Friday, October 18, 2024


Could CBD-Infused Lifestyle Products Be The Next Big Cannabis Marketplace?

In the heart of Texas at SXSW, there were vendors selling marijuana. Not bud, but instead they were selling hemp-derived CBD products.

Wisconsin Town Thinks A $1 Fine For Marijuana Is Too Much Money

The town agreed that even $1 was too much to pay for such a harmless crime, and agreed to remove any fine from the books altogether.

It’s Official: More People Die In SWAT Marijuana Raids Than Cannabis ODs

The number of marijuana-related SWAT raids in the last seven years that have resulted in someone’s death: Twenty. The number of cannabis ODs? So. Much Less.

This Is What Lyft Is Doing To Keep People From Driving High In Colorado

Lyft has partnered with the Colorado Department of Transportation to help combat driving high for those under the influence of marijuana.

This Congresswoman Is Demanding Federal Marijuana Decriminalization

Tulsi Gabbard urged Congress toward federal marijuana decriminalization, introducing bipartisan legislations to to remove the drug from the federal controlled substances list.

Recreational Marijuana In Illinois? Get Ready Because It’s Happening

Middle America could see its first legal marijuana state because piece of legislation aimed at legalizing recreational marijuana has been filed.

Massachusetts Budget Officials: Expect $100 Million a Year in Marijuana Taxes

At the first hearing on Marijuana Policy in Boston, it was discussed how to best institute the Massachusetts’ new marijuana laws.

Here’s Why Woody Harrelson Quit Using Marijuana For Good

Woody Harrelson shocked us by claiming that he hasn’t consumed marijuana in over a year after being one of Hollywood’s biggest and most vocal proponents.

You Can Now Get Your Weed Through A Drive-Thru Window In Colorado

Feeling dankrupt in Colorado, but don’t want to get out of your car to go into a dispensary? There’s a business model for that. Marijuana drive-thru.

Why We Love The Anaxy Star: It Grinds And Stores Two Kinds Of Herb

Anaxy Star has been referred to as the world’s most creative grinder, and for a good reason: It grinds and stores two kinds of herb

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