage before using this product at work. Each bottle contains 1,000 mg of THC, so it can be easy to over-consume. Experiment with this syrup over the weekend. You’ll be a well-versed THC mixologist by Monday morning.

Quigley’s Cannabis Shot

Another fine product for the secret stoner to keep in his or her arsenal is Quigley’s Cannabis Shot. This liquid THC delivery system is similar to the energy shots found in truck stops all across the country. Only instead of caffeine, this liquid comes packed with THC. These shots are “the fastest way to ease the day,” according to the product’s website.

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The high effects of the shots, which come in sizes ranging from 10mg to 50 mg, last for hours. They are also gluten-free, caffeine-free, and contain zero calories and no fat. It allows the user to be high and health conscious. What’s better than that?

Pot Shotz

In the days where almost everyone seems to be using protein and energy powders, it stands to reason that a THC-infused powder would be a great method for medicating without arousing suspicion. And we found a good one. Pot Shotz is a single serving THC powder pack that can be mixed with any beverage. Add it to your morning coffee at work to maintain a buzz during the day, and then add it to an after-work cocktail. The Pot Shotz packs come in 10 mg single doses.

The only snag with this product is it can take up to two hours to feel the effects. However, the slow and steady technique is sometimes better for beginners, as it does not blast them out of their minds all at once.

Photo by Nisangha/Getty Images

Make Your Own Tincture

Although a growing number of states have legalized marijuana for recreational use, not everyone has the luxury of shopping for pot products at their local dispensary. For these folks, getting stoned on the down low can prove a bit more challenging. But there is a simple solution: Homemade tinctures. Marijuana tinctures are old school. This is how pot was sold in pharmacies before the federal government moved to outlaw cannabis. Not only do these concoctions absorb into the blood stream rather quickly, they are versatile and super discreet.

Add a tincture to any beverage or simply drop it under the tongue. The easiest way to make a cannabis tincture is to use a Magical Butter machine. At around $190, it is a solid investment for anyone wanting to make cannabis oil, cannabutter and, of course, tinctures. You can find the recipe here.


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