Saturday, January 18, 2025

People Really Want To Know What’s Inside The Hamburger Helper Glove

The Hamburger Helper logo is pretty iconic, a timeless small and friendly glove with a happy face on it. While the logo has existed for decades in relative peace, a recent Twitter post just mindfucked everybody, asking what’s really inside the Hamburger Helper glove. 

Is it a full skeleton? It can’t only be carpal bones and flesh, because the Hamburger Helper has a face with a nose and mouth.

(The Olympic diver is my favorite).

Finally, after much debate, the Helper made an announcement that ended all discussions.

The helper was obviously a tiny skeleton with five arms. Like, people didn’t even need to argue about it.

The originator of the debate ended his musings with a link to help out the people in Puerto Rico. Contrary to popular beliefs, you can still worry about the state of our world while making silly memes. Good job, michael SCAREa.


Dolly Parton Expands Her Food Empire

She is a icon who has built a business giant, now Dollly Parton expands her food empire again.


The Best Small Ways To Improve Work Productivity

Some days you feel like you are on a hamster wheel, here are the best small ways to improve work productivity.

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