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Good Morning! Here Are 5 Amazing Cannabis Coffee Products


The combination of coffee and weed — odd as it may seem to you — has, to some degree, arrived. It’s on the shelves of your local dispensary. It’s available for order in the murk and mire of the internet. We’re talking about cannabis coffee products. And it’s a thing.

As with any new product, there’s a lot to take in, a lot to absorb before you select which caffeinated form of psychoactive (or not) treat you’ll be sipping on when The Great Weed Wall comes toppling down. To ensure that you’ll have selected the very best method (k-cup, cold brew, etc.), we’ve ranked the options that are currently available to consumers to help guide you as you experiment in the newly awoke world of caffeinated weed products.

(Note: we are discussing methods of intake, not individual products. Yes, we will, on occasion, discuss a particular highlight in terms of each method of coffee/weed consumable, but in general we’re not trying to harsh the buzz of any specific company just trying to get by, we just want you to have the most enjoyable morning cup you can have.)

5. Coffee related treats

Photo by Caio via Pexels
Photo by Caio via Pexels

We’ve placed the consumption of coffee related treats — candies, drops, chocolates — at the bottom of our list because, well, when one thinks of coffee, they think of a steaming cup of beautiful brewed coffee or an frosty glass of cold brew to sip on to prepare for one’s day, not a candy bar. That said, for those opposed to actually drinking coffee, but are still seeking a method of lightly caffeinating themselves while enjoying a strong blast of psychoactive side-affects – the coffee/weed edible is a pretty good choice. We prefer the original coffee/weed candy – the Kiva Espresso Dark Chocolate Bite – a singular espresso bean dipped in a thin layer of THC-laced coffee. But the Kiva product highlights the main reason why coffee-related edibles are mired at the ground floor of our rankings: they’re extremely potent and the caffeine/coffee value is very low. Sure that lone little coffee bean is going to add a touch of coffee flavor, maybe even a hint of a caffeine buzz, but what you’re really getting is very, very high. You can forget sipping your morning cup of joe as the sun rises over the mesa, and start thinking about if you can actually get up from the couch and go about doing, well, anything.

4.  K-cups

Photo by Flickr user Randy
Photo by Flickr user Randy

If you’re a coffee aficionado, Keurig cups (or k-cups) are about the bottom the barrel in terms of actual coffee enjoyment. Yes, you will get a piping hot beverage brewed from actual coffee grounds, but these coffee grounds will be the equivalent of taking the extraneous coffee that’s sat on the roasting floor for weeks on end, grinding it, drying it and then stuffing it into a environmentally damaging package. A k-cup offers a fine experience in terms of actual coffee drinking, but Keurig-style “pods” produce an acrid, watery coffee beverage more akin to instant caffeine, then a robust cup from your local barista. But, snooty flavor profiling aside, will this get you high? Tedd Wetherbee, the owner of Fairwinds Manufacturing in Tacoma, Washington – the producers of the Catapult k-cup – told The Cannabist, that his product was like Red Bull and Vodka – it’ll get your energy up, but it’ll also get you hammered, going further to warn that this isn’t your “ordinary cup of Joe.” So, yes, the k-cup will offer you the increasingly less novel ability to get your stone on while enjoying your morning cup, it just probably taste all that great.

3. Weed tinctures and oils

Photo by Flickr user Alice Carrier
Photo by Flickr user Alice Carrier

Up until recently, if you wanted to enjoy a fresh-ground, high-end cup of coffee with a dose of THC or CBD in it, your only option was to purchase your favorite coffee, grind it and then mix it with some form of tincture or oil. On the surface, that seems like an easy compromise if caffeinated stoniness is what you’re seeking. Brew your preferred coffee using your preferred method, add a drop or a smear of oil or tincture, and you’re off to the races with a decent cup of coffee roiling through your body. We leave the combination of tinctures and oils in the middle slot of our rankings though because, seriously, adding oil or tincture or butter or whatever to your four dollar, micro-lotted cup of impeccably sourced Brazilian coffee is going to have some adverse affects in terms of flavor. Mainly, that your adding an oily substance to a water-based beverage, and then convincing yourself that it just tastes like your favorite coffee. That said, for those fitness-oriented, weed-loving, coffee drinkers who enjoy Bulletproof Coffee – grass-fed butter mixed in black coffee – this might be the greatest thing since, well, brewed coffee. For the rest of us slovenly, coffee slurpers, this might take some getting used to.

