There’s nothing fun about being in a fast-food establishment late at night, especially sober. Despite the obvious rationale that greasy quick bites were made for post-imbibing munchies, it’s still obnoxious, especially for employees who have to pull double-duty as babysitters. They are not getting paid nearly enough for that.
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A string of McDonald’s in Gloucestershire, England may have figured out a way to curb the problem. Yes, bucolic countrysides with cheese rolling competitions have issues with sloppy drunks, too. The fix? Playing classical music at night. McDonald’s says the calming tunes encourage acceptable behavior. Pinkies out!
As the A.V. Club recalls, McDonald’s in Liverpool and Manchester have also employed the classical music tactic. Using loud, grating, and/or annoying music has long been used as torture technique. In 2009, a Colorado judge sentenced some unruly teenagers to a looped playlist that included the “Barney” theme song, Barry Manilow and Boy George. And in 2013, Britney Spears songs were used to scare off Somali pirates.
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Take heed, fast-food drunks. Your Bach and Mozart could get a lot worse.