Friday, October 18, 2024

Brides Magazine Shares Marijuana Is The Ultimate Aphrodisiac

If you are already a cannabis connoisseur, you likely know that cannabis is one of the world’s best aphrodisiacs. Whether CBD or a strain bred for intimacy (or a lucky draw from the random strain you picked up at the dispensary), our endocannabinoid systems are built to take in the cannabis and transform it into an experience. Weed is an enhancement drug all around, and it enhances the way we relate to each other from the bedroom to a dinner party.

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As Brides reported, intimacy is improved with your partner or even in a small group when cannabis is imbibed. And, of course, cannabis can lead to better sex. Cannabis brands like Van Der Pop have found the right strains for you to eliminate guesswork and make cannabis all the more accessible. “We launched with nine powers,” April Pride, creator of the brand tells Brides. “They’re called flower powers, and they’re the effects of strains: Clean, Forget, Sex, Laugh, Relax, Party, Focus, Sleep, Trip.”

Back to enhancing sex. Women have more cannabinoid receptors in their reproductive system than in their brains. So, yeah, cannabis is definitely involved. And that’s a positive, especially with the power to choose your high. Or not. CBD can be just as effective in the bedroom, reducing any pain and calming your headspace. But the right THC strain can have you in another world with your partner. (Think 50 Shades of Green…)

Another company, Foria, makes suppositories and intimate sprays to relax those muscles, increase lubrication and even intensify and draw out orgasms, but they don’t get you high, simply in the mood. And that’s a miracle in itself for many. There are far too many of us out there who are mired by minds that won’t stop racing, even when it’s time to get busy.

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Of course, day to day stressors and anxiety can put a strain on relationships and especially put a damper on bedroom activities. The same strains that help get you ready for some foreplay are also great for reducing stress and making you feel more open to experiences. The release of stress is healthy both in and out of the bedroom and an improved relationship with both your partner and cannabis can go a long way to enhancing your life’s most intimate and pleasurable moments.


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