During a recent news conference, Dr. Daniel B. Jernigan, director of the Center for Disease Control's influenza division, says we can expect to see numbers similar to the 2014-2015 flu season, which claimed the lives of 56,000 people and sent more than 700,000 to the hospital.
As support climbs for cannabis, and more patients turn to medical marijuana products to help relieve painful symptoms, there is one huge roadblock that doesn't seem to be budging anytime soon:
January is the month that's supposed set the stage for the rest of the year. People are recovering from the holidays, which means everyone is doing a cleanse, or some diet. Now, let's make it last.
Although some preliminary research from last year frightened the cannabis community when it suggested that regular pot smokers were three times more likely to succumb to hypertension, a more recent analysis finds this is not necessarily the case.