Thursday, September 19, 2024


Star Wars’ ‘Rogue One’ Trailer Needs To Be Seen To Be Believed

The force is strong with this trailer. Disney delivered a surprise present for Star Wars fans Thursday with the release of the second trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Though the first trailer debuted in August, fans...

The Fresh Toast In The Press: Early October 2016

It's been an exciting couple of weeks around TFT headquarters. As you may have heard, we had a super fun and packed launch party in New York City last week. Before and after the launch, several news outlets spoke with...

Study: Annoying Ducks Who Loved To Honk Probably Woke Up The Dinosaurs Every Morning

One of the greatest plights human beings face is loud-ass birds waking us up too early every morning. Roosters ... uh, birds in trees, etc. But now, thanks to a new study, we know that living creatures have suffered...

“Suck It, Trebek”: How Alex Trebek Fired Up All Of Nerdom With This One Word

We'll take Dunking On Contestants for 200, Alex. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1486668957285-1'); }); Just watch it before you scroll any farther: The venerable host of "Jeopardy!" can, apparently, only be forced to give so many fucks in a day. On this day, Alex...

See It: LeBron James And Lil Yachty Team Up In New Sprite Commercial

Well this is certainly an odd pairing. Sprite tapped massive star/basketball champion LeBron James to star in a commercial featuring none other that Lil’ Yachty, walking meme and oddboy rapper. James plays a meta game of reverse psychology game of...

Woman Claims Wendy’s Served Her 4-Year-Old Daughter Fries Covered With Weed

Edibles are fine and good, as long as they’re being served to a responsible adult who asked for them and not, as an Ohio mother alleges happened yesterday, to an unsuspecting toddler who just wanted to eat some fries...

Everything We’ve Learned About Human Meme Ken Bone In The Past 28 Hours

What can we say about Ken Bone that hasn’t been said before? If you know, please tell us. But in the meantime, here’s a recap of what we’ve learned about the debate’s true hero over the past 28 hours,...

Report: More Americans Busted For Marijuana Than All Violent Crimes Combined

Every 25 seconds in the United States, someone is arrested for the simple act of possessing drugs for their personal marijuana use. That staggering statistic means that, on any given day, at least 137,000 American men and women are behind...

Report: The Majority Of Americans Now Want Legal Marijuana

As voters in nine states get ready to decide in less than a month whether legal marijuana in some form or another is a good idea, a new study shows that 57 percent of Americans support it. The Pew Research Center survey, released...

Snitch: Crow Finds Bag Of Drugs In Trash, Leaves It On Ground For Cops

If you  were the person who hid a bag of drugs in a trashcan at a gas station in Western Australia, we have some bad news: A freakin' crow pulled it out of the garbage and left it on...

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