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What’s Next With Rescheduling Marijuana

The federal government has decided to move toward marijuana rescheduling.  So what’s next and how long until it done?

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has agreed with Health and Human Service’s (HHS) recommendation for cannabis to be rescheduled to Schedule III, with Schedule III drugs defined as having a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence (Schedule III drugs include ketamine, anabolic steroids, and testosterone). This rescheduling will have a significant impact on state-legal cannabis businesses, but some uncertainty remains. Once the DEA publishes its proposed rule, it will be reviewed by the White House Office of Management and Budget (“White House”) and if approved, it would then proceed to a public comment period. Notably, the DEA could reschedule cannabis by issuing a final order and bypass the notice and comment period which would allow the change to become effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register.

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However, it seems certain that the DEA will elect to do so by proposed rule, which is followed by a comment period of between 30-90 days. This comment period will be followed by a formal administrative hearing if requested, which rescheduling opponents will most certainly want, along with a flood of comments ranging from why cannabis should remain in Schedule I to why it should not be rescheduled lower than Schedule II. While rescheduling to Schedule III is almost certain, it is critical that proponents submit comments as well in order to ensure a robust record supporting marijuana’s reclassification.

Once the comment period and administrative hearing have concluded, the DEA will review the entire record and issue its final rule based on its analysis, HHS’ analysis, the comments submitted, and the administrative hearing record. The timeframe for issuing a final rule is uncertain and not statutorily defined, but since the DEA is required to review and respond to every comment submitted during the notice period, it could take some time.

Photo by 2H Media via Unsplash

Whether the DEA goes straight to issuing a final order or allows notice and comment, after the final decision/order is issued, it will not become effective until 30 days after it is published in the Federal Register. During this time, an aggrieved party that participated in the notice and comment period has 30 days to file a lawsuit to seek judicial review of the agency’s decision. In the event of a lawsuit, it is possible the effective date of the reclassification is delayed by a court order.

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Federal Regulations

Cannabis rescheduling is likely to inspire further federal regulations, but the nature of said regulations is uncertain. Since 2009, during the Obama administration, the federal government has declined to enforce federal law against the overwhelming majority of state compliant marijuana businesses. The federal government’s reluctance since the 2013 Cole Memorandum continued despite the DOJs enforcement guidance being rescinded during the Trump administration. It is possible we will see the DOJ reissue another enforcement memo. While it is still uncertain, enforcement action may follow cannabis rescheduling in an attempt to form a more cohesive national industry. For example, rescheduling cannabis to Schedule III may push the FDA to enforce against false and misleading drug claims as it has for hemp products. The DEA would continue to regulate cannabis as it had under Schedule I, however, they could now require dispensaries to conform to pharmacy regulations and the significant requirements associated with such. It is unclear but unlikely that the DEA will enforce pharmacy requirements upon state-legal dispensaries, since the difficulties and required resources associated with such enforcement will likely be too burdensome for the DEA immediately following rescheduling.

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The FDA may also become more involved in the regulation of cannabis, particularly concerning cannabis products’ dietary supplements and conventional food claims. While regulatory clarity would be welcome, we must be careful as to over-regulating the various cannabinoids (or compounds found in cannabis). It is likely that the FDA receives an influx of new drug applications following cannabis rescheduling, as FDA approval of any specific cannabinoids as drugs may be quite valuable. However, since FDA-approved medications cannot typically be legally added to conventional foods or dietary supplements, FDA approval of certain cannabinoids would create a complicated regulatory environment and spur subsequent consumer confusion (similar to the FDA’s approval of CBD in the form of Epidiolex).


As for the timing of the rescheduling process, it will not happen overnight. Following approval by the White House, the DEA will likely initiate a public comment period. While this comment period itself will likely last from 30 to 90 days, the overall rescheduling process may take much longer. A previous drug rescheduling via rulemaking, for Hydrocodone Combination Products, took years to fully reschedule (though the timeline from HHS’ recommendation to the new rule taking effect was within one year). Following the quick turnaround by HHS to recommend cannabis rescheduling, it is possible that the DEA publishes its final rule as early as 2024.