 2. Cold brew

Photo by Flickr user Abi Porter
Photo by Flickr user Abi Porter

In the world of coffee, cold brew is having it’s moment. The shelves are stocked with every variety of pre-packaged cold coffee, and everyday a handful of new companies toss their milk cartons into the ring. So of course, THC/CBD alternatives are making their way to the market as well. For the moment, cold brew still faces the same issue as just adding an oil or tincture to your brewed coffee – flavor and texture take a strange, and often times unfortunate bent. But with cold brew, and marijuana currently as popular as they are, coffee-minded producers are working their asses off to dial in both the consistency of the weed agent (whatever it is they’re mixing with the coffee) and the deliciousness of the actual coffee, to provide a truly lovely experience. And we believe that cold brew is an almost perfect vessel for weed and caffeine, an easily consumed, pre-packaged product that you can schlep out to a park on a sunny day and enjoy with your friends. And when the flavor catches up to the experience, well, it’ll be something special. Until then, cold brew sits at our number two spot.

1. Whole Bean Coffee

Photo by Worthy Of Elegance via Unsplash
Photo by Worthy Of Elegance via Unsplash

If you are a “coffee person” then you understand that freshly ground, whole bean coffee is the very best way to enjoy a cup of coffee or a shot of espresso. You are maintaining the original state and flavor of your coffee up until the very last moment before you consume it, insuring that you’re getting most accurate depiction of that coffee’s flavor profile. Up until this point, as our rankings explain, the problem of infusing whole coffee beans with THC/CBD has left coffee drinkers with upscale palates, nursing a cup of oily java. Recently though, companies like Steep Fuze in Colorado have worked towards perfecting a method that infuses whole bean coffee with CBD-oil during the post-roasting process. Translation: coffee drinkers are able to freshly grind and brew their coffee with whatever their preferred method is — French press, pour-over, aeropress, Mr. Coffee, etc. — upping the chance that you’ll be consuming a nice cup of coffee, while enjoying the pain-relieving, soothing effects of, in Steep Fuze’s case, CBD. Even better, Steep Fuze’s CBD coffee removes the potentially less savory effects of caffeine – the jitters, the withdrawal headaches, the hyperventilation – meaning you can quaff a considerable amount of coffee and still maintain a calm, soothing affect. But even our highest ranked method has its downsides: currently, from what we’ve found, there are no THC-infused whole bean coffee products on the market. Meaning that, sure, you can enjoy a heady cup of CBD-coffee and all the wonderful, non-psychoactive effects it’ll bring along, but for those looking to enjoy their cup of coffee and get super high, the pickings are slim to non-existent. For now though, as it always is in coffee, CBD-infused, whole bean coffee provides what we believe is the best experience in both flavor and “medication.” And though Steep Fuze may be the only player in the whole bean market for now, it won’t be long before a plethora of new vendors start gleefully diving into the market.

TFT Asks: Marvel’s Civil War II Is Over, But Should You Read The Tie-Ins?


Binge reading comic events is my favorite way to read them. In a world of Netflix and instant gratification, having to wait for that next issue can make me lose interest. With the finale of Civil War II coming out, I thought it would be cool to help everyone save a little money this holiday season, by trimming the fat.

Much like its predecessor, Civil War II is a sprawling epic with numerous tie-ins. It can be hard to determine which one’s actually “tie into” the main plot, and which one’s just mention it offhand while continuing with their own stories.

Consider this a consumer guide of sorts: I’ve created a “skippable” list for the trade waiters, Marvel Unlimited users, and the general binge reading public. I can’t include everything, so I’ll be focusing on the books with “Civil War II” in the title. Also with a list like this, there may be some minor spoilers, so you’ll have to forgive me if I divulge too much.

