It is the time of year for sumptuous feasts, lots of drinks and chatting. This could be rough on your waist and your mindset…here is a solution
It is the most wonderful time of year, and also the most indulgent. Just one more drink, cookie, party…all effecting our mental health and waistlines. Stress increases around the holidays with 44% of women report an increase of stress during the holidays and 31% of men. For women, stress may be a function of greater family responsibilities during the holidays. Consider taking a stroll to how unwind. Walks with weed are good for the waist and mind.
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Walking after eating can aid in digestion. It can help food move through the digestive system more rapidly and help reduce bloating. Walking provides other key benefits. Exercise helps the waist line and digestion which is helpful during a season filled with food and drink. It also increases your muscle flexibility. Another advantage is it gives your mind time to relax, absorb and process information.
If you use marijuana, pick energizing strains focused on joy-inducing properties which help walkers better enjoy their stroll time. And for those with difficulty or pain with walking , some strains provide a safe method to improve their walking abilities.

Walking can give your mind a moment and to unplug. The holidays can be very stimuli intense which can over stimulate our brain and doesn’t vive us Downtime replenishes the brain’s stores of attention and motivation, encourages productivity and creativity, and is essential to both achieve our highest levels of performance and simply form stable memories in everyday life. It valuable during a busy and over stimulated season.
Marijuana can help with the stress and can make walks so much more pleasing. Gummies are extremely popular and it is a good way to manage a soft dose for a stroll. If you are going to on a walk after having some weed, keep to an easy course, don’t overdose and make sure you have a way to communicate with others in case something happens.
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While walking with weed the air my seem fresher and the scenery a bit more beautiful, which can also reduce your anxiety and make for a better day.