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6 Tropical Destinations To Escape The Winter Blues On The Cheap


The cold, dark winter months are here for most of the U.S. It’s January, which means our next nearest break from the cold nights and short days is still months away.

If going to Alaska isn’t your thing — More snow? No thanks — you’ve maxed out the art and museum offerings here in the states, and you’ve got zilch to do until Stranger Things comes back, it might be time to pack the swimsuit and get thee to a beach.

These destinations are off the beaten path, but still reachable from the east coast without blowing your whole budget on airfare.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Situated on the Pacific coast, this beachy town is perfect if you’re looking for a less-touristy spot to visit in Mexico but still want to experience the nightlife and boutique shopping. Flights are around $300, and hotels are equally reasonable.

San Juan, Puerto Rico

A mix of historic and modern life, you can spend your days in San Juan lounging on the beach or exploring 16th century sights, and the nights in its lively bars and clubs.

Playa del Carmen, Mexico

If checking out the ocean life and coral reefs before they’re gone forever is on your bucket list, Playa del Carmen. Hotels are inexpensive and you can choose your adventure: Chilled-out relaxation or turned-up nightlife.

Trinidad and Tobago

This dual-island is a Caribbean destination that won’t blow your savings. Be sure to visit the Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve, featuring a shelter for hummingbirds.

Montego Bay, Jamaica

If all-inclusive resorts and a luxurious vibe are your taste, but your budget disagrees, try Montego Bay.


This West Indies island has just about everything: Untouched beaches, bird sanctuaries, sailing and shopping.

President Obama’s Impact On The War On Drugs

What has been President Obama’s Impact on the War On Drugs?  It is hard to believe that he will no longer be our President. I have both smiled and wiped away tears when watching President Obama’s farewell speeches, press conferences and exit interviews.

With Obama’s term closed, I wanted to reflect and thank him for his efforts to roll back the failed drug war and fix our broken criminal justice system. Here are some of his accomplishments.

White House Allows Marijuana Legalization Laws to Proceed

Colorado and Washington made history in November 2012 when they voted to legally regulate the production, distribution and sale of marijuana. But there was much uncertainty about how President Obama and the federal government would respond. Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder gave a qualified green light for Washington and Colorado to move forward and implement their laws via the August 2013 Cole memo. Over the next several years, more states and jurisdictions legalized marijuana – Oregon, Alaska, and Washington D.C. in 2014 and California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada in 2016. President Obama deserves credit for allowing the will of the people to stand and for allowing these states to move away from marijuana prohibition.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

President Obama and AG Holder Slam Mass Incarceration and Mandatory Minimum Drug Laws

President Obama and his attorney general spoke out forcefully against mass incarceration and mandatory minimum drug laws and made criminal justice reform a signature issue of Obama’s second term. Holder urged US attorney generals to not charge mandatory minimums for drug offenses when it could be avoided. President Obama spoke out against the 100-to-1 crack/powder sentencing discrepancy and although Congress wasn’t able to eliminate the discrepancy, they did reduce it to 18-to-1 with the passage of the Fair Sentencing Act. Obama and Holder pushed hard for bipartisan legislation that would roll back mandatory minimums. Attorney General Holder called for the repeal of laws that prohibit millions of felons from voting.

President Obama’s Drug Czar Embraces Harm Reduction Strategies

President Obama and his Drug Czar Michael Botticelli urged people to think about drug addiction as a health issue instead of a criminal issue. Obama’s Affordable Care Act expanded treatment to millions of people who never had access. Botticelli called for harm reduction strategies to deal with our overdose crisis, including expanding access to naloxone, the overdose reversal drug. They also embraced methadone and other medications for people struggling with opioid addiction, as well as syringe access programs to reduce HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C and other preventable diseases.

President Obama Acknowledged His Drug Use and Admitted Marijuana No More Dangerous Than Alcohol

Obama broke ground by talking openly about his own personal history of drug use. He was matter-of-fact about his marijuana use and even admitted to using cocaine in his youth. He shattered the myth that all drug use is problematic and could hold someone back from ambition and success. In a seminal interview with the New YorkerPresident Obama said that marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol and spoke about racial disparities in marijuana arrests.

