Wednesday, March 19, 2025

5 Videos Of Cute Animals For This Week: June 24

There’s no better pick-me-up than the one you get when you see a clip of an animal acting silly, which is why we’ve compiled this weekly column. These short videos feature all sorts of animals, providing you with that much needed rush of endorphins. 

This week’s column features three adorable poodles with matching haircuts, one smiling fox, a pug that appears to be plugged into an outlet, a puppy that fits inside the palm of your hand, and a dog doing really dumb and dog-like things.  Check them out!

Three poodles

RELATED: 5 Videos Of Cute Animals To Get You Through This Week: June 17

This video starts off with two identical looking poodles squaring off in front of each other, only differentiated by the fact that one of them is wearing a little dog-dress with a cherry print. Then another identical poodle steps in, making you realize why the Instagram account is called Three Cereals.

A happy fox

If this fox is anything to go by then foxes are very loud creatures who appear to scream when they’re really happy. This little guy’s loud noises would be concerning and terrifying if we didn’t have the visual of his smile and the fact that he’s rolling around happily over hay.

A plugged in pug

A perfectly placed outlet and smartphone cable give this video an extra layer of fun. It’s a sleeping pug that’s charging its batteries and that also happens to snore very very loudly.

The tiniest pup

RELATED: 5 Videos Of Cute Animals To Get You Through This Week: June 10

Teacup puppies look like they’re too good to be true. Their size is perfect for traveling and playing and they’re way cuter than normal dogs because they have the ability to fit inside your pocket. Your pocket! They’re your childhood dream.

A really dumb dog

It’s common to spot your dog doing something hilarious and embarrassing, just like this guy in the video. Although the Instagram account appears to be inactive, Giorgio’s post used to be a reliable source of hilarity and adorableness. The photos and videos are worth a visit.


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