Terran Cooper is a regular contributor to The Fresh Toast.  He is part of Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP. This article was developed in part with the help of Andrew Cooper and Matthew Foreman.

Stormy Daniels Is Immortalized With A Marijuana Strain

At the height of her pre-trial fame, Stormy Daniels jumped in the CBD world…well, she is still in the cannabis world.

You have to say she is interesting – a dancer, porn star, director, trial witness and more. And, Stormy Daniels is immortalized with a marijuana strain. Yes, you and Stormy can chill together.  She entered the greater cannabis world in 2020 working with Forest Farms who develop a CBD lube with Forest Farms. Since then, a chill strain has been named after the blonde bombshell.

RELATED: Everything You Should Know About CBD Lube

Daniels rose to fame in 2004 when she won the Best New Starlet Award from Adult Video News. She went on to win more awards and eventually moved to behind the camera, directing over 150 films. She has appeared in mainstreams shows and also in a Maroon 5 music video. Currently she is appearing in New York for a courtroom battle Royale.

Photo via Pixabay

While the lube is no longer on the market, you can purchase a marijuana strain in Oregon named after her. This strain is known for its high potency and low THC content, making it perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol without getting too high. You can even buy the seeds to grow your own.

For her part, Daniels said that she believed CBD was a fad until she experienced the benefits of the compound herself. She fractured her spine and severely sprained her pelvis while jumping her horse.  She was told it would be a minimum of six weeks until she could walk with crutches. Hating pain pills, she decided to use some CBD products a friend sent.  From them on she has been a fan.

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In another turn of events Daniels attempted to run for senator in Louisiana. She was approached and conisidered when she discovered the Republican National Committee (RNC) paid expenses for fundraisers at a “lesbian bondage” themed nightclub. She felt the RNC’s use of party funds for sex convinced her Republicans represented her libertarian values. Daniels had been a registered Democrat but now identifies as a libertarian and bisexual.

Tips To Building Better Relationships

Having someone to turn to, laugh and having adventures is good for your soul and your mental health.  And you don’t have to be perfect to have great friends – here are some tips.

Finding someone to share your life with can be challenging, even finding someone to share a meal or activities is tough. But if you take a breath, here are tips to building better relationships.  Sometimes we don’t fully understand art of relationships, it seems complicated.  But one doesn’t need to love oneself perfectly to love others.  Women and men need others in their life. In fact, a recent study showed bromances were more satisfying in their emotional intimacy, compared to their heterosexual romances. But sometimes, we get in our own way of finding and enjoying relationships.

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Everyone has flaws, but it shouldn’t interfere with having true friends and meaningful love. Dr. Carla Manly has written a new book about how to build better relationships – both friends and lovers, including gay and straight. It explains you can be imperfect and still have great relationships.  And explains the need for multiple people are in to fulfill our needs. Her new book is The Joy of Imperfect Love and explains the need and process of building relationships.

Here are some tips and insight from Dr. Manly

  • Sometimes the wisest step is to invest primarily in the relationship you have with yourself.  Taking a time out from dating and relationships can give your soul a chance to reset and breathe.
  • You do not need to love ourselves perfectly to love others well. The journey of imperfect love never asks for perfection; it only asks you strive to evolve toward the best self.
  • Regardless of the pasts, you have the power to leave intergenerational wounds and patterns behind us so you can enjoy life more fully.
  • Relationships with others tend to mirror the relationship with yourself and the greater world. Making the choice to lovingly invest in relationships can be life-changing.
  • When we dive into relationships with honesty, courage, and respect, you cannot help but change and evolve.
  • Love—or its absence—is where our lives begin and end. It is never too late to foster love in one’s inner and external life. In today’s fragmented world where material success and excess are often prioritized, millions suffer from empty, false, or broken promises of love. Yet, no matter how much you have in the external world, the lack of love from a partner or friend is hurtful. Everyone has the power to reset—to shift priorities—and focus on fostering genuine love in all our relationships, from romantic partnerships and family connections to our vital friendships.