Civil War II: Ulysses

Cover Art via Marvel

Al Ewing is at it again! This book makes for a fun look at Ulysses and Karnak as they get to know each other. There are a lot of funny moments and the book succeeds in making Ulysses a likeable character. I recommend this one as a supplement to your enjoyment of the Civil War II event. “Which bucket did you use?” Read It.

Civil War II: Gods of War

Cover Art via Marvel

This book makes for the conclusion of the “All New All Different” Hercules storyline. In it, Herc gathers a team of Demigods to destroy the “New Gods” Catastrophobia, Cryptomnesia, and Horrorscope. To that end, it wraps everything up nicely. It does mention the second Civil War a few times, but doesn’t really have anything to do with it. So, unless you’re already keeping up with the Hercules title, this book does very little to expand upon the actual Civil War II event. You can Skip It if you haven’t kept up with Herc.

Civil War II: Kingpin

Cover Art via Marvel

This is a story about the Kingpin, returning to and regaining his throne in New York City. He discovers that one of his old henchman is an Inhuman with the ability to remain undetected by Ulysses’ precognitive abilities. While it’s a great story, it doesn’t really have much to do the superhero Civil War. One could argue, though, that it provides a street level viewpoint of the event, and because of this, I say Read It! I am biased, I love the Kingpin and this is an interesting and fun story and sets up his own title coming out in February of next year.

Civil War II: The Amazing Spider-Man

Cover Art via Marvel

When Ulysses gets to visit Spider-Man at Parker Industries, he has a vision that Spidey will fight a former villain/current employee “Clash.” Clayton Cole is a reformed villain working for Parker Industries, but is having a run of bad luck, and after Ulysses’ vision, notices that he’s being watched at work more than usual. This leads to him reverting to his old ways and fighting Spider-Man. More importantly it raises the question of morality when involving Ulysses and using him for his powers. Are his prophecies self-fulfilling? In other words, did Clash “break bad” because Ulysses’ vision caused Spidey to investigate Clayton more closely. While I wouldn’t call it a “must read” it does raise some interesting issues. Due to this, if you have the means, Read It.

Civil War II: X-Men

Cover Art via Marvel

With the Terrigen Clouds being toxic to mutants, Magneto doesn’t really need any other reason to go to war with the Inhumans. Ultimately, though, that’s what this series is setting up for: Death of X and Inhumans vs X-Men. It doesn’t really add anything to the Civil War II story, but does set up for those two forthcoming events. If you’re not already keeping up with the X-Men books, then there’s really no reason to read this one. Skip It.

Civil War II: Choosing Sides

Cover Art via Marvel

Choosing Sides is kind of a hard sell for me. While the stories are technically about what certain characters are doing during the second Civil War, I still can’t really call it a “must read.” Unless you absolutely want to know what Nick Fury, Night Thrasher, Kate Bishop and others are up to throughout the Civil War, I personally think you can Skip It.

That pretty much sums up all the tie ins with Civil War II in the actual title. There are other books that do tie into the Civil War II story, but if you’re not already following them, in my opinion they don’t add enough to warrant going out and picking them up, just for reading the event. Except for the Ultimates. If you’re not reading the Ultimates, you should be. It’s really good.


Here Are The 10 Most Bizarre News Stories of 2016


By all accounts 2016 has been a bizarre year. There was, of course, the endless and painful election, which brought out the worst in just about everybody. But there were also the regular weird news stories that enlightened and confused us as much as ever, like the brave soul who threw a dildo on the field during a Buffalo Bills game or the woman who was stabbed by her own dog. Below, please read the 10 best weird news stories of 2016.

10. Dildo on the Field

Screenshot via CBS

Back in October, New England Patriots QB Tom Brady threw four touchdowns during a game against the Buffalo Bills, which is impressive. More impressive? The fan who tossed a dildo at least 15 yards onto the field. The only person we feel bad for is the referee who had to move the sex toy off the field.

