Friday, October 18, 2024


Science Proves That Marijuana Users Are Cooler Than Drunks

The stereotype of the belligerent drunk and of the peace-hugging, artistically inclined smoker: Turns out that MJ users are cooler. We knew that.

Despite Anti-Marijuana Rhetoric, Jeff Sessions Isn’t Changing Anything

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions created a lot of buzz on Wednesday by claiming marijuana use is “only slightly less awful” than heroin addiction.

Get Happy-Go-Lucky With This Cannabis Infused Irish Soda Bread

Soda bread gets busy from using regular old baking soda. Soda driven bakes are known as quick breads, and are more simple to put together than yeast breads.

The Trudeau Effect: Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients Have Quadrupled

When Justin Trudeau became Canada's prime minister in October 2015, and by December of 2016 there were 129,876 qualified marijuana patients.

So, Yesterday Jeff Sessions Said Marijuana Is ‘Only Slightly Less Awful’ Than Heroin

Jeff Sessions took his dislike of marijuana to a whole new level by saying that marijuana use is “only slightly less awful” than heroin addiction.

Hawaii Lawmakers: ‘Marijuana’ Rooted In Racial Stereotypes, Call It Cannabis

Hawaii Sen. Mike Gabbard vehemently opposes the word "marijuana." It is a “slang term” that has “prejudicial implications rooted in racial stereotypes.”

Feds Want To Know: Are Teens Replacing Drugs With Smartphones?

For the past decade, studies demonstrate that teenagers are using drugs at a lower rate and experts have struggled to pinpoint the reason.

Arizona Veterans Fighting To Allow Medical Marijuana On Campuses

An ambitious group of Arizona veterans are fighting to allow patients the ability to use medical marijuana on campus without disciplinary action.

Study: 83 Percent Of California Adults Want To Use Marijuana Products

Enlucem has announced the results of a detailed consumer study of Californians’ attitudes toward marijuana products and it seems everyone is on board.

Marijuana Vending Machine Firm Caught In Stock Sham

It's the SEC that is doing the investigating — and it has found one marijuana vending machine company engaging in stock shenanigans.

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