President Obama Grants More Clemencies than Last 11 Administrations Combined

President Obama started off slow and was criticized for not using his clemency and pardon powers. But then, in 2014, the administration made it clear that it wanted to step it up and took the unprecedented step of encouraging defense lawyers to suggest inmates whom the president might let out of prison early. Over the last couple of years he moved aggressively and granted clemency to close to 1,600 people, more than the last 11 administrations combined.

I don’t want to overstate President Obama’s criminal justice reform accomplishments. Many of these efforts fell short and there is so much that was not accomplished. We still have a mass incarceration crisis and there are record numbers of people dying from preventable overdoses. But when we look at the Trump administration getting ready to take over and the people he is surrounding himself with, particularly Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, it is obvious how much we are going to miss President Obama’s efforts to fix our criminal justice system.

Tony Newman is communications director for the Drug Policy Alliance

Watch: Man Dressed As A Beer Bottle Steals Papa John’s Pizzas


There’s a man-sized beer bottle on the loose, and Papa John’s wants justice.

This guy wandered into a Papa John’s pizza parlor on New Year’s Eve, most likely drunk off his ass on Heineken (at least we hope it was Heineken, since he’s now their greatest poster boy). He was super hungry from the late night festivities. When he spotted two pizzas waiting untouched behind the counter, he did what any one of us could have done in this situation: He grabbed them and took off. Unfortunately, he forgot to pay. The store’s CCTV cameras took his photo before he ran off.

Now he’s a man on the run, likely lying low now that the cops are onto him.

If you recognize this man, the South Wales Police would appreciate it if you gave them a call, as ITV reported. They just want to talk to him, the cops tweeted:

Much respect to the SWP, but if you spot this local hero running around in the same bulky beer bottle costume that he wore on New Year’s Eve, maybe pretend you don’t notice him. Don’t call the cops.

Don’t approach him, for your own safety — he is a majestic creature but he could be dangerous, we don’t know. When your friends ask if you see that guy over there in the Heineken bottle costume, covered in weeks-old Papa John’s grease, act like you don’t until he’s moved along.

Such boldness and beauty should be allowed to roam the earth freely, undisturbed by authorities or his fellow man, forever. And whatever kind of hangover from hell he woke up with on New Year’s Day was probably punishment enough.

TFT PSA: This Is Not How You Use a Ladder


Ladders aren’t for everyone. The frail, for instance, should stay away from them as should those of us who suffer from a fear of heights. But the man trying to remove a towel from a ceiling pipe in the video below doesn’t appear to have any reason not to use a ladder in the way it was meant to be used.

As you’ve by now hopefully seen, instead of standing or climbing the ladder, the young man in the clip holds it like a stick and tries to bat the cloth from the pipe. A task that should’ve taken about five seconds to complete instead takes nearly a full minute.


The Best Of The New “Can Someone Please Tell Me Who This Celeb Is?” Meme

Last week, a confused young man names James Malcom took a photo with legendary singer and writer Nick Cave and posted it to Twitter with the caption, “Can someone please tell me who this celeb is? Everyone was asking him for pics and I didn’t wanna feel left out.” The tweet quickly went viral, birthing a new meme in the process.

All you need to do is take a photo with someone (preferably they’d be famous or at least noteworthy for something, but it also works as just a gag with your friend) tweet it with Malcolm’s same caption. Below are a few noteworthy examples.

Of course, the meme eventually found its way back to Malcolm.

He seems to be taking the new internet fame just fine. “put my phone on airplane mode when this had 7 likes then got off the plane and it’s gone bloody mental,” he tweeted after his tweet went viral.

Nick Cave hasn’t acknowledged the meme publicly yet, but we’re hopeful he will soon.

Gute Nachrichten! Germany Legalizes Medical Marijuana


In a landmark bill, the German parliament last week voted unanimously to legalize medical marijuana.

“Those who are severely ill need to get the best possible treatment and that includes health insurance funds paying for cannabis as a medicine for those who are chronically ill if they can’t be effectively treated any other way,” said Health Minister Hermann Groehe.

