Fireworks can trigger a dog’s nervous system, quickly overwhelming their senses. Here’s what we know about CBD and your furry BFF.
People have been noticing a lot of fireworks lately. Maybe it’s due to the fact that we spend most of our time bored indoors, that cities are quieter than usual, or that people just don’t care anymore.
According to the New York Times, there are lots of conspiracy theories floating around regarding the origins of these nightly airshows: “The flood of illegal fireworks, heard in nightly booms, bangs and fizzles across the city and the country, has intensified to such a degree that some people are desperately seeking explanations for the chaos, with many suggesting government complicity.”
One thing is certain: Dogs don’t care about your junk theories.
Fourth of July is fast approaching, so we have to be prepared. Here’s where CBD might come in handy.
A lot of pets go missing or start acting out of character when there’s an increase in fireworks. These loud sounds cause dogs’ adrenaline to spike. Fireworks, unlike thunder and other loud sounds, come from the ground, triggering dogs senses and leaving them overstimulated. While a lot of people protect their dogs by giving them medication or keeping them indoors with the TV on, sometimes these options aren’t enough to keep your dog relaxed.
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Is there any science to support these claims of CBD treating canine anxiety?
The Huffington Post spoke with Dr. Adam Christman, an award winning veterinarian from New Jersey, who claims that most of the evidence out there on CBD is anecdotal. He mentions the first scientific study on CBD oil conducted on dogs, which found that those who suffered from osteoarthritis lived more comfortably if they were given two doses of the compound a day.

“However, we are truly unsure of its true safety and potential drug interactions with traditional medications. Therefore, there’s a very gray zone on this,” he said.
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While most experts agree that more research needs to be conducted on the topic of CBD, there appears to be no risks in dogs consuming it, especially if you’re buying products from a trusted source and following their dosage instructions.
If your dog is very nervous and has a complicated history with fireworks, it might be best to avoid experimentation, at least for now. Stick with medicines that have provided scientifically sound results, like tranquilizers. When the stakes are lower and your dog is experiencing some anxiety, give CBD a try. Just make sure to purchase your product from a reputable source.