Saturday, September 21, 2024


John Fetterman Changes Senate, Now SAFE Banking

US Senator John Fetterman changes Senate, Now SAFE Banking please, isn't being an elected official about making life better, not changing dress codes?

Marijuana Users Gain Less Weight Than Non-Users

A new study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology shows that people who use marijuana tend to weigh less.

Does Frequent Male Marijuana Use Impact Pregnancy

A new study suggests that men intending to conceive a child with their partner should reconsider their marijuana use.

Tip For Putting Dating In A Different Light

If you hate dating, you're not alone. The important thing is to keep trying, hold on, and try to get as much from the process as you possibly can.

This Activity Helps Those With Depression And Anxiety

A new study shows that exercise is extremely helpful for people coping with a mental health condition.

Sleeping In On Weekends May Offer No Benefits

A new study claims that no matter how much we nap and sleep in on weekends there's no way of eliminating the negative side effects that come with an irregular sleep schedule.

Is Weekday Weed And Weekend Beer Trend

Cannabis appears to have replaced the post-work drink for a significant portion of those living in legal marijuana jurisdictions.

Doing This Every Day Can Boost Your Creativity

A new study finds that a simple everyday activity can help you cultivate your creativity and use it to benefit your life.

Marijuana More Potent Than In The 70s

Cannabis consumers are probably getting a lot higher these days than when Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter were still leading the country.

Do We Need Supercharged Cannabis

Marijuana proponents are ecstatic because this super THC discovery means there is higher quality medicine from this plant.

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