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Finding the right relationships takes patience and investigation. The first step is to consider what you have to offer – what you have to give in a relationship. The second step is to determine what you want. The third step is to put yourself out there, keep your heart open, and dare to find the person who fits well into the puzzle of your life.

Having friends and others in your life is key to your mental health. But finding others to share your life is a process, and it is important to give yourself permission to be happy on in the journey.

5 Key Things To Check On A CBD Label

It is crazy popular and it seems you can find it all over, but be careful – here is what to look for before you buy CBD.

Science and the public have been good to CBD.  It helps with the ever popular issue of sleeping and it can help reduce anxiety.  Discreet, convenient and semi fast acting – it can be a help mate for first dates, stressful family events, or just rough days. The CBD/cannabis Epidiolex has been proven to reduce seizures and is the first cannabis-derived medicine approved by the FDA.  So lots of benefits, but since it is still a bit of a newbie on shelves…you need to be careful of what you buy.  Here are 5 key tags to check on a CBD label.

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Reading product labels is often confusing, overly technical and filled with materials no one understands. Add to the mix the fact CBD is still in FDA limbo, and you need a list like this to point you in the right direction. Here are 5 things to check when reading a CBD label.

Make sure CBD is in on the label and in the product

First thing’s first: make sure there’s actually CBD in your CBD product.  Today’s CBD landscape is filled with products that claim to contain CBD while really containing just hemp oil, or lie about the amount of CBD they contain. Look for either CBD or cannabidiol and be wary of products containing hemp seeds, cannabis sativa, hemp seed oil, etc. Although these ingredients sound weedy, they’re not the same thing as CBD.


The FDA's Relationship To CBD Is Confusing Everyone
Photo by IRA_EVVA/Getty Images

Check the dosage and ingredients

Dosage in key in how effective it will be. Be understanding it you time the amount you need then time out when you might want to take it again.  Additionally, look for a full list of ingredients, including the carrier oil used. Check for any potential allergens or additives you want to avoid.

RELATED: 5 Uses For Hemp Besides CBD Oil

Keep an eye out for COA

COAs guarantee the product you’re looking at has been tested by a third party facility that has no relationship to the maker. Their results are unbiased and thus trust worthy. Reputable companies should feature this information on their labels, which should come in the shape of a bar code and should be easily accessed via smartphone. If this isn’t the case, the COA should appear on the product’s website.

Here's How Long It Takes To Feel CBD's Effects
Photo by Sabrina Rohwer via Pexels

Look for the CBD oil source

One of the first red flags of fake CBD products is a label that’s vague or doesn’t state where the CBD oil was sourced. CBD can be sourced from cannabis plants or industrial hemp, and most quality products tend to be “full spectrum,” “broad spectrum,” or “CBD isolate.”

Know your cannabis state laws

This is important since CBD label requirements vary by state, with the best labels being from products sold in areas where marijuana is legal. If you’re purchasing a product from out of a legal state, these packages should at least imitate how regulated products look.

What To Call The Illegal Marijuana Market

Since the beginning of legalization, there are has been a discussion about how to frame the illegal marijuana market.

The phrase black market took off during the Great Depression where products were hard to come by and an illegal market trading outside the system took off.  It grew during WWII during rationing so those with extra cash could have extra of staples and luxuries. With the growing legalization of cannabis, there has been a internal industry debate about what to call the illegal marijuana market.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

Since the start of legalization, there has a been a vibrant discussion of the OG businesses.
A segment of the industry who wants full customer access with limited legalization.  The fear is with full legalization, current medium and large players will lose to mainstream business in manufacturing, agriculture, and retail. Their was a hard push in 2019 for cannabis media to refer to the black market as the grey market.


A grey market or parallel market is the trade of a commodity through distribution channels not authorized by the original manufacturer or trade mark proprietor. Grey market products (grey goods) are products traded outside the authorized channel. The phrases and process helps make it appear more legal than the black market.

