Wednesday, September 18, 2024


QUIZ: Exactly How Much Do You Know About Marijuana Strains?

There's no doubt you have that friend who seems to have a new fun fact about marijuana strains on hand just about any time your get ready to light up.

Colorado Cracking Down On Weed Home Grows To Out Black Market

Colorado governor John Hickenlooper is pushing to get some legislation on the books that may help distinguish the legitimate pot growers from those operations cultivating for marijuana black market sales.

California’s Edible Market Will Hit $11 BILLION Next Year

OutCo, a Southern California based fully vertical cannabis company has partnered with Monocle Research in Orlando to conduct groundbreaking research on the new state of cannabis in California.

Dispensaries Can Open Immediately For Montana Marijuana Patients

In a resounding victory for Montana's medical marijuana program, a judge ruled on Wednesday that dispensaries can open immediately.

Did You Know That NBA Legend Phil Jackson Used Marijuana For Pain?

New York Knicks President Phil Jackson made two admissions regarding marijuana Tuesday night: One about his personal use 47 years ago and the other, more importantly, about the league's current culture.

Legal Marijuana Is Taking A Bite Out Of Beer Sales

States where both recreational weed is legal and the craft beer movement prevalent has seen beer sales “collectively underperformed” over the last two years.

Which Company Just Donated $1 Million To Fight Marijuana Prohibition?

“The fight is not over, and it is important for us to remember how we got here. This would not have happened without the tireless work of ant-prohibition advocates, fighting to reform our broken drug laws.”

It’s Repeal Day! Lessons That Will Help Us Fight Marijuana Prohibition

83 years ago, the 21st Amendment was ratified, ending Prohibition, a costly, disastrous, 13-year experiment. What does marijuana have in common with booze?

NBA Coach Says He Tried Medical Marijuana For Back Pain

Golden State Warriors Coach Steve Kerr made headlines over the weekend for speaking out in favor of medical marijuana.

Oregon’s Marijuana Industry Staggering Under Regulatory Roadblock

October was a defining, if not catastrophic, month for the Oregon marijuana industry, which, until then, was growing at a very fast rate.

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