While scrolling through social media, you might have stumbled upon a video of a woman tapping her front camera (your screen) with her really long nails.
According to Buzzfeed, the girl in questions is Sammie Lewis, an 18-year-old Tik Tok user who gained internet notoriety with a video called “ tea 4 u.”
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The video is nothing memorable or special. It’s just a girl talking about her day and her encounter with some random guy. The striking, and later viral, part is her whole ritual. Before launching into Tik Tok stories, Lewis, with Starbucks drink in hand, takes a very dramatic sip and loudly and jarringly taps her acrylic nails onto her phone’s front camera. “I don’t really know where it came from, I was just feeling a bust of energy I guess,” explains Lewis.
Drinking and spilling tea have always been sources of inspiration for memes, from Kermit the Frog to all sorts of gifs and photo reactions. It’s partially why this video seems to have resonated with so many users. I guess the fact that it’s its own special breed of annoying also helps.
New versions of the meme imitate Lewis’ movements, superimpose her face onto other clips, or simply borrow her now haunting sound. Let’s get over this meme as soon as possible, okay? Check out some of the best below:
— fart enthusiast (@blnnko) April 4, 2019
The eagle coming back everyday for Prometheus’ regenerated liver pic.twitter.com/AhOM1IydRI
— Sailor Bluto (@Ughfine88) April 4, 2019
we support her pic.twitter.com/Ita6wsJGhL
— brooke (@die4xcx) April 2, 2019
h e r e ‘ s pic.twitter.com/m4hk4b0lts
— thomas (@katsujenner) April 3, 2019
My therapist: the “here’s the motherfucking tea” girl isn’t real, she can’t hurt you
The here’s the motherfucking tea girl: pic.twitter.com/h8exZdLmKB
— kid in a spider-man costume (@pxnkpaint) April 2, 2019
if i see the video of the white girl who says “here’s the mf tea” again i will go Feral
— ??? ✦ mingyu & ken day
(@starlitxuxi) April 1, 2019