The world is a bit wacky right now, Marijuana can help you relax and manage you stress.
Government shutdown, election nonsense, the end of summer, the news if full of all sorts of negative information. Plus, autumn is here along with cuffing season, the time of year where many short-term relationships happen. It usually begins in the fall around October and ending in the spring around April—so there’s time to get cuffed and uncuffed. And while a short-term relationship which expires with spring, swimsuits and sunbathing may sound odd, some love it. It provides a cozy atmosphere and cuddle buddy for the long dark months and the holiday season. Cannabis can help you with stress of news, searches and just life in general.
While marijuana can be a great escape mechanism, it can also be a constructive way of grounding yourself in the present and curbing other coping mechanisms that are more harmful.
It can curb your drinking

Fall starts up many social events with work and family life. The darker evenings give us a free pass to drink earlier every day. While drinking might help you feel better in the short term, marijuana might play a more effective role in the long term, eliminating hangovers, treating your body more kindly and preventing sad drunken episodes. Next time you feel yourself itching to reach for that bottle of wine or that whisky you’ve been saving for a special occasion (the end of the world counts), reach for an edible instead. Your body can tell the difference.
It can help you eat

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If you’re someone who feels anxiety in the pit of your stomach, hindering the desire to eat, marijuana might help; THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana, has been shown to stimulate appetite.
According to a 2015 Yale study, neurons in the brain that are normally involved in suppressing appetite were being tricked by THC. Lead author Tamas Horvath of the study explains it this way:
“It’s like pressing a car’s brakes and accelerating instead. We were surprised to find that the neurons we thought were responsible for shutting down eating, were suddenly being activated and promoting hunger, even when you are full. It fools the brain’s central feeding system.”
The government agrees it is a way to help you overcome anxiety and move toward a normal eating pattern.
It can help you feel more present

Marijuana is an interesting compound; while it makes a lot of people feel good, it also makes a lot of people feel paranoid. Manage your intake and have a talk with your budtender. As long as you keep an eye on your dosage, you’re likely to avoid bad reactions. Marijuana can help you have engaging conversations with friends, enjoy the outdoors , or help you get lost in a video game, book or movie. When used correctly, it’ll rein in your brain when it feels like going to the doom and gloom place.
If you’ve had bad experiences with marijuana, try to remember what happened that day that triggered it. Was it the strain? Was it your mood? Were you with people who triggered you? Keep in mind these variables whenever you’re planning on toking up and limit your amount of stressors. Start off slow, preferably with something you’ve tried before and increase or experiment as you go.
Manage anxiety

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The right strain and dosage of marijuana can help you relax — something you might be needing after the very intense week we’ve all had. Consider the method of consumption: If you’re having an edible, be patient and eat it during the earlier. If you’re smoking, pace yourself through the night and keep yourself hydrated. The idea is to relax, not to knock yourself out. Unless that’s what you want, in which case, go for it.
Much needed sleep

RELATED: Want Better Sleep? Try Doing This 1-2 Hours Before Bedtime
Perhaps the most common ailment affecting many of us is insomnia. After a week of staying up and watching the news, it might be difficult to get back to your normal sleep schedule. While marijuana can do a lot of the work for you, another thing you can use to your advantage is devising a sleep routine and avoiding screens while in bed. Difficult, but not impossible. Here are 5 more tips to help you fall asleep faster.