Friday, March 14, 2025

Banding Together: The Cannabis Community Supports From Within

The movement to legalize cannabis rode in on a wave of compassion and love in the 1970’s. Good people were sick of good people going to jail for a plant or suffering in illness when a no-side-effects treatment was right in front of them. They also enjoyed their weed, of course, but it was about more than that, and still is.

California was the first state to go medical in 1996 and champions like Dennis Peron, Brownie Mary and Jack Herer. Not only coudl those trailblazer tell you the lurid history of pot prohibition as well as the actual miracles of the plant, they were helping every sick and disenfranchised person they could with the best medicine they could get their hands on.

In this highly digitalized age, now there are ways for the community to support each other without having to fly across country with medical marijuana stashed in their luggage. Because of the prevalence of cannabis and the fact that most of the U.S. has medical or adult use laws, money does the trick. And sometimes money, not cannabis, is what’s needed.

Recently Rick Cusick—doting father, former editor and associate publisher of High Times, NORML board member and cofounder of the cannabis company Whoopi & Maya—was diagnosed with advanced cirrhosis of the liver. He fell very ill and, unable to work through the pain, started a Go Fund Me page to ease the pressure. The cannabis community has showed an outpouring of compassion and support, though the campaign wages on.

Scott Negron is a former decorated firefighter from California  and Florida. A father, musician, businessman, and medical cannabis activist, he suffered from chronic pain and Crohn’s Disease for over 20 years. In 2010, Scott started  to treat his chronic pain and Crohn’s disease successfully with medical cannabis. The plant renewed Scott’s health and quality of life. Then in 2015, police raided Scott’s home. A Go Fund Me went up to free him from his 10-year jail sentence and went a long way in doing so.

Tony is a devoted husband, father, brother, grandfather, uncle and friend and was sadly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on August 31st. The official diagnosis came at Dana Farber on 9/12/18. The cancer is incurable, only treatable. The goal of his Go Fund Me is to keep healthy, comfortable and maintain the ability to enjoy life. His family plans on using cannabis oil along with chemotherapy to treat him.

All of the above causes—plus many more cannabis-based causes—are waiting for much needed support. Just search Go Fund Me for “medical marijuana” to see the need. Join the cannabis army of wellness if you’re so inclined and help a fellow imbiber who’s down on their luck. It’s what the movement was founded on: getting help to those who require it most.


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