Saturday, September 7, 2024

This Famous Hot Sauce Is Suing A Marijuana Company

The company that makes Tapatio hot sauce is suing a company for copyright infringement. And it seems like a pretty easy win.

The copycat product is called “Trapatio” and it’s infused with THC. You would not want to confuse the two.

In the complaint, Tapatio states:

On information and belief, Defendants have begun to manufacture, sell, offer for sale, advertise, and/or distribute meatless hot sauce and other related products under a variety of marks that are confusingly similar to the TAPATIO Marks.

Which, yeah, are very similar.

Not only is the font similar, so is the curled banner and the charro. Says the court document:

…many of the Infringing Marks that Defendants use in connection with the sale, advertising, offer for sale, manufacturing and distribution of meatless hot sauce also contain a Charro with an iconic sombrero, yellow jacket, and red tie, and is confusingly similar to the Charro used by Tapatio on its products…

According to Marijuana Business Daily, a now deleted product description for Trapatio read:  “Add a little kick to your tacos – or any food, for that matter – with Trapatio, a delectable hot sauce infused with THC. ”

Tapatio is seeking not only an injunction against Trapatio, but unspecified damages as well.


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