Saturday, May 4, 2024


Cannabis Craft Beer Is Coming To Colorado

With its tantalizing hint of orange peel, further enhanced by the slice of orange from the bartender or refrigerator, Blue Moon really set itself apart in the beer market.

This Little Girl Is So Obsessed With ‘My Little Pony’ She Drops F-Word

Julianna is a big fan of My Little Pony. She can't contain herself; it's like the ponies are the boys from One Direction, and she's a more composed version of a screaming tween.

How Legal Marijuana Is Taking A Toll On Oakland’s City Officials

California has been at the forefront of marijuana for decades. In 1996, it became the first state to legalize medical marijuana

Bros Love Vaping And Icing Each Other In Trump White House

Often played at house parties or similar events, someone will usually hide a bottle of Smirnoff Ice. Whomever finds that Smirnoff Ice must immediately drop to one knee and chug the drink’s contents.

Australian State Considers Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

There is now a push within the nation’s legislative channels to establish a taxed and regulated pot market that would allow the herb to be sold in retail outlets in a manner similar to tobacco and alcohol.

Sneaky Ways McDonald’s Tries To Get You To Order More Food

And you thought popping into McDonald's meant grabbing a quick bite. With billions upon billions served, about one percent of the entire population of earth visits the golden arches every singe day, which translates to more than two billion...

Tech Developments Suggest Your Next iPhone Could Have More Than 3 Cameras

Samsung Galaxy S9 and the S9 Plus boast about their photographic capabilities for a reason; they all have two cameras and are able to pull some magic tricks that the competition can’t.

The Problem With California’s Marijuana Delivery

Most people were surprised (and worried) when they found out that the MCRSA did not create a license type for cannabis delivery-only services.

New Studies: Opioid Use Lower In States That Eased Marijuana Laws

"We do know that cannabis is much less risky than opiates, as far as likelihood of dependency."

Potential Presidential Candidate Gillibrand Fights For Cannabis Law Reform

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), according to most political insiders, is pondering a run for the White House in 2020.

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