Because Skittles and Starburst apparently aren’t good enough as-is, they’re getting a spicy makeover. The Wrigley Company, which owns both candies, tells People that we can expect the new spicy Skittles to hit candy aisles in December. New Skittles flavors include: Fiery Watermelon, Blazin’ Mango, Flamin’ Orange, Sizzlin’ Strawberry and Lemon Spark, while the Starburst are similarly flavored with Fiery Watermelon, Strawberry Mango, Flamin’ Orange and Pipin’ Pineapple.
It won’t be a total shocker if these hot and spicy candies take a nosedive into the discontinued bin like many of their predecessors. Messing with the flavor of your favorite candy isn’t always a good idea. But sometimes it is. Love ’em or hate ’em, here are 8 candy flavors that never found their footing, but we sort of wish they did.
1. Mounds Island Orange
Back in 2006, Mounds was flavored orange, with the coconut dyed to match. The limited edition flavor wasn’t around long, just like its limited edition flavor the year prior: Key Lime with a white chocolate coating.
2. Reese’s Pieces With Nuts
This Peanut M&Ms doppelganger first debuted in the 80s, then again in the early 2000s. And as of 2016, it’s back on shelves, with new packaging. How long will they stick around this time?
3. M&Ms Coconut
Chocolate and coconut is proven compatibility, and M&M nailed it with their coconut version. As an added bonus, these M&Ms were larger than their other flavors. Currently, the company is offering a similar “real coconut” flavor at their M&M’S World US locations for a limited time only.
4. Cookies & Milky Way
This was just one flavor in the “Cookies &” series introduced by Mars Inc., in which a cookie bar was topped with a specific candy from the Mars Inc. family (incestuous!). The bars came and went in 2002.
5. Hershey’s Orange Creme Kisses
Orange and chocolate candies were all the rage back in 2007, when Hershey’s debuted this flavor. And it could make a comeback, as Hershey’s is prone to re-release their limited flavors.
6. Reese’s Peanut Butter & Banana Creme Cups
Back in 2007, Reese’s put out a special edition of its peanut butter cup that featured banana cream to mark Elvis Presley’s famous love of peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Not to be confused with their Reese’s King cups.

7. Snickers Nut ‘n Butter Crunch
The caramel found in a regular Snickers bar was replaced with peanut butte. Great idea, right? Sadly, it was available for only a limited time in 2008. Maybe if they kept the caramel, things would have been different.
8. Cookies n’ Creme Twix
Mars Inc. took a page out of the Snickers Nut ‘n Butter Crunch handbook and replaced the caramel in a traditional Twix with a layer of cookies and cream. Just like its Chocolate Fudge counterpart, it was discontinued in the early 1990s.