Sunday, March 16, 2025

Cannabis Nuns Create Weed Commune And CBD Products

The Sisters of the Valley have dedicated their lives, not entirely to cannabis, but to the concept of true sisterhood. They are a women owned and operated business that raked in over $1.1 million dollars in sales last year alone via cannabis products. They do take vows, but poverty is not one of them.

Clothed in habits, yet not affiliated with any religious organization, they don’t believe that any sort of blasphemy is being practiced. “Religion made a mockery of itself,” Sister Kate, whose real name is Christine Meeusen, told ABC News, “We didn’t have to help them.”

Sister Sierra explained that this commune of women who live together, work together and pray together, “are truly sisters, truly nuns” in that manner. They don’t exclude all men, however. There are two “Brothers” who also live there. Meeusen said that they do indeed need men around, but that the business and affiliated town offices were to be continuously owned and operated by women.

As matriarch in chief of The Sisters of the Valley, Meeusen is a believer in taxes as well as the spiritual properties of the cannabis they grow, which is a strain high in CBD and without THC. Meeusen grew up in the Netherlands where 50 percent of income is paid out in taxes, which then goes toward universal health care, guaranteed retirement and a lack of homelessness.

The six vows the sisters take do include chastity, but not abstinence from sex, just a privatization of it. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, as the religious are wont to say. Other vows revolve around service and activism.

The farm they live and cultivate on produces medical grade cannabis which they in turn produce into a line of products that are used for depression, chronic pain, insomnia, achy joints and anxiety. CBD products have been projected to reach $2 billion in the cannabis marketplace by 2022.

According to their website, “The Sisters prepare all of their products during moon cycles, inspired by ancient wisdom.” The most popular of the products is the salve, which brings in around $3,000 a day.

Religious organizations are often big business machines and so goes The Sisters of the Valley. They just have a different higher power than most institutions.


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