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Cops Called After Festivus Airing of Grievances Gets Crazy


Festivus is a fictional holiday created as an alternative to Christmas by George Costanza’s father in a now-legendary episode of Seinfeld. A key aspect of the holiday is something called the “Airing of Grievances,” during which participants, well, air their grievances with one another ( defines it as “an opportunity to tell others how they have disappointed you in the past year”). Flash to real life, cops called after Festivus Airing of Grievances gets crazy.

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This year, some Festivus celebrants got a little too into the tradition of complaining about one another at Antonio’s Pizza in Amherst, Mass. Things got so tense that someone called the police, who quickly arrived on the scene. reports that no arrests were made and that some of the more disruptive participants “were sent on their way with some advice on how to handle the season of Festivus.”

It’s unclear if the police visit had any effect on the rest of the Festivus celebration, which includes a “Festivus Dinner” (served with meatloaf, which is the official Festivus dish) and the “Feats of Strength,” in which the head of the household is pinned to the floor.

TFT Fresh Playlist: The Very Best Singles of 2016 Edition


It’s an old joke but one worth repeating: 2016 might’ve been a bad year, but at least it had a good soundtrack. As we usher in the new year, it’s worthwhile to reflect and celebrate. These songs will help you do just that to the year that was.

Rae Sreummurd ft. Gucci Mane, “Black Beatles”

A sleeper jam until it became the Mannequin Challenge anthem; a thrilling unleash of excess and exclamation.

Kanye West ft. Chance the Rapper, The-Dream, Kelly Price, and Kirk Franklin, “Ultralight Beam”

So vast in its vision it wraps you with its communal spirituality, lifts you up, and reminds you that, yes, you too are divine.

D.R.A.M. ft. Lil Yachty, “Broccoli”

Millennial toking anthem that demands you gleefully bounce and bop because stop pretending music and life must be so serious.

M.A., “Ooouuu”

Sinister and sneaky, M.A. jokes, flaunts, and stunts with a contagious spirit that captures and advances New York hip hop.

Beyoncé, “Sorry”

The best breakup song of the year, the best single of the year, the best music video of the year, simply the best.

Lil Uzi Vert, “Do What I Want”

The only song you want to dance to this year; just ask Russell Westbrook.

Drake, “Controlla”

The best of Drake’s riddims and tropical vibes from VIEWS, essential.

The Weeknd ft. Daft Punk, “I Feel It Coming”

Michael Jackson serenades rebirthed through robot manipulation/the dark prince of pop.

Aminé, “Caroline”

Subversive yet of its era, Amine found radio play through this infectious bop.

JEFFERY, “Harambe”

Vicious, growling, destructive, and only possible from Young Thug.

Childish Gambino, “Redbone”

Ditching all millennial sensitivity that defined him, Gambino evolves himself backwards, becoming a sensuous funkadelic.

Rihanna ft. Drake “Work”

Provocative, flippant, the on-and-off-again couple deliver the best dance floor jam of the year.

Frank Ocean “Nights”

Containing the slickest bar of the year–“You can’t break the law with them”–Frank explodes with his abstract version of pop.

Chance the Rapper ft. 2 Chainz, Lil Wayne “No Problems”

Gospel-infused punk contagious in its attitude and glorious in its energy.

The Only Good About 2016: These 10 Memes Showing How Awful It Was


As has been noted extensively, 2016 was a rotten, no-good year, and easily the worst in recent history. That said, some fantastic things emerged from the heaping pile of flaming garbage, like more amazing music than anyone has time to listen to in just 12 months and a year’s worth of mostly great memes. Of those memes, one refers specifically to the bad year that was.

“Me at the beginning of 2016 vs me at the end of 2016” consists of two images of the same celebrity or character juxtaposed next to each other in order to show one at a happier, younger stage next to one near-death or especially haggard stage. For example, here’s Minnie Mouse at the beginning of the year looking happy hopeful next to Minnie Mouse at the end of the year looking despondent and drunk while sitting next to a garbage can.

Here’s a young, healthy Daniel Radcliffe in the first Harry Potter movie at the beginning of 2016 compared to Daniel Radcliffe playing a dead character who can’t stop farting in Swiss Army Man at the end of 2016.

Luke Skywalker in A New Hope Vs Luke Skywalker in The Force Awakens

You get the gist. Here are seven other perfect examples of “me at the beginning of 2016 vs me at the end of 2016.”

The Original Fresh Prince Vs Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness

Titanic Leo Vs The Revenant Leo

Young Rose Vs Old Rose

Milhouse Lego Vs Skeleton Lego

Handsome Nick Nolte Vs Rugged Old Nick Nolte

Lincoln Daniel Day Lewis Vs Gangs of New York Daniel Day Lewis

Happy Uma Vs Overdosed Uma

See It: Dog Stays By Injured Pup’s Side On Train Tracks For Two Days


Here’s a nice story that will put you in the holiday spirit: Earlier this month, a dog spent two whole days protecting another dog who had become injured and couldn’t move off of train tracks.

