Eugen Merher, a student at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany, created this spec spot for Adidas running shoes. It manages to make us laugh and cry, in a matter of 110 seconds.
The teens took their two horses and rode into town to get some McDonald’s. Collins added that the two were “just bored.” We think the goat wanted a salad.
An animal shelter in Atlanta specializes in finding homes for cats has become an internet phenomenon this week after a low-budget commercial it produced went viral.
We’d like to introduce you to some of the stuff out there, how varied they can be, and why people are freaking out over it. By the time you’re through with this list, you’ll be a connoisseur.
Jade Reed, a DJ who stays up way too late to make a living, shared his New Year’s Eve plans with his grandma and got her reaction on video to share with the world.