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Here’s Why Marijuana And Wine Are Better Friends Than Competitors

When The New York Times wine critic writes a lengthy piece regarding the budding friendship between cannabis and wine, the times may be a-changin’. Eric Asimov wrote this week regarding the intersection between marijuana and wine, which is deeper and robust than you might suppose.

This comes in conjunction with a study stating that in states with legalized recreational cannabis—Colorado, Oregon, and Washington—beer sales have “collectively underperformed.” In other words, legal weed has, as Asimov wrote, led “some in the alcohol industry to regard it as a threat to their profit margin.

Via New York Times:

The fine wine industry, however, has not panicked. Despite occasional efforts to pit wine and weed against each other, many in the wine business exude an air of mellow acceptance that the two substances can coexist in harmony.

As Asimov pinpoints, there is an appreciation for cannabis that stems from a similar vein as wine seekers and craft beer enthusiasts. How certain weeds deliver a different type of high or how consuming it as an edible versus a vape could impact the experience or how all this can combine with food. And how, it could pair with wine, which will be just one topic of conversation at the upcoming Wine & Weed Symposium.

“People are trying to say there is a threat, but I really haven’t talked to any wine industry person yet who actually sees it that way,” said Tina Caputo, who will be a moderator at the first Wine & Weed Symposium. “We haven’t actually seen anybody who’s laying down their glass of wine to pick up a bong. There’s room in people’s lives for both.”

And it seems others are already paving the way for that pairing. Cultivating Spirits, a company in Colorado, offers, according to their website,  “a  gourmet 3-course fine dining experience, select fine wine and cannabis pairings, imported cheese, meats and chocolates with superior-quality Cannabis, and luxurious limo ride—all in one tour.”

In addition, there is the growing industry of cannabis-infused wines, like singer-songwriter Melissa Etheridge’s No Label brand and CannaWine, which Asimov highlighted, “a Spanish wine that has been fermented with marijuana.”

As many people are already realizing, weed and wine don’t have to be enemies. They’re much better off as friends.

Here’s A Timeline That Explains How Beer Went From Brilliant Mistake To Hipsterific


Everywhere you look, there’s a tap handle ready to pour you a nice tall pint of IPA. The rise in popularity of craft beer is astounding, but also, in some ways, predictable. Beer is one of the oldest beverages in human history. It dates back to roughly 5,000 B.C. One could say it’s essentially in our DNA.

And while beer may seem mysterious in some ways, it’s really just grain, water and yeast. Of course, there are many styles and flavors —  from blood orange to beer that’s been soaked in aromatic hops to whoknowswhat — but beer just is as simple as bread.

What happens if you dive into the mystery and origins of beer a little more? How did that tap handle ready to pour you that IPA actually get there? Time to explore!

The very first beer (5,000 B.C.)

Beer was made by mistake. Either someone left a bowl of primitive cereal out in water for a week that collected errant yeasts from the air or some farmer collecting grain in a field left a bag of it behind during a rainstorm. Either way the stuff fermented and beer – human existence’s best mistake – was created.

Ninkasi and China (3,000 B.C.)

For a long time, the first known historical reference to beer’s existence was the infamous Ninkasi poem, a nearly 4,000-year old Sumerian verse written in reverence to the goddess of beer. Recently, though, pottery with beer residue on it was unearthed in China, dating back more than 1,000 years before the Ninkasi poem.

Human civilization grows (1,000 B.C. – 1,000 A.D.)

More than anything else (with the exception of maybe bread), beer is credited with helping to establish modern civilization. Beer was a source of calories for workers, a source of clean water (because the stuff had to be brewed and fermented, dangerous microbes were killed off) and the stuff just made living more bearable with a nice buzz. Beer was a reason to stop and settle (near grain fields) and a propellant toward establishing commerce.

Women and monasteries (1,000 A.D. – 1800’s)

As the dark ages passed and civilization began to ramp up into modernity, beer was the purview of women and monasteries. In European towns, women ran the brew houses. Beer was brewed for family and friends and the extra was sold in taverns.

Outside of town, monks toiled over the perfect recipes, honoring the stuff as a way of honoring God. Monks were also the first to flavor beer with hops around 900 A.D.

Industrialization (1800’s)

The Industrial Revolution brought with it mass production of beer (Boo!). It was produced in large scale, shipped around the world and paved the way for giant modern beer companies.

