Monday, June 17, 2024

medical cannabis

Why Does Cannabis Work For So Many Diseases?

Cannabis claims have been documented by the patient, and many proved though science, but we want to know why does cannabis work for so many aliments.

Marijuana Can Be A Triumphant Treatment For Alcoholism

Alcoholism causes around 88,000 deaths a year, without including the deaths caused by drunk driving or the shortening of the lifespan of heavy drinkers.

Can Medical Marijuana Treat And Cure Skin Cancer?

While the effect of THC on skin cancer sounds very promising, medical marijuana is still in desperate need of larger scientific studies.

5 Amazing Ways To Maximize Your Collection of Kief

Kief is beloved by everyone because it has a really high concentration of THC and it’s also very malleable and easy to use in different forms.

Is Smoking Marijuana Bad For Your Eyes?

Bloodshot after smoking marijuana: The THC you consume when you smoke marijuana lowers your blood pressure, which dilates the blood vessels.

Toxic Marijuana Concentrate Additives Can Endanger Patients

The potential hazards of heating and inhaling propylene glycol (PG), a widely used thinning agent in marijuana concentrate.

5 Tips For Getting The Best Dose With Marijuana Edibles

Marijuana edibles is one of the most popular ways of consuming marijuana, amounting up to 20 - 40 percent of cannabis sales in Colorado.

An Easy Guide for Buying And Consuming Marijuana In Colorado

We’ve compiled a list with the most common questions tourists have when visiting Colorado, and the best advice when it comes to avoiding trouble.
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