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The US States With Legal Marijuana Are Also The Healthiest In The Union

One of the most common and wholly incorrect stereotypes of cannabis users is that they’re lazy, unmotivated couch potatoes. To the contrary, the list of ambitious, inspired cannabis users in business, the arts and the sports world is endless.

The anti-marijuana crowd also likes to rail against the negative health effects caused by cannabis use. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), a Congressionally funded research agency tasked with gathering and compiling information that demonstrates its dangers, states that cannabis use will cause poorer mental health, breathing problems, hallucinations, paranoia, impaired body movement and relationship problems, among many other perils. NIDA also subscribes to the long-debunked “Gateway Theory”—that cannabis leads to hard drug use. Essentially, NIDA’s propaganda hasn’t changed in the past 20 years.

However, as cannabis gains favorability, fresh statistics refute NIDA’s claims. Checking on a number of surveys that report on the fittest and healthiest states in the nation, it’s clear that US states that enjoy high levels of fitness are often among states with the highest number of cannabis users per capita.

Hawaii, Vermont, Massachusetts, Minnesota, California, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Utah, Colorado, Washington, New York, Montana and Nebraska are commonly listed as states with the highest level of fitness among residents. Among these, only Utah and Nebraska have not passed laws that allow recreational or medical cannabis use.

Of the 15 states with the highest rate of use of cannabis per capita, nine of those are also ranked among the healthiest. Hawaii, Montana, Connecticut, New York, Washington, California, Massachusetts, Colorado and Vermont all rank highly in both categories. Unsurprisingly, the states with the highest level of cannabis use per capita have all enacted laws that legalize cannabis in some degree.

What about the “unhealthy” states? Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, Alabama, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina and Indiana are reported to be the ten states with the worst levels of fitness and health in the nation. All have rates of cannabis use that rank among the lowest in the nation and none of these states have passed laws allowing recreational cannabis use.

Among those that have passed medical laws, only Arkansas has a comprehensive medical marijuana program. Louisiana’s law is highly restrictive with only a few ailments qualifying for treatment with cannabis. The laws of Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee and South Carolina allow CBD usage only. In Kentucky, Indiana and West Virginia, cannabis use of any kind is illegal.

The components of a fit and healthy life are diet, exercise, rest and mental stimulation. Cannabis may provide the building blocks. Last April, a study in the American Journal of Medicine suggested that pot smokers are skinnier than the average person and have healthier metabolisms and reaction to sugars. For athletes, a growing mountain of evidence shows that cannabis alleviates pain, reduces inflammation and promotes sleep. And as far as the inspiration and fresh thinking that cannabis seems to stimulate, it may originate from the release of dopamine in the brain, which lessens inhibitions and promotes relaxation,allowing the brain the capacity to perceive concepts and problems differently.

The fortunate Americans who live in states where cannabis use is legitimate are already experiencing its benefits. At some point, lawmakers and mainstream medicine must recognize that cannabis and a healthier population go hand in hand.

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Watch: John Legend Sings Gordon Ramsay Insults In Front Of Gordon Ramsay

Multi-talented crooner and real-life Arthur, John Legend, doled out some Gordon Ramsay one-liners, while Ramsay was subbing for Larry Wilmore on The Nightly Show. Taking a cue from one of those cheesy “as seen on tv” music compilation commercials, Legend sang classic insults such as, “How the fuck did you burn ice cream?” and “You put so much oil in this, the U.S. wanted to invade the fucking plate.”

The celebrity chef and accidental insult comic joined Legend at the keys to give this song the send-off it deserves, answering the question, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” You’ll have to watch the video to see how it ends.

(But seriously, how the fuck do you burn ice cream?)


Federal Lawmakers Seek To Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

A group of federal lawmakers marched up to the steps of Capitol Hill earlier this week asking the Congressional majority to support a couple of bills aimed at establishing a nationwide marijuana market that would regulate marijuana like alcohol.

Representative Jared Polis of Colorado introduced the “Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act,” a bill that would remove the cannabis plant from the confines of the federal law and allow weed to be cultivated and sold all across the country in a manner similar to booze. The measure is a reintroduction, of sorts, from 2015 proposal seeking to accomplish this objective. However, the updated version comes with some tweaks and additions pertaining to how pot products could be advertised.

“I’m more hopeful than ever before that we can move legislation like the Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act,” Polis said in an interview last month.

A separate but similar measure known as the “Marijuana Revenue and Regulation Act” was also introduced this week by Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Earl Blumenauer of Oregon that would eliminate marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and allow the herb to be handled in the same way the federal government does with alcohol and tobacco. The proposal is designed to make marijuana a nationally regulated industry controlled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

“This is commonsense legislation that will eliminate the growing tension between federal and state marijuana laws,” Robert Capecchi, the federal policy guru for the Marijuana Policy Project, said in a statement. “States are adopting laws designed to improve public safety by replacing the illegal marijuana market with a tightly regulated system of production and sales. The federal government should be working to facilitate that transition, not hinder it.”