Prohibition (1920’s)

What a dumb idea! Seriously, is there anyone who looks back and is like, “Wow, Prohibition. Those were the good ol’ days?” Of course not! But add this crappy fact to the Prohibition list: by closing all the little brew houses, the folks who made the beer had no money to start them up again when Prohibition ended.

This was the opening giant beer companies needed. And it’s no coincidence craft beer was all but destroyed.

Anheuser-Busch, Coors, Miller (1950’s)

While many of the giant beer companies were established in the late 19th century, the ending of Prohibition on Dec. 5, 1933, was the perfect time to pounce. With all of the local competition gone, Anheuser-Busch, Coors and Miller could swoop in, provide homogenous light beer to American workers, provide no real choice, and make all of the money.

President Jimmy Carter and Sierra Nevada (1980’s)

In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed into law the right for home brewers to make their own beer. Some 45 years of being beholden to the giant beer companies, private citizens could now legally experiment with different styles. In other words: party time! Two years later, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company was founded on the power of their perfect Pale Ale, the basis of which is the Cascade hop. Sierra’s Pale Ale remains the standard.

Huge stats (2010’s)

In 2011, there were some 2,016 craft breweries in the United States, according to the Brewers Association. Just five quick years later and there are 5,234. That’s a half-decade increase of 3,218. Thanks, Jimmy Carter! Manifest Destiny, everybody!

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Gossip: Caitlyn Jenner Gets Candid About Her Sex Life With Kris Jenner; Fox Firing Bill O’Reilly

“We fall in love quickly (we marry after seven months),” Caitlyn, 67, writes in an excerpt published by People. “Since — let’s not kid ourselves — everyone wants to know, Kris and I have good and frequent sex at the beginning.”

Caitlyn, who underwent gender reassignment surgery in January, describes the sex as “imbued with love” but admits she wasn’t “entirely comfortable” with the act.

“I tell Kris about my gender issues before I make love to her. This will always be a subject of dispute between us,” Caitlyn laments. “She insists that she was taken by surprise by my ultimate transition to Caitlyn, which obviously means in her mind that she did know enough.”

Caitlyn also claims she had 36B-cup breasts, due to hormone therapy, when she met Kris in 1990.

As the years progressed, Caitlyn would steal makeup and clothing from her wife and daughters.

“I have bought makeup how-to books,” Caitlyn adds. “I keep the books, along with my meager collection of clothing, in a small closet with a lock in the back of my closet. Kris and I have negotiated this, since she is terrified, as I am, of the kids finding something.”

Fox News Has Decided To Fire Bill O’Reilly

New York Magazine reports:

The Murdochs have decided Bill O’Reilly’s 21-year run at Fox News will come to an end. According to sources briefed on the discussions, network executives are preparing to announce O’Reilly’s departure before he returns from an Italian vacation on April 24. Now the big questions are how the exit will look and who will replace him.

Wednesday morning, according to sources, executives are holding emergency meetings to discuss how they can sever the relationship with the country’s highest-rated cable-news host without causing collateral damage to the network. The board of Fox News’ parent company 21st Century Fox is scheduled to meet on Thursday to discuss the matter.

RUMORS have already started that he will be joining the TRUMP White House. Trump has already said he supports Bill.

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3-Parent Babies Are Now A Thing: What You Need To Know


Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy (MRT) has produced a positive result in the form of a healthy baby boy whose mother suffered from Leigh Syndrome and who’d already lost two babies before due to her condition. This disease is a progressive and fatal neurological disorder that’s inherited due to the mother’s DNA.

Previously, physicians when performing an IVF were able to deselect ill embryos and help parents who had troubles when obtaining a pregnancy. Now with MRT, these doctors will be able to remove the damaged mitochondrial material from the mother’s egg and replace it with the healthy material from a donor’s egg. The procedure goes through three stages: first, the doctors transfer the nuclear genome of the mother’s egg (leaving behind the damaged mitochondria) to the donor’s egg that has only healthy mitochondria. Then, the egg is fertilized by the father’s sperm and finally it’s place on the mother’s womb, resulting in a regular pregnancy. Due to how new this research is, parts of the procedures were conducted in a private clinic in New York, while the most “risqué” parts of the procedure were conducted in Mexico, were health and security measures are more lax. 

The announcement of the successful birth was obviously met with mixed and controversial responses. Some people claim that the procedure is unethical and that the doctors use and bend the laws to their advantage, coming up with smart ways of avoiding legal repercussions. Others praised the procedure for what it could mean to the human race and how it can help in avoiding many fatal diseases while creating a possibility of completely eliminating them in the future. 

