Sunday, January 26, 2025

5 Ways Cannabis Can Help With Common Summertime Ailments

We’re all geared up to enjoy summer after months in quarantine. And while Vitamin D is great, sunburns, bug bites and overheating can be a total buzzkill. Here’s how cannabis and CBD can help.

It’s finally (almost) here: sweet, sweet, summertime! Summer is a season that’s meant to be enjoyed. From spending more time outdoors thanks to longer days, to glorious weather that makes you want to jump in the pool or drive to the beach (while taking precautions, of course), there’s a lot to love about this time of year.

But then… there’s also the other side of the seasonal debate. Summer also means extreme heat, sunburn, and bug bites, which can be a downer.  

If you want to enjoy the summer as much as possible, cannabis and CBD can help. Here’s how.


Photo by Charles McQuillan/Stringer/Getty Images

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Did you spend a little too much time in the sun? Ouch. Sunburns hurt, there’s no sugarcoating it. But don’t spend money on aloe this year. Instead, try CBD for some relief. There hasn’t been a lot of official research on CBD to treat sunburn specifically, but studies show CBD is effective for treating pain and inflammation. (Two of sunburns unfortunate side effects.) Try applying CBD topically a few times a day until your symptoms improve.

Better Sleep  

Photo by kevin laminto via Unsplash

If you have trouble sleeping when it gets hot in your home, you’re not alone. Many adults have trouble getting enough solid shuteye without cool air at night. That’s where cannabis can help. A 2008 study found that cannabis with higher levels of THC can reduce the amount of REM sleep you get at night. Less REM sleep may mean fewer dreams, and more “deep sleep.” This can also result in less tossing and turning when it gets hot.

Bug Bites

Photo by Егор Камелев via Unsplash

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Depending on where you live, mosquito bites may be an inevitable annoyance once the weather heats up. Don’t suffer this year, though. CBD oil can help with bug bites, too. Here’s how: When you get a mosquito bite, it’s actually inflamed, swollen, and red skin. Topical CBD oil can help reduce the inflammation and swelling, so your bites will go down and you won’t feel as itchy.

Cool Down

Photo by sheri silver via Unsplash

Living without AC in the summer can be a nightmare. While cannabis can’t reduce your body temperature, it can be turned into ice cream and popsicles. A cool treat can be just what you need on a hot day to feel better.

Chilling Out  

Photo by KAL VISUALS via Unsplash

Summer is supposed to be a laid-back time. If you still find yourself stressed or anxious, CBD may be able to help. A 2019 study found that 79% of adults living with anxiety were able to sleep better at night after just a month of trying CBD. Try some the next time you feel worried or stressed (or can’t sleep on a camping or road trip) it is summer after all!


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