As it stands, over half the nation has legalized marijuana in some form or fashion, yet the brass under Uncle Sam’s thumb has all but refused to give any consideration to federal reform. Some of the latest national polls show the majority of Americans – consistently around 60 percent — believe that cannabis should be treated no differently than alcohol and tobacco. What’s more is a stiff majority (71 percent) believes marijuana policy should be left up to the states and not the federal government, according to the latest Quinnipiac Poll.

Nevertheless, none of the marijuana-related legislation introduced this week is expected to get a fair shot in the Republican-dominated Congress – it would be a miracle if any of these bills even received a hearing.

Although it has been said that once public opinion polls steadily reside in the 60-65 percent mark, Congress will have no choice but to address the issue, most federal lawmakers still have no interest in giving the concept of marijuana legalization the time of day.

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Gossip: Justin Bieber Getting Advice From Barbra Streisand; Blake Shelton Asks Adam Levine To Be Best Man

“Barbra and Martin have seen it all. Together they have negotiated every aspect of a cruel business and are now passing on advice to the young star and his manager.”

Justin Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, was recently spotted having a top secret meeting with Barbra Streisand’s long time manager, Martin Erlichman, who passed on advice from the legend for the young star.

“Barbra and Martin have seen it all. Together they have negotiated every aspect of a cruel business and are now passing on advice to the young star and his manager,” sources tell Straight Shuter. “It hasn’t been the first time these two have met and it wont be the last. Babs and Justin are not working on a secret project together and they certainly have no plans to record together. The meeting was more about being a mentor and giving advice. Show business can be very cruel and Justin wants to still be relevant 60 years into his career like Barbra is.”

Lets just hope he listens.

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Blake Shelton Asks Adam Levine To Be His Best Man

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani wedding buzz is heating up and now we can report that Blake has asked Adam to be his best man.

“Blake has asked Adam if he will be his best man at the wedding and Adam said ‘yes.’ These two have become very close after working together and consider each other brothers,” sources tell Straight Shuter. “A lot of Blake’s old friends know his ex, Miranda Lambert, and are still upset at the split. Adam was always Blake’s pal. He was never close with Miranda and was there for Blake during his divorce. Blake is grateful and will never forget who stood by his side when so many others wouldn’t.”

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These ‘Path To Marijuana Reform’ Bills Can Make Cannabis Legal Nationally

Two Oregon Democratic lawmakers on Thursday introduced an aggressive package of bills that aims to protect existing state marijuana laws while at the same time paving the way for the federal regulation of the burgeoning cannabis industry.

Senator Ron Wyden and Representatives Earl Blumenauer introduced “The Path to Marijuana Reform Act,” which permit states to create and regulate their own regulatory policies free from federal interference. The bold legislation also calls for removing cannabis from the U.S. Controlled Substances Act.

“The federal government must respect the decision Oregonians made at the polls and allow law-abiding marijuana businesses to go to the bank just like any other legal business.” Wyden said. “This three-step approach will spur job growth and boost our economy all while ensuring the industry is being held to a fair standard.”

The three steps Wyden refers to are clearly outlined in the proposal:

Small Business Tax Equity Act

This legislation would repeal the tax penalty that singles out state-legal marijuana businesses and bars them from claiming deductions and tax credits.

Responsibly Addressing The Marijuana Policy Gap Act

This legislation would reduce the gap between Federal and State law by removing federal criminal penalties and civil asset forfeiture for individuals and businesses acting in compliance with state law. It would also reduce barriers for state-legal marijuana businesses by ensuring access to banking, bankruptcy protection, marijuana research, and advertising. It would protect individual marijuana consumers in states that have legalized marijuana, by providing an expungement process for certain marijuana violations, ensuring access to public housing and federal financial aid for higher education, and ensuring that a person cannot be deported or denied entry to the U.S. solely for consuming marijuana in compliance with state law. Finally, it would remove unfair burdens by ensuring veterans have access to state-legal medical marijuana, and protecting Native American tribes from punishment under federal marijuana laws.

Marijuana Revenue And Regulation Act

This legislation would responsibly deschedule, tax, and regulate marijuana. It would impose an excise tax on marijuana products similar to current federal excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco, escalating annually to a top rate equal to 25 percent of the sales price. Marijuana producers, importers, and wholesalers would be required to obtain a permit from the Department of Treasury, and the marijuana industry would be regulated in a manner similar to alcohol. Strict rules would prohibit sale or distribution of marijuana in states where it is illegal under state law.