9. Woman Stabbed by Her Own Dog

Photo by WerbeFabrik via pixabay

Sometimes man’s best friend can also be man’s worst enemy, even if the dog is a good pup like Mia. This fall, Mia grabbed a pairing knife from her owner Celinda Hayne’s kitchen counter with her mouth and thought Haynes was playing when she tried to retrieve it from her. When Haynes tossed Mia a treat to distract her, Mia accidentally stabbed Haynes in her enthusiasm, leaving a four-inch gash behind. Luckily for Mia, local police decided not to press charges against her because she’s a dog.

8. Man Bit on the Penis By Venomous Spider Twice in One Year

Photo by Flickr user Rhys Moult

In April, an Australian construction worker named Jordan was bit on the penis by a redback spider while using the toilet at a job site. Five months later, another spider–believed to be a redback spider–bit him on the penis while he was using the toilet at a different job site. I’m the most unlucky guy in the country at the moment,” he told the BBC after the second bite. We agree.

7. Man Punches Kangaroo in the Face to Free a Dog

Not a ton is known about this man who jumped from a pickup truck, ran up to a kangaroo holding a dog in a headlock, and punched the kanga right in the dang face. But we do know that he’s a hero

6. Woman Slaps Bouncer After He Refuses Pizza ID and 5. The Naked Pizza Bandit

Baltimore County Police

No Year in Weird Crime piece would be complete without some serious pizza crime, and this year didn’t disappoint. First, there was an underaged college student who slapped a bouncer for the crime of refusing to accept a slice of pizza as valid ID. Then there was the Maryland man who broke into a pizza parlor, stripped off all of his clothes, and then robbed several registers.

4. The Man Who (Allegedly) Fucked His Goat

Photo by Flickr user Michael Fraley

Georgia is the wonderful state in which I was born. It’s also the state where, this summer, a man was arrested after his neighbors spotted him “having intercourse with a goat.” The man was charged with bestiality and faces five years in jail if convicted.

3. Surgery Patient’s Fart Starts Small Fire in Japan

Photo via littlevisuals

In Japan, a patient was burned and a hospital room was slightly damaged when the patient farted during surgery near a laser, igniting the flammable fart gas.

2. Downtown Tom the Aggressive Turkey

Photo via KCRA

My personal favorite story of the year is the tale of Downtown Tom, the aggressive turkey of Davis, California. If you’re trying to use a bank in downtown David, you better watch out for this territorial bird.

1. Woman Crashes Into Cop Car While Taking Topless Selfie

Photo by Flickr user Tony Webster

Who among hasn’t drunkenly crashed into a parked police car while posing for a topless selfie to send to our significant other?


Wha? 7 Of The Strangest And Most Random Moments Of 2016

During this time of the year, when we’re so close to the beginning of 2017, the internet is filled with all sorts of lists ranging from the best and worst things that people can come up with. The lists rank all sorts of things, from shows, to movies, to food, to whatever the hell you can think of.

Here, at The Fresh Toast we wanted to come up with something fun and different, so we thought that a list featuring the most random and weird moments of the year would be entertaining, and that it would also fit well with the strangeness that was 2016. Thanks, Internet.

1- This Dude Who Wanted A Better Mugshot

After failing to show up to his trial for drunk driving, this man decided to send a better selfie to the Police Department because he wasn’t really feeling his mugshot. His priorities are definitely in order.

2- This Fitbit That Captured Heartbreak

When his boyfriend broke up with him, this guy decided to check out his Fitbit and tweet about it, which later became huge news, because, 2016. 

3- Monica Lewinsky’s Emojis

It seems like Kim Kardashian’s got some competish, since Monica Lewinsky is following in her footsteps and releasing her line of #BeStrong emojis.

4- These Selfies on a Plane

A guy boarded a plane and claimed that he was loaded with explosives. The natural response from passenger Ben Innes was to take a selfie with him. Enough said.

5- This Man Who Climbed Trump Tower

Never forget.