That’s correct: Not only will patients be able to access cannabis, the cost will be covered by health insurance for those who have no other treatment options.

Marlene Mortler, Germany’s drug commissioner, fought for the policy to allow patients to purchase cannabis from a pharmacy if they have a doctor’s prescription.

“It’s a great addition for patients who have waited for this a long time,” Mortler said.

The law will limit cannabis sales to patients “in very limited exceptional cases,” including patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic pain, and lack of appetite or nausea related to cancer treatments.

Until the law passed, medical marijuana was available on a rare case-by-case basis. This bill allows patients to get a prescription from their doctor.

“Today is a beautiful day,” said Rainer Hayek, a lawmaker in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative CDU party.

Last year, the German government reached an agreement with Canada to import cannabis. Bruce Linton, CEO for Canopy Growth Corp., one of the companies certified to import, said the German market was a strong one.

RELATED STORY: As Marijuana Legalization Spreads, Teen Use Lowest In 40 Years 

“This is a very substantial market, and it’s probably the best place to enter the European Union from,” Linton said last year.

Germany joins Austria, Britain, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain on the list of European countries that have legalized some form of cannabis or decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana.

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Black Market Weed May Thrive With Governor’s Plan

In November, Nevada voted for legal adult use of cannabis with 54 percent. A little over two months later, state officials are still debating the finer points of the law. Surprisingly, black market weed my thrive with the Governor’s plan.

Last week, Gov. Brian Sandoval announced that he supports a 10 percent special tax on marijuana sales in an effort to provide up to $70 million in funding for public schools. The special tax is on top of the 15 percent wholesale tax already in place.

The two taxes together, some industry executives and other policy experts fear, will keep Nevada cannabis consumers shopping in the black market and forgoing the legitimate retail experience.

“It’s a very price-sensitive product. We just have to be really mindful that we don’t create a black market,” said state Sen. Patricia Farley, I-Las Vegas.

Farley may have a good point. “If you overtax it, people are going to go back to the black market, avoid paying taxes, avoid everything,” Andrew Jolley, CEO of The Source marijuana dispensaries, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “It’s a delicate balancing act that we need to handle carefully, so we do what’s in the best interest of Nevadans and our education system.”

In Colorado and Washington, the two first states to allow retail sales of marijuana, officials have had to walk a fine line between generating maximum revenue while at the same time eliminating the illicit market. In both states, the black market cannabis is generally half the price of regulated retail cannabis.

Most casual consumers are willing to pay a tax in order to ensure quality, testing and legitimacy. But the more government increases taxes, the more the black market thrives.

When Question 2 passed, it created a 15 percent tax on wholesale recreational cannabis. Recreational sales, which is scheduled to begin no earlier than June, will be taxed at the regular sales taxes.

Sandoval’s proposal 10 percent add-on tax will need to pass the Legislature, which begins the 2017 session on Feb. 1.

Colorado collected $44 million in the first full year of sales in 2014, well below the projected $70 million. But by 2015, the state collected $76 million in marijuana taxes. And that revenue eclipsed more than $102 million through the first 11 months of 2016, according to data from the Colorado Department of Revenue.


Three States Have Delayed Voter Approved Marijuana

Three states have delayed voter approved marijuana, a sad time for the democratic process. Legislators in the states are pushing forward measures to delay the enactment of several voter-initiated marijuana laws.

  • In Arkansas, House lawmakers unanimously voted in favor of legislation, House Bill 1026, to postpone the deadline for establishing the state’s new medical marijuana program by 60 days. Fifty-three percent of voters approved Issue 6 on Election Day, which called on lawmakers to regulate the production and dispensing of medical cannabis within 120 days.
  • In Maine, leading House and Senate lawmakers have endorsed emergency legislation, LD 88, to delay retail marijuana sales by at least three months. Under the voter-initiated law, rules regulating the commercial marijuana market are supposed to be operational by January 1, 2018.
  • In North Dakota, Senate lawmakers unanimously passed emergency legislation, Senate Bill 2154, to postpone the deadline for the enactment of the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act. Sixty-four percent of voters backed the measure, which gave lawmakers a 90-day window to regulate the distribution of medical marijuana.
  • Lawmakers in Massachusetts previously enacted legislation imposing a six-month delay on the licensed production and retail sales of marijuana. Legislators are also debating making additional changes to the law, including raising the proposed retail sales tax and limiting the number of plants an adult may grow at home.
  • In Florida, health regulators are also calling for changes to Amendment 2, which passed with 71 percent of the vote.