The legislation “is another sign that the growing public support for ending our failed war on cannabis consumers nationwide is continuing to translate into political support amongst federal officials,” said Erik Altieri, executive director of NORML, a top marijuana reform group. “With marijuana legalization being supported by 60 percent of all Americans while Congress’ approval rating is in the low teens, ending our country’s disastrous prohibition against marijuana would not just be good policy, but good politics.”

Oregon is one of eight states where adult recreational marijuana is legal. There are 29 states that have medical marijuana programs. More than 60 million Americans over the age of 21 live in states that allow some form of marijuana consumption. And poll after poll consistently shows that about 60 percent of Americans support legalization of cannabis. 

“Too many people are trapped between federal and state laws,” Blumenauer said. “It’s not right, and it’s not fair. We need change now – and this bill is the way to do it.”

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10 Types Of Marijuana To Calm Those Tummy Problems

The plant is regarded as one of the best natural remedies for treating these problems rapidly and efficiently.

Tummy problems suck, whether the cause is a bad burrito or a side effect from heavy medications. No matter the intensity of your symptoms or the reason why they’re happening, nausea and cramps can be mitigated by marijuana. The plant is regarded as one of the best natural remedies for treating these problems rapidly and efficiently.

Know that there are multiple ways to consume marijuana, you can eat or drink it, rub it into your skin, vape, smoke and much more. Ask the budtenders at your local dispensary which products have the strains listed and then pick how you want to put it into your body.

Here we bring you a list of 10 types of marijuana that’ll have your stomach feeling better in no time:×20-3orifeEM9GRh8MUkE0


Originally developed to treat sleep disorders, this strain is also great for for combatting nausea, indigestion, inflammation and all sorts of tummy-related pain.


This type of marijuana has a lot of CBD which is means that it has great properties for controlling pain, nausea, inflammation and indigestion. It’ll have you feeling uplifted and it’s perfect for consuming during the daytime.

OG Shark

This strain is found primarily in Canada and is normally used for medical reasons, providing relief from nausea, pain and sleep disorders.


This indica dominant strain works wonders for indigestion and appetite loss and is the perfect remedy for when your stomach is not having its best day.


RELATED: 10 Types Of Marijuana That Will Suppress Your Appetite

This strain has deep relaxing qualities that won’t leave you chained to your couch, so it’s perfect for consuming during the day and treating your stomach symptoms due to its healing capabilities and management of physical discomfort.

Master OG

This colorful strain has a very musky smell and will leave you feeling super relaxed, soothing your body and disconnecting your brain.

Blue Galaxy

This type of marijuana has an earthy and sweet smell that’ll make you feel instantly better, helping out with physical pain, nausea and leaving you in a hazy but super pleasant state of mind.

Green Door Kush

This strain will make your body feel relaxed without affecting your head and motivations, allowing you to carry on with your day while obtaining your much needed relief.

Silver Kush

This sativa dominant strain will leave you giggly and uplifted while also providing relief from nausea, pain and depression.

Thor’s Hammer

RELATED: Can Marijuana Be A Performance-Enhancing Drug For Athletes

This type of marijuana will act fast, kind of like an energy drink, leaving you happy and uplifted while also powering up your body and relieving you from any form of pain.

It’s Been 25 Years Since Bill Clinton Said He ‘Didn’t Inhale’ Marijuana

This is hard to believe, but it’s been a quarter of a century since Bill Clinton tested the credulity of Americans by boldly claiming that he “didn’t inhale” when he tried marijuana during the 1960s.

Clinton made the absurd-sounding claim as he was campaigning for president in 1992.

“When I was in England,” he said when asked if he’d ever violated international law, “I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and didn’t like it. I didn’t inhale and I didn’t try it again.”

We’re sure, Bill.

Four yeas ago, Clinton was able to make light of the now infamous quote. “Like many things in the press, that whole thing has been totally twisted,” he said in 2013. “I didn’t say I was holier than thou, I said I tried. I never denied that I used marijuana,” Clinton said. “I told the truth. I thought it was funny. And the only journalist who was there said I told the truth.”

Perhaps learning his lesson from Bill, “Choom Gang” member Barack Obama was a bit more candid when asked a similar question during his first presidential campaign. “When I was a kid, I inhaled frequently,” he said. “That was the point.”

[h/t Houston Chronicle]

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California Already Accounts For More Legal Marijuana Sales Than Any Other State


Of course, all of the legal cannabis sales in California are in the medical marijuana program, since recreational retail is still being hammered out.