In talking with industry notables, there is definitely a push from a minority to slow roll legalization and reframe the black market as a “perfectly ok” option to the average consumer.  Both New York and California have huge black or illegal markets.  New York’s botched rollout of licenses has made a legal market of about 85 dispensaries and over 2,000 unlicensed ones selling both legal and illicit products to the public.  California crushing taxes and non existent enforcement has allowed unauthorized grows to florish.  The rumor is these grows have quiet sold to legal producers to make products to help battle the costs.

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Most traditional media, data analysts and legitimated investors and executives refer to it as the black market. Having a thriving black market hurts both the legalization process and legal businesses. Colorado and Maine are two examples of states who have done a great job to shrink the illicit market. While immediate short term there could be profits, in the long term, it chokes the growth and mainstreaming of cannabis for both recreational and medical use.

Pakistan Makes Positive Move On Cannabis

In a surprising move, Pakistan has decided to allow marijuana – and they hope it will help their national revenue.

In a surprise, Pakistan is opening the door for legal cannabis. The Islamic country is 96% Muslim, with a belief from most scholars cannabis is similar to intoxicants/alcoholic drink and therefore deemed forbidden. The country’s northwestern region, especially the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is home to thousands of acres of land where the crop has been cultivated for hundreds of years. The governments has chosen to ignore rather than crack down on the businesses.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

But in an effort to help their economy, Pakistan makes positive move on cannabis. The country ranks as the 24th-largest based on the gross domestic project (GDP). When the country was formed, the US was a huge backer during the Cold War, but with the rise of the technology industry in India, they are having to build a broader, internal economy base. To help, it seems the country is embracing cannabis, CBD, and medical marijuana, but not recreational or high THC products.


In Canada and the US, tax revenue of cannabis products have been very lucrative, just like alcohol. Pakistan’s economy is in a bit of turmoil and economists have warned the country needs deep reforms to reduce its dependence on overseas financial assistance. Their $350 billion economy has been plagued with high inflation (up to 38% at one point.). The hope it they can generate more internal revenue and cannabis is one area.


Recently, Pakistan approved the passage of an ordinance that created the Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority (CCRA). This government body is tasked to regulate the cultivation, extraction, refining, manufacturing, and sale of cannabis derivatives for medical and industrial purposes.

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UN laws says if country wants to produce, process and conduct sales of cannabis-related products, it must have a federal entity to deal with supply chain and ensure international compliance.  The regulatory framework of the CCRA is the organization.

The CCRA specifies the maximum level of THC in the cannabis derivative to be 0.3 percent to avoid the abuse of medicinal products and use them recreationally.  With this move, the government plans to crack down on illicit grows in order to bring them into a licensed tax paying business.

Does Lizzo Consume Weed

She has won Grammys and awards from BET, BillBoard and more while redefining enticing. But does she consume weed?

She burst into the mainstream in 2019 with her third studio album, Cuz I Love You and has been making waves ever since. Resetting standards of how a female music star needs to look and behave, she has been the center of ongoing dissuasions.  Through all this, you wonder does Lizzo consume weed to chill and relax. She has attracted legends of fans called Lizzbians, a number of social media trolls and Grammys, BET awards, Billboards Awards and appearance on SLN, Ugly Dolls, Hustlers, and more  . She rode another wave of popularity when she featured an original single titled Pink in the Barbie movie.

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She started her career in hip hop music. After doing a couple of studio albums, she signed with  with Nice Life Recording Company and Atlantic Records releasing Coconut Play.The album spawned the singles Juice and Tempo. The deluxe version of Cuz I Love You topped the US Billboard Hot 100 and became the longest-leading solo song by a female rapper. In 2021, Lizzo released the single Rumors (featuring Cardi B), which debuted in the top five of the Billboard Hot 100. Her fourth studio album, Special (2022), was preceded by its lead single “About Damn Time“, which reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and made Lizzo the first black female singer since Whitney Houston in 1994 to win the Grammy Award for Record of the Year.

