Friday, July 26, 2024

Fast-Food Workers Might Suffer Because Millennials Don’t Like People

Nobody said personal interaction was a strong suit of Millennials. They’re having less sex, fewer babies, and getting hitched later in life.

Nobody said personal interaction was a strong suit of Millennials. They’re having less sex, fewer babies, and getting hitched later in life. And now, it turns out, they’re avoiding face-to-face contact with restaurant employees whenever possible.

According to a recent survey (by way of Salon), this trend signals a potential shift from human employees to automated kiosks.

In the survey, nearly 31 percent of millennials said that the reason they use the drive-thru isn’t speed or convenience, but because doing so requires the least amount of actual human interaction.

That’s good news if you’re in the robot business, bad news if you’re a fast-food employee.

Says Andy Puzder, CEO of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr.:

I’ve been inside restaurants where we’ve installed ordering kiosks … and I’ve actually seen young people waiting in line to use the kiosk where there’s a person standing behind the counter, waiting on nobody.

If that sobering comment leaves you feeling a little disappointed with the human race, there are still some people who like a personal touch. The same survey found that 59 percent of those polled appreciated the attendant asking about their day. You know, if that attendant isn’t a Millennial.



The Feds Have Until November To Help Veterans

The Feds have until November to help veterans with PTSD, chronic pain and more...let's hope time doesn't run out.


Science Does Not Support Your Coffee Addiction

A pair of new studies reveal that you should limit the amount of coffee you drink if you want a healthy heart.

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