She said an unwillingness to let go of an item from a former lover, for example, may indicate that one is still emotionally attached to an aspect of the past.
Wednesday is tough. It's the middle of the week and we're all tired. So here are five of the cutest animal videos we could find, all featuring different cuties doing different silly things.
It's 2019 and the world is pretty bleak, so why not escape into the darkest experiences of our recent past? Here are some of our favorite true crime podcasts currently available for streaming.
It doesn’t take much explaining to see why having some cannabis in this mix would also be a great daily dose — cookies are among the most popular edibles.
This week's meme has no clear origin, but it pokes fun at the fact that when you go to an "Ellen" taping, you'll likely meet your hero, leave with an unexpected present, or be scared to death by a someone jumping out of a box.
During a visit to the Science Museum in London, Her Majesty posted an image to Instagram to @theRoyalFamily in front of a cheering crowd, who got to see, first hand, history being made.
Aside from the cold weather that sucks in general, if you live in a place where there’s snow, odds are you'll experience at least one day where leaving the house is impossible. And that's not always a bad thing.
JetBlue wants to offer interested customers the opportunity to fly with them free of charge for an entire year. The catch is, you'll have to delete all of your Instagram photos to be able to participate.