6- The Whole Creepy Clown Craze

For about month, a lot of people from different parts of the US started reporting that creepy and murderous looking clowns were popping out in random places, scaring everyone for seemingly no reason at all. The mystery still remains.

7- When B.o.B Claimed The Earth Was Flat

And was properly schooled by Neil Degrasse-Tyson.

8- Trump And Kanye’s Rendezvous

This might be even weirder than that time that Kanye claimed he was running for president.


Legal Weed Grows: Boon For Cali Commercial Real Estate In 2017


Legalizing recreational marijuana in California is creating a gold rush for a decidedly less intoxicating sector: Commercial Real Estate.

Investors have few options to cash in directly on the state’s recent decision to legalize the drug, as there are no publicly traded cannabis producing companies and marijuana remains illegal under federal law. However, they are anticipating a lift in demand for warehouses as legal pot companies search for space to grow their supply.

Shares of industrial warehouse companies such as Prologis Inc, Rexford Industrial Realty Inc and Terreno Realty Corp that have significant exposure to the California market should benefit even if they do not lease to marijuana companies directly, fund managers and analysts say.

This is because cannabis companies are expected to pay above-market rates for older, outmoded facilities that are more suitable for growing plants indoors and storing products containing marijuana, taking out some of the vacancy in an already-tight market and pushing overall rents higher, said Michael Underhill, a portfolio manager at RidgeWorth Capital.

“Cannabis companies are going to find some distressed properties and get them up and running, and in many cases they will have the capital to pay whatever it takes to get space,” said Underhill, adding that this allows companies with more modern facilities to charge higher rents.

For more cannabis business coverage, visit the MJ News Network

 Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store

Happy New Year And Thank You From The Fresh Toast


The holidays are upon us and 2016 is coming to an end. All of us at The Fresh Toast would like to thank you for visiting and reading!

It’s been a big year for us, from our launch to the November election when weed won, and our editors worked long and hard on all the fun news, culinary delights, hot messes, marijuana-related goodness and medical cannabis breakthroughs there were to write about.

While 2016 was a big year for The Fresh Toast and the cannabis industry as a whole, 2017 is already gearing up to be even bigger. Red states are becoming more marijuana friendly, even more states are looking to legalize recreational weed, and you just know there is going to so much to make fun of, eat, drink, watch and listen to.

Whatever happens, know that you can turn to The Fresh Toast to get the information you need, whether it be how to navigate a rec state, how to treat your mom’s chronic pain, how to break down the news, how to make that perfect cup of coffee (maybe not), or…. DYI marijuana tampons? As you wish.

We here at The Fresh Toast strive every day to bring you big news, delicious tid-bits and all the cannabis information out there. We hope to see you often in the new year.

Need some last minute ideas for the holiday? Here are our biggest stories:

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Want to look back on our most popular stories since launch? Here you go:

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From all of us to all of you out there: Have the best holidays ever,


The Fresh Toast Team

Did You Know That Listerine Can Keep You From Getting Gonorrhea?

STDs are on the rise, with syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia on an all time high. This is the second year in a row where the numbers of people infected with different STDs have increased to the point where the government is becoming concerned. Also, a new branch of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, called “Super Gonorrhea” (we wish that name was a joke), has been discovered in England, Japan and Canada. Needless to say, the health people are concerned and so should we. 


A new Australian study discovered that Listerine can be huge in terms of the future of gonorrhea, aiding in the prevention of the disease, slowing the development of the bacteria, and influencing future treatment.

Now, before you decide to take a cleansing Listerine bath, you should know that the research is not conclusive and that it has only just begun. It has been conducted solely on men with throat gonorrhea, who were divided into two groups. One group gargled with Listerine while the other one gargled with a saline solution.


Afterwards, the men had a throat swab that showed some pretty surprising and uplifting results. 52 percent of the the men from the Listerine group tested positive against 82 percent of the men from the saline solution group. 

