Sunday, March 23, 2025

Why Are These Schoolboys Wearing Skirts?

Their school told these boys they couldn’t wear shorts and the days were hot. So the Isca Academy schoolboys thought of a loophole: their female classmates could wear skirts, why couldn’t they?

This led to a bare-legged revolution at the Exeter-based school. About 30 boys showed up in Thursday, either borrowing from sisters or girlfriends or someone else. Some went as far as shaving their legs to demonstrate the school’s dress-code policy, which strictly mandated no shorts.

One mother said her son was warned against such a protest.

“My son wanted to wear shorts but was told he would be put in the isolation room for the rest of the week,” the unnamed mother told “The head teacher told them, ‘Well you can wear a skirt if you like,’ but I think she was being sarcastic. However, children tend to take you literally, and so five boys turned up in skirts today — and because she told them it was okay, there was nothing she could do as long as they are school skirts.

“One of the five boys did get in trouble — because it was too short.”

One boy reported the skirt experience as “quite refreshing” while another enjoyed the “nice breeze” the fashion afforded him. Another boy was instructed to change because his legs were too hairy. This caused some older boys to bring razors and fix that hairy problem.

The story went viral overseas, with many local organizations writing stories on the skirt-wearing boys. Really, it’s a visual striking, funny, and endearing all at once. The fervor over the situation has caused the school to rethink their policies and release a statement.

“Contrary to news reports, we have not banned shorts; shorts are simply not part of our school uniform,” the statement read. “However, as summers are becoming hotter, shorts will be introduced as part of our school uniform next year having first consulted with students and parents.”

The lesson here is a simple one. Sometimes the boys just need to keep the boys cool.


A Quick Lesson In The Difference In Whiskeys

There seems to one for everybody, so here is a quick lesson in the difference in whiskeys.


Habitual Marijuana Users Can Have THC In This

Researchers are sure what is means yet, but habitual marijuana users can have THC in this.

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