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Why Patrick Kennedy Is Leading The Fight Against Marijuana Legalization

Former Congressman Patrick Kennedy, who has spent the last five years railing against marijuana legalization, made headlines again earlier this week when he claimed that marijuana is a “Trojan horse” and warning that cannabis consumption is a “hazard to public health.”

In a wide-ranging interview with Yahoo News, Kennedy, the son of iconic Sen. Ted Kennedy, once again expressed his fear that the legalization of marijuana will lead to “permanently disabled” youth:

“What I worry about is marijuana sapping the motivation and cognition of our young people. So, they might not end up on a slab because they OD’d on fentanyl, because they were originally addicted to OxyContin, but their lives may end up becoming permanently disabled. Essentially, they’re missing in action. They’re not killed in action. They’re missing in action.”

This is not the first time, Kennedy, who has a long history of drug and alcohol addiction, has railed against marijuana. Since 2013, he has been involved with Smart Approaches to Marijuana, an anti-marijuana organization led by Kevin Sabet. Last year, Kennedy and Project Sam helped raise more than $2 million to fight various statewide marijuana legalization initiatives.

In 2006, Kennedy infamously crashed his car into a barricade in Washington, D.C.. He eventually made a deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to a charge of driving under the influence of prescription drugs.

But it is marijuana — not alcohol or pharmaceutical drugs — that has become Kennedy’s cause. In the Yahoo interview, Kennedy insisted that those that push for recreational legalization are selling the public on a “Trojan horse” by making the herb appear mainstream. According to Kennedy:

“The public health doesn’t stand a chance in this fight, because we’re up against money that is going to continue to grow as this industry spreads.”

When asked about the nation’s alcohol abuse problem and the undeniable fact that booze is more addictive and has far more fatal consequences than marijuana, Kennedy opined:

“I don’t disagree with that. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Alcohol’s already legal, and there’s no putting that horse back in the barn. Let’s stop this horse from getting out of the barn. It’s a question of, what floor do they drop you from — the 10th floor or the fourth floor? You’re still in trouble.”


In Rhode Island, and a large swath of the northeast U.S., opioid overdoses have become a major health epidemic. At the same time, states in that region have begun to relax their marijuana laws. But for Kennedy, it is marijuana that is the big problem.

“If Mr. Kennedy is truly concerned about public health and safety, I cannot fathom why he would prefer that adults use alcohol instead of making the safer choice of marijuana,” said Mason Tvert, a pro-cannabis advocate who was a driving force in Colorado’s legalization effort.

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Forget Strobing, Elvira Teaches Us About Bosom Dusting

The first time I met Elvira (yes, the “Mistress of the Dark”) a.k.a. Cassandra Peterson, I felt like most people when approaching the stunning horror hostess, intimidated and tentative.

I was curating quotes for my book Coffee Crazy and to my great surprise Elvira was a much kinder and congenial punk vampire than I could have ever imagined. Her quote for the book was brilliant: “I like my coffee the way I like my men, ground up and in the freezer.”

Photo courtesy of Elvira

So a few months ago, when she told me she was debuting, Elvira’s Coffin Table Book, a 240-page photographic retrospective, I knew I had to get to her book signing and ask the one singular question that has been on my mind since I first witnessed her on her nationally syndicated horror show 35 years ago in the fall of 1981.

“How do you keep your protuberant bosom such a pristine, precise, picture perfect portrait of cleavage?” Elvira replied by introducing a new term: Bosom dusting. She also gave me a how-to.

“When a pushup bra just isn’t enough, it’s time to activate bosom dusting! This can be anything from a little shimmer to creating a full-scale Monet painting. It’s all about creating the illusion of fuller cleavage by contouring.

If you already have ample assets like myself, a little shading goes a long way to make them pop. I just put some blush between the twins and go. If you’re far from full, you can still look full from afar by contouring your cleavage using a lighter colored powder on the peaks, and a darker blush in the valley. This gives your girls more depth.

Photo courtesy of Elvira

You’ll want to stay within the realm of you own natural skin tone when selecting your colors. Use a powder one or two shades lighter than your own skin tone for highlights, and slightly darker tone for shading in the middle. I use a brownish mauve color – same color I use to create cheekbones. Avoid using tones that are too red for shading or you’ll look sunburned. Blending is key here. If you’ve gone too dark, blend it out with the lighter powder.