Sir Chidi and Lizzo

Like everything in her life it seems, she is unabashed about her use of marijuana. Her Instagram shares she is on a fan consuming and treats it just like drinking wine. She has even been cheeky about her use including wink wink tweets about marijuana suppositories.

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Lizzo grew up attending the Church of God in Christ but has since embraced a more open concept where she sings hip hop mixed with soul and blues. Lizzo being so open about herself and weed use is similar to the late Mama Cass, who refined talent, fun and what is like to be a celebrity.


Could You Help Your Lips With CBD Balm

Spring has arrived and so has the sunny.  While most want to soak in the rays – your lips might need a bit of help.

The summer sun brings out the kid in us, water activities, sun bathing, sports, or just long walks….but our lips might not be so excited. Lips are vulnerable to EV rays and often get forgotten. The skin on the lips can’t produce its own natural moisture or protective oils, making it more prone to drying out, so it is important to give them a little assistance.  Could you help your lips with CBD balm…yes, and here is why.

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From simple Chapstick to Chanel lip balms, the global market in just lips balms (not counting lipstick, glosses, and other lip products) is expected to hit close to $850 million this year.  Not only do the products help the lips stay healthy, they can prevent cancer with a sun screen, so it is important.  A CBD lip balm can have extra benefits.

this company is transforming lip balm into a luxury cannabis brand
Photo by StockSnap via Pixabay

It’s antibacterial and antioxidant

CBD is known for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which, when applied to lip balm, lead to more protection for your skin and to reducing element overexposure. When experiencing symptoms of the flu, cold sores, inflammation or allergies, CBD lip balm can reduce redness and irritation.

The oil is packed with vitamins

Most CBD products are full of vitamins like A, C and E and hemp oil. These vitamins promote healthy skin and slow down its natural aging process.  It gives them a healthy appearance and a natural glow.

Everything You Should Know About CBD Lip Balm
Photo by Matthew Henry via Stocksnap

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It prevents flaky lips

Drinking enough water is key to keep your body hydrated, especially in the heat. Lips are one of the first places to show signs of dehydration. Good lip balms provide the pathway avoiding them becoming dry and flaky. Lip balms with quality CBD oil creates a seal which can make your lips moist for longer periods of time.

It can treat severely chapped lips

Things happen and before you know it, the lips are painful and chapped. A CBD balm can can help severely chapped thanks to CBD’s healing properties. Unlike the compounds found in everyday lip balms, CBD oil can treat skin blemishes much faster, helping heal superficial cuts, protecting you against weather and more.

Could you help your lips with CBD balm, you bet your summer smile it can.


Key Things To Know About Hemp And Marijuana Drinks

They are becoming a thing in ALL states…what you should know about hemp and marijuana drinks

Hemp and marijuana beverages represent about $4 billion in sales and are only going to get bigger.  Tasty, intoxicating, and available in most states, here are some key things to know about hemp and marijuana drinks. You might enjoy either or both, but where, how and what happens varies between the two.

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Hemp or CBD drinks are created by infusing hemp extract, derived from the cannabis plant, into a liquid base. The most popular hemp-infused drinks include water, juice, tea, and coffee. One of the big differences between marijuana and hemp drinks is the “high”. With  Delta-9 hemp, consumers tend to have a more intense experience and comes on faster than THC.  It is a euphoric high when altered sensory perception and a sense of relaxation.

study proves that cbd reduces some of the mental impairment caused by thc
Photo by MysteryShot/Getty Images

THC or marijuana drinks require digestion (like an edible) for the THC to hit the bloodstream. It takes between 15-20 minutes to kick in, with the effects peaking after approximately 45 minutes. The high from marijuana beverage can be unpredictable, and potentially more intense.

Another big difference is 47 of the 50 U.S. states and DC have legalized the sale and use of hemp-derived CBD products. Bayou City in Texas is a huge brand which sales in mainstream retailers.  Cannabis drinks, a growing market but still way behind gummies, can only be purchased in the 24 legal recreational states.

