Thursday, March 13, 2025

Stupid Alert: People Are Now Getting High On Bug Killer

There is a frightening new trend erupting deep in the middle of the drug culture that stands to kill people dead. In the Midwest, drug addicts are reportedly getting high on a variety of substances doused in common household bug sprays, like RAID. It is a problem that has emergency officials both dazed and confused, as this bizarre new street drug comes with devastating effects. Convulsions, coma and cardiac arrest, have all been reported.

But there is one area of the country where this lunatic fashion is gaining the most traction.

In Indianapolis, Indiana, emergency responders have reportedly witnessed an increase in people overdosing in the streets from the bug drug. It was just last month that medics were called out to the vicinity of a local homeless shelter to clean up the aftermath when dozens of people high on insecticide-infused dope began experiencing seizures and other side effects.

Fortunately, emergency crews were able to get most of the people back on their feet without any issue. But at least one person was checked in to the ICU at a nearby hospital.

This dangerous concoction has become popular among downtrodden society because it provides the user with a cheap and intense high. Tobacco, marijuana, spice and even banana leaves have all been discovered laced with bug killer. Essentially, any smokeable substance can be turned into KD. So, for around $20 a bag, the user can visit a demission only known to a cockroach seconds before his death.

“Their movements are slow and lethargic, a lot of drooling and a loss of function. We find them with their clothes off, eating the grass, pulling dirt out of the ground and trying to put it in their mouth,” IFD Captain Chris Major told CBS-affiliate WTTV. “We find people passed out with it still in their hand. That is how fast it has an effect on them.”

The depravity of the situation only worsens when bug killer is used in conjunction with hard drugs. Last year, a Tennessee man terrorized a family and even cut his own throat after using a drug called WASP. This nasty stuff, which is sometimes called “Hotshot,” is created through a simple process of combining methamphetamine and bug spay. But rather than smoking it, users are injecting it directing into their veins.

Interestingly, this is the one situation involving a dangerous drug where police have limited power. It is not illegal to possess bug spray. It’s not even considered criminal to consume this harmful substance.

“If someone sprays a legal substance on something that is harmful to their health,” IMPD Sgt. Chris Wilburn told the Indianapolis Star, “that is not … in their scope to diagnose this person as being a criminal.”


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