California will not have retail outlets for legal marijuana sales until next year, but it is already ranks No. 1 nationally in market share.

According to cannabis market research firm the Arcview Group, the Golden State accounts for more than a quarter of all legal weed sales in North America (the data includes all of U.S. and Canada).

According to the report, California accounted for 27 percent of the 2016 legal market. The two states that first allowed selling legal recreational cannabis in 2013 finished second and third: Colorado at 20 percent and Washington at 11 percent.

Canada, which is included in the firm’s data for the first time, accounted for 13 percent of the overall sales figures. The U.S. was responsible or 87 percent of the overall market.

Arcview estimates that North American consumers spent $6.7 billion on legal cannabis products in 2016, up 34 percent from $5 billion in 2015. The research firm offers a bold forecast for the next four years:

The growth continues a robust pattern that Arcview estimates will lead to a $22.6-billion market in 2021 at a 27% compound annual growth rate.

Of course, all of the legal cannabis sales in California are in the medical marijuana program, since recreational retail is still being hammered out. All legal sales in the state require the customer/patient to have a medical card. Despite that extra hurdle, business is booming — and is expected to skyrocket in 2018.

Also, the Canadian market, which is rumored to become legal for recreational adult use in 2018, is expected to grow exponentially as well.

The report also suggests that states that have moved early into the recreational market enjoy a “first-mover advantage”:

While Oregon, Washington and Colorado are relatively small states in terms of total population, an existing tourism market and their first-mover status in the adult use market will help them maintain their leadership in terms of market size and investment opportunities.

An executive summary of the ArcView Group’s annual State of Legal Marijuana Markets report is available for free with an email registration. The full report is $597.

These Women Invented A New Bath Bomb With A Tub Full Of Mac And Cheese

Forget your lavender, forget your peppermint, and forget your eucalyptus. If you’re looking for the most bomb bath bomb, what you need is to follow the example set by the forward-thinking youths at our finest universities and get youself the trendiest cleanser available: mac and cheese.

In typical college fashion, the idea began as an offhanded joke. Oklahoma State University students Ashley Randall and Madison Harper decided to bathe in a bathtub of mac and cheese recently as their roommate Anne Henry Maggio snapped some pictures. The post later went viral, much to the girls’ surprise.

“Ashley said she wanted to make 10 pots of mac and cheese and I said ‘Well why don’t ya bathe in it then?,’ and here we are,” Maggio told Mashable.

The girls would make 56 boxes of mac and cheese to fill the tub and used the gooey cheese to write “SEND NUDES” on the tile wall.

“Everybody’s always talked about, ‘I want to swim in a pool of pudding,’” Randall told Oklahoma State’s student newspaper. “Growing up you always hear, ‘What if there was a pool of jello?’ We just actually did it.”

The roommates said the cleanup process only took a couple hours. Though they didn’t expect to go viral, they plan on matching the food they used to charity. What’s more is the stunt is already inspiring some copycats on social media.

Next time you’re looking for a relaxing bath time, remember—grab a box of mac and cheese.

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Here Is Everything We Know About The New ‘Justice League’ Movie

Zack Snyder is really good at producing trailers. He is perhaps the best director in Hollywood at convincing audiences they absolutely must watch his movies in theaters (Michael Bay is the one who makes it an argument). Because even after being burned by his previous efforts Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, here we are again excited for Justice League.

The trailer dropped over the weekend and showcases the heroes assembling their superteam together. As far as the new players go, Jason Momoa’s Aquaman steals most of your attention, riding atop the Batmobile, stabbing dudes with tridents, and overall filling the Robert Downey Jr. role of providing wisecracking levity to the very serious proceedings. Ezra Miller provides his quirky charisma to Flash while Cyborg’s armor looks painted on and needs some more work in postproduction.

Snyder is also a prime strategist when it comes to leaking catnip details for fans in promoting and marketing these movies. Giving an interview with USA Today, he addressed the elephant in the room when he said, “It’s hard to have a Justice League without Superman. That’s how I feel about it.”

He would go on, espousing that Batman v Superman was always meant to be seen as a prequel. Via USA Today:

It was always a super-intriguing concept to me to have this opportunity to have him make that sacrifice but also have him be this, in a weird sort of way, the why of Justice League: What do you do now with him? What does the team think? What does the world need? All that comes into play. It’s fun for us but it’ll be interesting for audiences what we do with him.

So yes even though Superman is nowhere to be seen in this trailer, he’ll almost certainly be in the movie. This would coincide with rumors that Henry Cavill sparked when he posted what appears to be a black Superman suit on Instagram last year.


A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

For now we’ll wait for news of Superman’s return and hope Ben Affleck won’t seem so trapped in that Batsuit when Justice League comes out this November.

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