RELATED: Mix Up How To Consume Marijuana With 5 Fresh Ideas

“Voters have lived with the failings of marijuana prohibition for far too long already. Lawmakers have a responsibility to abide by the will of the voters and to do so in a timely manner,” said Erik Altieri, executive director for NORML, a pro-legalization advocacy group.  He calls the the proposed changes and delays an affront to the democratic process.”


10 International Retreats For The Body And Mind You Need Now


We seldom think about the difference between being and doing. In our increasingly busy and hectic schedules, we often set our minds to “doing mode.” This means that our thought process, and therefore actions, are task-oriented and always looking to what’s next rather than focus on what’s present. It seems that we book vacations as a mode of escape for our minds but also find that we simply can’t turn “doing mode” off.


It is not enough to be immersed in another culture, we create a new kind of “doing mode” by developing a new sense of schedule and tasks to accomplish. Niche markets in the travel industry have been booming to cater to specific types of “doing minds.” A new wave of hotels around the world have been perfecting the art of bringing you from “doing mode” to “being mode.”

So what is “being mode,” you ask? It is the simple notion of being present. It is a sentiment that seems to resonate with minds across the map and has translated into a whole new wellness tourism movement. In the quest to turn humans doing into humans being, hotels and retreats have took to yoga and meditation as the process for change.

We live in a world where the ability to detox your body and mind in the same places is as obvious as having a Starbucks in every city. With seemingly limitless options to escape “doing mode” and enter “being mode,” we took the stress out of the equation and found the world’s top wellness locales. If the travel bug strikes, here are ten of the best yoga hotels to strike a pose at this year.


Silver Island Yoga, Greece

Do you want to savasana on a privately owned island under the Grecian sun? We thought so. This unique eco yoga experience offers an oasis for those in search of a sense of inner peace. Spread across 60 acres of rolling hills, olive groves and wand a crystal blue Mediterranean sea, it is the perfect setting to clear your mindset in a hectic 2017.

The Harmony Hotel, Costa Rica

When trying to be present, it is important to be surrounded by a community who lives in the present. The Harmony Hotel has created a platform for open minded travelers to reflect, relate and share ideas. A sustainable property situated amidst lush greenery and and a pristine surfing beach will acts as the optimal retreat for a busy mind.

Aro Ha, New Zealand

Wellbeing isn’t a destination, it is a journey. And if you’re journey looks best with 8.4 hecatres of pure nature and expensive views of Lake Wakatipu, then Aro Ha is for you. The New Zealand experience specializes in the art of being. According to their philosophy, “Practicing stillness connects us with a deep reservoir of intuitive wisdom. At Aro Hā Mindfulness is sprinkled into your daily practices. Mindful sitting, walking, and eating will improve focus, build emotional intelligence, and help to uncover your innate joy.”

Adler Thermae, Italy

If five days of being present requires a five star stay, look no further than Adler Thermae. At this timeless Tuscany retreat, being present means enjoying warm thermal springs, relaxation zones and stylish saunas. It has the Italian nonchalance that it takes to get you from living in tomorrow to being here today.


Jake’s Hotel, Jamaica

There is something about that Caribbean island breeze that brings you into “being mode.” This treasure on Treasure Beach is shack chic with vibes as welcoming as the people you’ll encounter. Think open air yoga on the ocean, fresh juices and low key casualness at the stunningly serene Jake’s Hotel.

Ananda, Himalayas

Palatial presence is no longer a mindset of the past. Ananda is an award-winning resort on a 100 acre Maharaja’s Palace Estate, surrounded by graceful Sal forests and overlooking the spiritual town of Rishikesh and the Ganges river valley. Here your path to being can be set along different tracks. With the option to focus on de-stressing, weight loss, detoxing, fitness and many more, there is no way you will leave Ananda without a new sense of self.

