Wednesday, January 15, 2025

WATCH: Berlin Orchestra Pays Homage To Currywurst In Best Way Possible

There’s something delightful about watching food being cooked to its very own soundtrack.

It’s what happened to currywurst when the Berlin Konzerthaus (concert house) paid tribute to its iconic hometown streetfood (there’s even a museum dedicated to it). In the quick (less than) 40 second video, we see the life of a wurst: on the grill, being sliced, squirted with curry ketchup, tooth-picked and ultimately, remnants of its existence tossed in the trash. And every single corresponding sound is performed by a musician.

The sausage is one of several stars the orchestra scored. An entire series was created — all focusing on the buzzing and whirling sounds of Berlin.  Take a listen:

Other videos in the series include a photo booth, skateboarding, and driving through the city.


The Best Cocktails To Get You Through The Week

Back to work, less light, fires and more - 2025 is coming in hot. Here are the best cocktails to get you through the week.


What To Know About Marijuana And Plastic Surgery

January is the most popular season for a nick and tuck, so here is what to know about marijuana and plastic surgery.

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