Denis Malafeev spotted the two dogs on train tracks in western Ukraine. Malafeev filmed the two and posted the video to Facebook, where he wrote that the uninjured dog stayed by his friend’s side, keeping her warm and holding her head down so trains could pass over their heads.

“It’s such a touching story,” he wrote on Facebook. “I got a phone call from a friend who said that there were two dogs lying on the railway track near Tseglovka village for two days.When we arrived, it turned out that one of the dogs, the female, was injured and couldn’t move. But the male dog was protecting her from us. I saw a train approaching – and felt sick.”

“The male dog heard the sound of the approaching train, came close to the female dog and laid down next to her,” he said. “Both of them pushed their heads towards the ground, and let the train pass.”

“He kept her warm for two days under the constant threat of danger! I don’t know what to call it: instinct, love, friendship, attachment,” Malafeev added. “I only know this: not every human is capable of this. We should all learn from it!”

Both pups have since been rescued and adopted.

UK Cops Played Grinch And Stole A Very Weedy Christmas


UK Cops played the Grinch at Christmas! 

O Cannabis Tree, O Cannabis Tree, thy leaves are so unchanging! Except when the cops bust up the yuletide party.

Now that we’re nearing the New Year with Christmas festivities behind us, it’s hard to let go of the decorations and pretty ornaments and pack up the tree — especially when the tree is also your prized marijuana plant. Gloucestershire Police raided a house a few days before Christmas, discovering a small cannabis farm complete with a marijuana plant decorated to look like a bonafide Christmas tree.

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Two people were arrested “on suspicion of cannabis cultivation” the Daily Star reports. Thankfully, the police department’s Twitter account posted a photo of the tree before it was dismantled, writing, “Not your traditional Xmas Tree!”

People who replied to the tweet were understandably a little upset that their police force was busy busting small cannabis farms and bragging about it, instead of addressing more pressing criminal matters. In the UK, it is estimated that tens of thousands of people already break the law to use cannabis for medical purposes, and the subject is cause for contention as it is in the United States. Some reports say the industry could earn between £750m and £1bn if it was taxed.

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In the UK, penalties in the United Kingdom for possession of marijuana range from an on-the-spot fine of £90 to an unlimited fine and five years in prison. Growing cannabis can get up to 14 years in prison. A hefty price to pay for trying to get your holiday cheer on.


Frank Sinatra Told A Young George Michael To Loosen Up


After George Michael’s death on Christmas Day at the age of 53, a letter resurfaced that Frank Sinatra wrote to the newly-famous pop star, and it’s full of sage advice from a seasoned showman.

Following the release of his sophomore solo album Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1, Michael told the Los Angeles Times in an interview for their Calendar magazine cover that the life of a singing sensation wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. From that 1990 interview:

  1. “Michael says his pop dreams proved to be a personal nightmare, leaving him on the verge of an emotional breakdown during the early weeks of the 1988 ‘Faith’ tour…

    ‘…I’m also sure that most people find it hard to believe that stardom can make you miserable. After all, everybody wants to be a star. I certainly did, and I worked hard to get it. But I was miserable, and I don’t want to feel that way again.’

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Frank Sinatra, then 75 years old, read the interview and apparently didn’t care for Michael’s attitude. He published an open letter in the same magazine, rebuking him for not appreciating his fame and encouraging him to continue making music:

“Those who have it — and you obviously do or today’s Calendar cover article would have been about Rudy Vallee — those who have talent must hug it, embrace it, nurture it and share it lest it be taken away from you as fast as it was loaned to you.

“The tragedy of fame is when no one shows up and you’re singing to the cleaning lady in some empty joint that hasn’t seen a paying customer since Saint Swithin’s day. And you’re nowhere near that; you’re top dog on the top rung of a tall ladder called Stardom, which in Latin means thanks-to-the-fans who were there when it was lonely.”

It’s possible that Sinatra, being a star of a much different era, missed some of the nuances that Michael found so troubling: It was eight years later that Michael was arrested for “lewd behavior” by a male undercover officer, and then came out publicly as gay.

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He told the BBC in a 1998 interview:

“The press seemed to take some delight that I previously had a ‘straight audience,’ and set about trying to destroy that. And I think some men were frustrated that their girlfriends wouldn’t let go of the idea that George Michael just hadn’t found the ‘right girl’ [yet]. Which is still what a lot of my extended family still think!”

Sinatra’s advice to “loosen up” falls hollow in comparison to Michael’s internal struggle, as a sex-symbol celebrity in a time when being yourself wasn’t what the people really wanted.

Dog Goes Outside, Accidentally Runs Half-Marathon


Marathons and half-marathons are wonderful examples of what humans can achieve if they work together. There’s the training and physical dedication it takes to complete such a race, and the motivating positivity radiating from the hundreds or thousands of spectators cheering along the route. But earlier this year the world learned that the long-distance races aren’t just for the two-legged.