Willka Tika, Peru

Nestled in Peru’s famous Sacred Valley, Willka T’ika is the glacier-topped getaway you never knew you needed. A culturally rich backdrop sets the perfect scene for your mind to be awakened in the present. The environmentally friendly accommodations are designed to reflect the colors and textures of mother earth, and the spacious yoga studios, cozy meditation cottages, and outdoor and indoor ceremonial areas afford spaces for personal and group activities.

Esalen Institute, USA

Being present doesn’t have to mean sitting still. The word Esalen itself signals adventure, unexplored frontiers and the possibility of humans being. Set between the contrasting energies of mountain and ocean, Esalen brings together a transformative power to believe in something larger than yourself.

Ulpotha, Sri Lanka

Perhaps it takes 5,000 years of history to get you centered in the now. Ulpotha’s deeply rooted spirit culminates a setting ideal for those who are not sure what they are looking for. While the hotel has become known as a vegetarian yoga retreat, it was not established to be anything in particular. It’s ethos is meant to be enjoyed as one wishes and taken for what it is, creating an atmosphere that lets you reach being without any intention of doing.

Swaswara, India

Being truly present requires constant communication of the mind and body. At Swaswara, nature nurtures you into a journey of the self. Influenced by earth and powered by yoga and meditation, Swaswara is a sanctuary for your innermost nature.


10 Dating Tips For Cannabis Users From High There!


Dating in the 21st Century is hard enough. Throw cannabis into the mix, and there’s no telling what types of reactions you may get from your prospective dates.

High There!, the top mobile app on the market for meeting like-minded individuals in your area, feels your pain. However, they also know just how magical relationships can be when a love for cannabis is shared between two special friends.

With that in mind, here are some love life tips worthy of any stoner on the search:


1. Be Open

Hiding your use of cannabis from a date may seem like a good idea at first, but if you wait too long and your partner is not okay with it, you may regret that choice. Better to be open right from the start. After all, if it’s not a problem for your date, you may end up having a lovely smoke session together later on.

2. Be Honest

Got any sexual hang ups? Skeletons in the closet? Being a good partner means being ready to talk about the hard stuff – before it becomes a major wrench in the relationship.

3. Smile

One thing that cannabis can help you do is have a happy and easygoing disposition around the person you’ve chosen for a romantic outing. Whether or not you get high together, you can surely show your date how much you care by throwing a cute grin in their direction.

4. Learn To Listen

When it comes to relationships, its not all about you. Learning to truly listen and understand someone else’s problem will help you grow as a person and as a partner.

5. Avoid Temptation

If you’re the type of person who is known for texting lots of romantic prospects at once, drunk texting their ex, or other activities that may be considered “player-esque”, now’s your chance to settle down before your date gets suspicious of your intentions. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

6. Show Appreciation

We all show appreciation in different ways – sending sweet text messages throughout the day, showing lots of PDA, or buying little gifts for the other person. Whatever that is for you, make sure to take out the time out of the day to show gratitude to your date.

7. Take Things Slow

Can we all agree that the “hookup” culture is greatly overrated? Cannabis can easily help you slow down with your partner and relish every moment, rather than rushing into things.

8. Be Creative

The fun you have together is the best part of every new relationship. Split an edible and ditch the “dinner and a movie” tradition. Coming up with creative date ideas is just one of the herb’s many romantic benefits!

9. Share Often

Whether it’s a deep dark secret, a bite of your ice cream, or a bit of herb, your relationship should involve regularly sharing with one another.

10. Always Keep Growing

Don’t use your relationship as an excuse for slacking on your own interests. Consistently improving on your own self – your education, career and unique goals – will fulfill you no matter what. It’s important to find refuge in “me time” even when you have someone special in your life.

Ready to meet the stoner lover of your dreams? Let technology make that happen for you. To start, all you have to do is download the High There! mobile app to get instantly connected to new people in your neck of the woods who share your passion for the herb.


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