And here is the tip that eludes most bosom dusting amateurs: have your bra on before you start as using this technique will effect the shape of your cleavage up top. And of course, don’t forget to pick up a copy of my new Coffin Table Book, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark at Elvira.com and check out my tips close up.

Gossip: Janet Jackson Isn’t Getting $500 Million For Wissam Al Mana Split; Kevin Spacey Trending On Twitter, Did He Come Out?

Janet Jackson’s longtime friend and creative director Gil Duldulao is spilling the tea about the singer’s split from Wissam Al Mana. Though some reports are suggesting the 50-year-old will receive a multi-million dollar settlement from Al Mana — who is worth an estimated $1 billion — per a prenuptial agreement, Duldulao says otherwise.

Taking to social media, he defended Jackson and denied claims the songstress had only stayed with her husband and had a child with him due to an alleged payout clause in their contract.

“Hi. I want to state what I have to say as a friend. Even if there was a possibility that my friend could make 500 mil off of having a child. It’s not in her character to want and or accept 500 mil,” he wrote on Instagram, alluding to Jackson without naming her. “It’s character people and she is not the one. She would never accept a pay out or want a pay out.”

He continued, “That’s the human being I know. So you f*ckers that state that — f*ck you. That’s not my friend and will never be. Point black period. AND if you checked your facts. She has been married for four years not 5 and something months to claim she will get 500mil.”

Jackson and Al Mana, 42, quietly married in 2012 after two years of dating. They welcomed their first child together — a son named Eissa — this January.

Kevin Spacey Is Trending On Twitter, Fans Wonder If He’s Dead Or Just Coming Out

Could Spacey, who has long dodged addressing his sexuality in the public sphere, finally be ready to bust open the closet door?

Or worse, could the “House of Cards” star have met an untimely end?!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down — he’s just hosting the Tony Awards. That was a close one.

Love the fresh dirt we bring over daily from Naughty Gossip? Let us know in the comments!

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DHS Secretary Kelly Comes Out Hard Against Marijuana

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly may have spoken out of school earlier this week, when he told that portion of the American public sitting at home watching “Meet the Press” that marijuana was “not a factor” in the War on Drugs. It didn’t take long for his comments to show up in the headlines of every major news source on Monday morning. Kelly’s seemingly cavalier attitude toward marijuana may have rattled the head of the Justice Department, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, because by Tuesday morning, the former commander of U.S. Southern Command was singing a completely different tune with respect to his overall stance on cannabis.

“Let me be clear about marijuana. It is a potentially dangerous gateway drug that frequently leads to the use of harder drugs,” Kelly said in front of a crowd at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. “Its use and possession is against federal law and until the law is changed by the United States Congress, we in DHS, along with the rest of the federal government, are sworn to uphold all the laws that are on the books.”

How is it that Kelly’s position on pot was just so much more relaxed than anyone else in the Trump Administration? We imagine the moment that Kelly told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd that the solution to winning the drug war “is not arresting a lot of users,” Attorney General Sessions made his uneasy known.

What other explanation could there be for Kelly’s seemingly focused tirade on Tuesday, going well out of his way to ensure the people, the media and anyone else willing to listen, understands that his agency is, without a shadow of a doubt, opposed to all things marijuana.

Kelly even went as far as to threaten those people who try to sneak pot on planes, saying “When marijuana is found at aviation checkpoints and baggage screening, TSA personnel will take appropriate action.”

He then went on to suggest that any illegal immigrant who has ever so much as looked at marijuana for more than a few seconds will be run out of the country on a fiery rail.

“Finally, ICE will continue to use marijuana possession, distribution and convictions as essential elements as they build their deportation, removal apprehension packages for targeted operations against illegal aliens,” Kelly said.

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11 Coffee Hacks That Will Make Your Mornings So Much Better


Coffee is great for mornings. In fact, it is probably the sole reason any of us get out of bed. But coffee has a place throughout the day in other forms besides a hot black liquid in your cup. The flavor is perfect for mixing with chocolate, homemade syrups and warming spices. Plus, it’s super easy to roast your own coffee beans, make your own cold brew and impress friends with latte art…from a French press. Here are 11 ways to jumpstart your day with coffee that don’t involve a pot.

1. Coffee Ice Cubes

This is a no-brainer, but adding frozen coffee cubes to your iced coffee drinks will keep them from becoming diluted with ice cubes made with plain old dumb water.


