Saturday, September 7, 2024

Bromances Facilitate Male Threesomes

It seems to be, bromances facilitate male threesomes. Traditionally they are between two women and one man, or at least that’s what most people think. A recent study from Dr. Ryan Scoats discovered that new generations of straight men are more flexible to the idea of participating in threesomes with other men, particularly if they’re close friends. 

According to the Daily Mail, Scoats surveyed over 30 male students from UK Universities and found that a third of them had been involved in threesomes during their second year of college. Six of them had also had more than one threesome. Out of these students, Scoats discovered that those who’d had threesomes with one other males didn’t interact much between each other during sex.

‘You get to “high five” your mate over her back and that’s about it really.’

Said one of the interviewees. Other accounts explain that men use these threesomes as a way of bonding with their closest friends. These interactions are being labeled as semi-sexual, because even though the men didn’t interact with each other, they both interacted with the woman simultaneously.

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Scoats theorized that the acceptance of bromances and the decrease in homophobia are making these encounters more accepted and less taboo, because they don’t challenge men’s sexuality. He also explained that in another one of his studies, where he only interviewed women, he found that they feel less comfortable with threesomes with two other men, they feel they would be objectified or like the sex would be ‘brutal’.

My only knowledge of men, like two males, one female threesomes is from porn, and it always just seems absolutely brutal.”

The way that this fear is decreased is if the woman feels like the other guys are interacting between each other during the threesome, and that she isn’t the sole focus of the activity.  

Scoats concluded that even though threesomes are on the rise, the topic is still taboo and not discussed openly. So, bromances facilitate male threesomes is a good thing in a fluid world.


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