Saturday, January 18, 2025

This Essential Gift Wrapping Hack Will Save Christmas

Hate gift wrapping? You could always use a cool bag instead of paper, but there’s nothing quite like the feeling of ripping apart that paper and discovering a present within. That ripping sound is even more Christmas-y than “Jingle Bells.”

Takashima is a Japanese company that’s internet famous because of their amazing and extremely watchable videos where a lady wraps several gifts in seconds.

Related: 6 Gifts Every Cannabis Queen Wants For Weedmas

It’s seriously easy to watch this video for hours. Anyways, while this video is awesome, it doesn’t really point out how to do things step by step, which is why people watch videos in the first place. Youtube user, BeatTheBush, figured out a way to break down this method and uploaded a video detailing every little thing you’re supposed to do, including how much the paper is supposed to measure and how to fold each little corner to make the present look as cute as possible. Now you can wrap all of your presents in a single afternoon and have time to do other things. You can wrap your friend’s presents. You can even become a professional present wrapper, since that should definitely be a job.

Here’s the gift wrapping hack that will save Christmas:

Related: This Vibrator Bangs Out Merry Christmas Carols For Your Enjoyment

You can check out more of BeatTheBush’s other videos, which teach you about finances, managing your money, and how to become a functioning adult. Seriously, these videos are awesome.


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