While Listerine and STDs can on the surface look like two totally unrelated things, there’s history to back this research up. Listerine is a very old invention, developed in the 19th century, and since its very early stages the inventors claimed that it could cure gonorrhea. If only they’d advertise that on the commercials, amirite?


San Francisco Plagued By Mysterious Rotten Egg Smell


Dozens of people in San Francisco have complained about a puzzling rotten egg smell drifting through the city over the past two days.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that 15 people called the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to complain about the odor between 11 pm Wednesday and 1 am Thursday; that follows a whopping 54 calls received by the city early Wednesday morning starting at 2 am.

For now, officials are baffled, though gas and oil giant Chevron may be the culprit. The company may have released sulfur during consecutive nights of flaring,or burning off excess gas, at a nearby refinery, though the company denies being the source of the offensive smell.

Landfills, local ships, and wastewater treatment centers are all being investigated as well.

“Once we determine the source, we will pursue any and all enforcement actions available,” Jack Broadbent, executive director of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, told the Chronicle.

Until then, we suggest that San Francisco residents burn something else to mask the noxious smell.

Here’s The Biggest Beer Trend To Look Forward To In 2017


Let’s agree: 2016 was awful. But 2017 can be better, at least in the diverse cornucopia that is the craft beer world. Our pick for the biggest beer trend for the new year: the farm returning to the table.

I don’t mean breweries using organic ingredients or the farm-freshest materials (some do the former and most do the latter). But what I mean is a return back to the farm, itself. The place where beer was made for the first time (by accident), the place where farmers, when the workload was light, would toss ingredients together in a boil to make a grainy, barn-fresh tea-like concoction, ferment it and call it beer. It was beer. It is beer. Today, that style is often called a Saison (named after the seasonal farm workers). But other forms are known as sours (maybe the world’s first beers given the yeasts floating in the air in ancient Samaria) and ciders, pressed with apples that may have been planted by a Mr. Appleseed, himself.

We’re at an interesting time for craft beer. The product has crossed all geographic and social lines — hell, everyone knows what an IPA is. And most know what an Imperial IPA is, too. By extension, pale ales, pilsners, even brown ales, porters and stouts are in our collective lexicon. So in some ways, craft beer is ubiquitous. But in others, it’s still mysterious and very new.

But the world is about to find out the secrets craft brewers have known and been sharing with each other for years and years. Want a dark, malty wheat beer? That’s a Dunkelweizen. Want an effervescent, centerless beer with enormous flittering flavor? Yup, you guessed it, that’s your Saison. Want a puckery beer that tastes like equal parts candy and love potion? Keep reading…

There are brews with even more mystery and flavor and some breweries, like Portland’s Cascade Brewing Barrel House, are completely devoted to sour ales. These are the beers that make your entire mouth pucker. Cascade makes Blueberry sours, Apricot and Elderberry. Beers that make you feel like you’re drinking part booze and part probiotic. But there’s something about them that hooks you, reminiscent of a time long ago when human physiology was just forming. When your DNA was coalescing.

And ciders, too. The world will take a giant step forward in 2017 when it comes to ciders. When we were first introduced nationally to ciders they were thick, syrupy, cloying things. Now they are rich and deep and nuanced. Cideries like Finnriver in Chimacum, WA, whose black current and lavender cider are nectars from the happy gods.

So, dear reader, as you prepare yourself for another year (post-2016’s dumpster fire), keep your eye out for brews fresh from the farm that taste just so. It’s a return to the roots of beverage production. A much needed restart as we collectively cheers, “Onward!” and those beers, beyond our love for IPA’s and Stouts, are Saisons, Sours and flavored apple ciders.

Test Your Knowledge: The Ultimate Marijuana Math Quiz

While some will have you believe that marijuana is a gateway to losing valuable brain cells, it is actually quite the opposite. In fact, the argument could be made that the typical cannabis consumer comes into contact with a good deal more math on an average basis than most other typical Americans whether it be in the form of measurements, potencies, or the likes.
As such, we’ve created a Marijuana Math Quiz to test some of that useful knowledge. See how many questions you can correctly answer below!

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