Saturday, September 7, 2024


A Fun Way To Help Your Cold Symptoms

Quiz time. It's cold season and you're all stuffed up. Do you 1) reach for the hot tea 2) Head to the steam room or 3) get yourself an orgasm?

This Matcha Smoothie Recipe Will Make 2018 Great

Start your New Year off right with this protein packed matcha smoothie, it's just what you need after an over-indulgent holiday season.

5 Tips To Help You Get Fit After All Those Holiday Treats

The holiday season blurs all sorts of time and space, making us feel like we've been living in a parallel universe where eating, drinking and sleeping is what life's all about.

Standing Up Is Your New Weight Loss Secret For 2018

It's time to take a stand in order to lose weight. According to researchers at Sweden's University of Gothenburg, standing upright could trigger your body's "internal bathroom scale."

5 Changes To Your Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

Energy and self-control are intricately linked; the more our energy is wasted, the harder it is to to get things done. Let's talk about your morning routine.

Puppy Pilates Is A New Workout Trend The World Desperately Needs

A fitness studio in North Carolina, had the brilliant idea to use puppies in their Pilates class. Because who doesn't love puppies?

4 Signs That Indicate You Might Be Polyamorous, Even If You’re Single

Polyamory includes "solo polyamory," a term that refers to people who have several secondary partners without a primary one.

5 Body Parts That You’re Probably Washing Wrong

While the following doesn't demand that you spend hours in the shower, they do request a little attention from time to time.

5 Ways To Easily Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder

Wintertime is a season filled with extreme emotions, ranging from happiness during the holidays, to bouts of depression, anxiety, stress due to end-of-year expenses and the bitter winter cold.

Science: Eating Lots Of This Food Makes You More Attractive

Scientists at the University of St Andrews found that carotenoid pigments — the orangey-red pigments found in fruit and vegetables — positively affects skin color.

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