2. Reuse Your Old Coffee Grounds

Once your done with your pot of coffee, don’t toss your grounds! Not only does it make for great compost, you can use them to scrub your pots and pans, and deodorize your fridge. You can even use them in your next chocolate recipe. See below.

3. Add Coffee Grounds To Your Baked Goods

Chocolate and coffee is a wonderful combo. Adding coffee in place of water to your boxed chocolate cake mixes  enhances the cocoa flavor. It even tastes good in yellow cake mixes.

4. Make Homemade Coffee Syrups

You can get as fancy as you want with flavored syrups. But a simple vanilla flavor only requires sugar, water, a vanilla bean and some vanilla extract. Perfect in iced lattes and cold brew.


5. Drink With Grapefruit

The compounds in grapefruit keep caffeine, whether it comes from coffee or chocolate, active in your body longer. On the downside, grapefruit has the same effect with alcohol, which means mixing grapefruit juice, alcohol and coffee together could be a dangerous trifecta.

6. Roast Your Own Coffee In An Air Popper

While popping your way to roasted coffee beans won’t make the coffee taste any better, it will  make your home smell amazing!


7. Make Iced Coffee Popsicles

Seattle’s Caffe Ladro has an easy recipe that requires nothing but coffee, simple syrup, and cream. It’s as easy as brewing up a pot of coffee. Make sure you have popsicle molds and you’re good to go!


8. Froth Your Milk With A French Press

Like, who knew a French press could be so multi-talented? Not only can it make a killer cup of Joe, but it can froth milk quickly. After your coffee is in your cup, fill the French press with about as much milk as their was coffee. Heat up in the microwave for a minute, just until the milk is hot-ish, being careful not to overheat and cook the milk. Then proceed to repeatedly “pump”  the milk with the plunger until you reach your desired consistency of foam.


9. Make Cold Brew In A Blender

The only way this DIY cold brew recipe could be any easier is if someone else made it for you. A step-by-step guide is also available.


10. Add A Pinch Of Salt To Bitter Coffee

Add it to the grounds before brewing, or after it’s brewed “in a pinch.” It works!

11. Add Spices To Coffee Grounds Before Brewing

By adding warming spices like ground cinnamon and nutmeg to your coffee grounds before the brewing process, you’ll not only add some depth of flavor to your morning cup, but the lingering aroma will smell like you’re baking pies!

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Skip The Dip: 7 Things To Make With Leftover Avocados Besides Guacamole



This amazing sorbet recipe from the brilliant David Leite is completely vegan, but don’t tell your meat eating friends. They might hate it just out of spite. It combines avocado, coconut milk and fresh lime to create a creamy sorbet that tilts more towards ice cream than other sorbets.



This quick and dirty avocado margarita recipe by Epicurious will make you wonder how you went this long without knowing how to blend up the liquid version of heaven. Fresh lime juice, tequila, orange liqueur, sugar and an avocado (with an optional jalapeno) is all it takes to make your spring seem a lot like summer.


Coffee Smoothie

Avocados can be added to any fruit smoothie (especially one with bananas) to make your morning drink especially creamy, but have you ever considered adding your morning cup of coffee to make your smoothie one-stop? The Avocado Coffee Smoothie recipe is super simple. Just add an avocado to some condensed milk, brewed coffee and nut milk of your choice to create a surprisingly refreshing pick-me-up.


Yep. Adding ripe avocado to your brownie batter results in an incredibly moist treat, not to mention one with higher levels of potassium and healthy fats. Another recipe from Health.com includes avocado frosting!

Chocolate Pudding

Stop looking. Here is the only pudding recipe you need, courtesy of AllRecipes. Simply lend avocados, cocoa powder, brown sugar, coconut milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon in a blender until smooth. Refrigerate pudding until chilled, about 30 minutes. Is there an easier pudding recipe? Nope. And if pudding isn’t your thing, you can make a smoothie bowl with some cocoa, avocado and frozen bananas.


3 Ingredient Hair Treatment

With its moisturizing fat and nourishing Vitamin E,  avocados help to strengthen hair and promote hair growth. Here’s how to whip up a simple batch using avocado, honey and olive oil.

Hydrating Face Mask

Avocados are definitely skin food, nourishing your outer layer from the inside out. But it’s also literally “skin food” when applied directly to the skin. Similar to the hair treatment, this smoothie for your face — oatmeal, avocado, lemon and apple cider vinegar — is one of the best things you can do to soothe your skin. Mashed avocado and olive oil is especially soothing on sunburned skin.


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