Dale Jackson, who owns a heating and air conditioning company, attended this year's Republican National Convention as a delegate from Georgia’s third congressional district, an area of conservative suburbs south of Atlanta. Jackson has three children and the middle-one,...
In our endless quest for what might make us feel better about eating garbage and chasing it with syrupy booze, there’s another bizarre health fad on the map.
Burrito saunas are the next sweaty celebrity fad, yes, we said burrito...
Golf is a sport of leisure. At its most intense, the game requires only the stamina to swing a light metal club and walk a distance of a few hundred yards. Now, with the invention of the Golf Cart...
A former paparazzi photographer recently quietly posted a small but stunning collection of Amy Winehouse portraits. Looking into the middle distance like a Renaissance-era saint, Winehouse is captured here in 2008, just before her life took a turn toward...