In Elkmont, Alabama, a two-year-old bloodhound named Ludvine was let outside by her owner to do her “business,” but instead of pooping the dog joined the Elkmont Half-Marathon, which had just begun. Runner’s World reports Ludvine kept running for the entire race and finished the 13.1 mile course in 1:32:56, good for seventh place overall.

April Hamlin, Ludvine’s owner, told Runner’s World she was shocked about her dog’s feat. “She’s laid back and friendly, so I can’t believe she ran the whole half marathon because she’s actually really lazy,” she said.

Lazy or not, Ludvine is a naturally curious dog, which might explain why she wanted to join her human friends in the half-marathon. “She is a wonderful pet, but she does like to sniff around when she’s out of the house,” Hamlin told ABC News in an email. “She used to come to the school to find her two ‘kids’ at the playground and the school secretary would call me and I’d take her home…so, that’s when I started keeping her up more.”

Canadian Man Punches Cougar In The Face To Rescue Dog Near Tim Horton’s


Last month, video emerged of a courageous Australian man punching a kangaroo in the face to rescue a dog being held in a headlock by the ‘roo. Now, in the most Canadian story of all time, a man has reportedly punched a cougar in the face to rescue his dog, which was pinned to the ground near a Tim Horton’s in Alberta.

The Bangor Daily News reports that William Gibb was driving with his 80-pound female husky, Sasha, through central Alberta Wednesday evening when he decided to stop at a Tim Horton’s—a popular Canadian donut and coffee chain—for a snack and to let Sasha take a little walk.

A few minutes later, Gibb says he heard a whimpering and spotted Sasha being pinned to the ground by a cougar. So he did what any God-fearing, Tim Horton’s-loving Canadian dog owner would do—he ran up and belted the big-ass cat right in the face.

“I could see something wrapped around her and wasn’t sure what it was. I ran over and punched it in what I thought was the head, and it backed off and I realized it was a cougar,” Gibb told Reuters. “I stepped over Sasha and charged at it swinging and screaming and calling for my brother and buddy to give a hand.”

Eventually, Gibb got Sasha into his truck and drove her to a vet. Both he and Sasha escaped with only minor injuries. No word on what happened to his Tim Horton’s order.

How A PB&J Sandwich Helped Catch A Thief In Wyoming


Eating on the job is now, for better or worse, an American tradition. Very few people actually take real breaks for their midday meal, instead preferring to eat at their desk or work site. While there are obvious upsides to this—you’re, in theory, more productive, you appear to be a dedicated worker, etc.—there are also downsides, as 26-year-old Zachary Munoz.

Cheyenne, Wyoming police claim a half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a few cups of coffee tie Munoz to at least a half dozen robberies. The Wyoming Tribute Eagle reports that local cops have even taken to calling him the “PB&J burglar,” which is harsh if fair.

According to police, someone broke into 4 Rivers Equipment three times in September, taking power tools and equipment each time. The only substantive evidence left behind was apparently the partially-devoured PB&J, which police tested for DNA. Munoz was later determined to be a match. From the Tribute Eagle:

The State Crime Lab notified police Oct. 21 that there was no match for the DNA on the peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the state database.

On Nov. 5, though, the detective found out that the DNA matched DNA in the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s database, and it was that of Munoz.

But the sandwich isn’t the only thing Munoz is alleged to have carelessly discarded at a crime scene. Cops also say the 26-year-old left behind a coffee cup at a JC Penny, which he allegedly robbed three times earlier this year.

VIDEO: Live Feed Of Baby Eagles About To Hatch


Florida continues to give us beautiful gifts. The dude who broke into a stranger’s home to pet their cat. Or the hero who tried to stick it to the man and ride a manatee into glory. Or the woman who fought for her right to keep a pet alligator named Rambo and let it ride a motorcycle.

People finding new ways to interact creatively with wildlife is what Florida does. Luckily, you can partake in this tradition from the safety and comfort of your own home with the Southwest Florida Eaglecam, based in Fort Myers. And who doesn’t love a good Eaglecam?

The cam’s been operational since 2012, watching the lives of Harriet and her various mates. Then, it was Ozzie. But her mate met a sad fate when he got into a brawl with another male eagle, and was killed. Wildlife experts studying Harriet and this nest believe that the murderous male is her current mate, dubbed M15. An endearing name for a homicidal eagle.

WABC-TV spins the tale of this feathered soap opera drama:

“After an incident involving a car a few months earlier, Ozzie was sent to an animal hospital for rehabilitation. During this time, several suitors reportedly made a run at Harriet, including M15, who became a regular. When Ozzie returned, numerous altercations occurred, eventually ending in his death.”

But let’s focus on the future, not dwell on the past: Harriet’s new eggs are due to hatch any day now. She laid them on November 22 and November 25, and they’re at the end of their incubation period now. Nearly 28,000 people are watching the live feed as of this story, and the official twitter account is keeping a steady eye on her every move and the subtle movements of the eggs.. Keep an eye on the cam, and you might catch their first moments out in the world.

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