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Additional scientists determined liners inside aluminum cans cause the drinks to lose their potency. These liners are used for different reasons, among them extending the product’s shelf life, preventing the corrosion of the can and, most importantly, protecting the flavor of the drinks themselves. Without these liners, the natural metallic taste of aluminum would seep into the drinks.

“Our theory is the cannabis material, the droplets, will stick to the liner and cling on it. When you open the can to take a drink, it will lose its potency,” said Vertosa founder, Harold Han.

The Best Simple Tequila Cocktails

Perfect for Cinco de Mayo, weekends, long lunches and just to enjoy while hanging out…tequila will treat you right!

Tequila is very popular for good reason…good tequila can treat you right. 2021 was its year when it passed whiskey as the second most popular liquor. It only stands behind vodka. Celebrity tequila’s have been a huge help with George Clooney selling his Casamigos brand for $1 billion.

If you are thinking about staying in swimsuit shape, tequila is your friend – chilled and straight up is great. At 97 calories a shot, its is one of the best to drink. And it has 0g of carbs, 0g of fat per serving, and 0g of saturated fat.

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So to celebrate its success, here are the best simple tequila cocktails.  And for your information, all tequila is mezcal. The term mezcal refers to spirits made from the agave plant, while tequila refers to a specific type of mezcal that can only be made from blue Weber agave in five Mexican states. Reposado tequila stays in the barrel for a duration of 2 months to a year, depending on the flavor profile a distiller is looking to achieve.

Photo by Flickr user slgckgc


This is a classic simple cocktail to make you happy.  The oragin is a bit murky but is generally credited to Javier Delgado Corona, owner of the oldest bar in Jalisco – La Capilla. More importantly – you will be just thankful for this drink and it its refreshing feeling.


  • 2 ounces tequila
  • 2 ounces fresh grapefruit juice, plus wedges for garnish
  • 2 ounces sparkling water
  • ½ ounce lime juice
  • ¼ ounce agave nectar or simple syrup, or to taste
  • Coarse sea salt, for the rim of the glasses
  • Ice


  • Salt the rim of the glass by rubbing a grapefruit wedge around the edge and dipping it onto a small plate of salt.
  • Mix the tequila, grapefruit juice, sparkling water, lime juice, and agave nectar into the glass. Fill the remainder of the glass with ice. Adjust sweetness to taste. Garnish with grapefruit wedge.

Mexican Mule

The Moscow Mule is a go to for some…but what about a warmer more flavorful replacement?


  • 1 ½ oz. Tequila Silver or Reposado
  • 1 lime wedge
  • 1 wedge pineapple
  • 4 oz. ginger beer


  1. Combine the lime wedge and pineapple (if using) in the bottom of a chilled glass  or moscow mule mug
  2. Muddle the lime with the pineapple
  3. Add tequila and stir
  4. Add ice and top with the ginger beer

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Bloody Maria

While it is credited to have been created as a Bloody Mary alternative, it truly appeared on the scene in the 1940s. Bartender Fernand Petiot is credited with


  • Tequila Reposado or White
  • Mexican hot sauce
  • Celery salt
  • Black pepper
  • Tomato juice
  • Lemon juice
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Horseradish
  • Celery salt
  • Black pepper


  • Chill the tomato juice/mix and tequila first
  • Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker without ice
  • Strain and if time, chill. Straining removes the chunks of horseradish from the drink
  • Rim the glass and garnish
  • Serve over ice with the garnishes of your choice.

Tequila Sunrise

Big on college campuses and creating all sorts of boozy adventures – the Tequila Sunrise is delight to the taste buds.


  • 2 oz. Tequila
  • 1 oz. Orange Juice
  • .5 oz. Lemon Juice
  • .5 oz. Grenadine
  • Garnish with a cherry


  • Combine tequila and juices in a shaker
  • Add ice, shake vigorously and strain into a glass
  • Add grenadine then garnish

May you enjoy these the best simple tequila cocktails morning, noon and night!

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