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These Men Were Arrested After Telling Police Their Marijuana Was Stolen

A reminder to all card-carrying marijuana users when visiting a non-legalized state—marijuana is not legal everywhere. Two Colorado men learned this lesson the hard way when staying in a Wyoming hotel recently.

Eric Jarrin and Christopher Rathe were placed under arrest following an avoidable set of circumstances, according to Oil City News. It started when Jarrin complained to the a Casper motel front desk that his marijuana had been stolen from his room. Police arrived on the scene, “Jarrin identified himself with a driver’s license and a marijuana card, both out of Colorado,” as Oil City News reports.

Jarrin told police that cannabis flower had been stolen from him, then also admitting he had “dabs” on his possession. Dabbing oils are a highly concentrated viscous liquid of THC and cannabinoids.

Following an investigation, officers found approximately one gram in dabs, glass pipes, 2.86 grams of suspected raw marijuana, and other paraphernalia, including items covered in dabs residue.

Both men were reportedly part of crew doing grocery inventory in Casper, according to a police affidavit. They were placed under arrest and transported to the local county detention center without any incident.

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This Church In Colorado Is Now Offering Upscale Weed Weddings

Planning a wedding? If originality and uniqueness are an important part of your special day, you may want to consider this church in Denver that is now offering weed weddings.

Elevation Ministries announced this week that it will become the first ever church to offer wedding services in a “cannabis-friendly” environment.

The weed weddings will be held in the newly renovated International Church of Cannabis in Denver, Colorado.

“We thought there would be interest from people wanting to get married at the church, but we never expected such a response,” said Lee Molloy, a church spokesperson. “The demand from couples interested in celebrating their wedding with us in a “cannabis-friendly” environment has been far greater than ever expected. We are truly excited to start turning those dreams into realities.”

The International Church of Cannabis officially opened its chapel doors on April 20, 2017. The church, which preaches Elevationism, already boasts 800 members after being open for less than a month.

The 13,000 square-foot, 113-year-old church underwent a nine-month renovation before opening. According to the church’s press release, the interior provides an “extraordinarily stylish and unique backdrop to any couple who desire their wedding photography to be the stuff of legend.”

To celebrate the new sacramental offering, the church is holding a contest to offer a free wedding to the first couple to tie the knot. In a partnership with Bang Digital Media, the International Church of Cannabis will pay for the inaugural nuptials.

“We are thrilled to be part of one beautiful couple’s love story,” Steve Berke, CEO of Bang Digital Media said. “This church is the first in the world where adults can legally partake of their nuptials while consuming cannabis with their family and friends.”

Interested couples can register for a chance to win the wedding at  Although the free wedding will officially be the first to be held at the church, three other wedding packages are currently available via the Church’s Indiegogo fundraising campaign. They are being offered for a discounted rate of $4,200.

By the way, are you curious about Elevationism?

According to the denomination’s website:

Elevationism started in Denver, Colorado with a small group of individuals unsatisfied with the outdated, organized religions currently available to them.

Church members are called Elevationists and our lifestance is that an individual’s spiritual journey, and search for meaning, is one of self-discovery that can be accelerated and deepened with ritual cannabis use. We use the sacred flower to reveal the best version of self, discover a creative voice and enrich our community with the fruits of that creativity. As a group Elevationists demand the right to congregate and partake of their sacrament together. They do not believe it is just that they be thought of as criminals for carrying out their deeply held religious traditions, no matter how new those traditions may appear to be.

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What Does Straight-Edge Henry Rollins Think About Marijuana Legalization?

Not many could have predicted Henry Rollins, he of hardcore punk Black Flag fame, would become such an outspoken cannabis advocate. He lives a famously clean life, not touching any of the drugs floating around the scene at the time. Rollins smoked weed just once 30 years ago and hasn’t taken a puff since.

As the vocalist of Black Flag, Rollins was known for a high intensity and anger, fighting some audience members on stage who were booing the band. But in his post-Black Flag career, he has become a TV host, actor, writer, and activist, still in part brandishing his hallmark high-energy levels. And one area he’s expanded his scope includes cannabis, which he views on a sociological and medical level more than anything else.

Rollins recently sat down with Rolling Stone ahead of his keynote speech at the Oregon Marijuana Business Conference. He doesn’t hold any investments inside the cannabis industry—though he does get paid for his speeches—nor does he use cannabis. But he is a fierce advocate on its behalf. Here’s what he had to say.

On Marijuana’s Diverse Customer Base

One of Henry Rollins’ gigs included hosting the History’s network 10 Things You Didn’t Know About series. For one episode, they dove into marijuana and hemp and were at Colorado for the 2014 Cannabis Cup. Shooting around dispensaries and different facilities, Rollins noticed the diversity of cannabis users.

Via Rolling Stone:

We shot inside this one dispensary, it’s a [recreational use] store. It’s not like a medical-only. And we were in there early ’cause we gotta film everything and light the room. And so I’m waiting outside for the crew to wrap up their gear, and I look at the line queuing up to go into the place when it opens at 9 a.m., and it was this beautiful snapshot of America. You got the elderly couple, you’ve got the student and his bike and his bike helmet, there’s the businessman guy going through his BlackBerry. Look at all these people who use cannabis. All of them are standing there pleasantly waiting to go get cannabis for whatever purpose they’re going to use it for. But what I’m saying is: there’s your sustainability, where you’re selling to these different demographics. And when I was young, there’s no way you would think of a businessman in line to buy marijuana.

Normalizing Marijuana Is Fundamental To Legalization

Through decades of misinformation and hardened social stigmas, many outsiders have slanted views on cannabis usage. The prevailing image of a consumer revolves around the stoner archetype, which we know doesn’t represent all marijuana users. Breaking that image could be the key to the plant’s future, says Rollins.

What if the outreach was so science-y and so positive and so informational, breaking away from the stereotypes of Cheech and Chong and a couch potato ordering pizza? What if you reached out to your community in such a way that even my dad, who wouldn’t be caught dead using cannabis, would think, “You know what, they roll it out so sensible. Damn it, man, my hands hurt on cold days. Maybe I should give it a shot.” So my outreach would be demystifying it – on the de-stigmatizing of it. I see that as the future. PTSD, all kinds of aches and pains people go through as they get older.

Alcohol Vs. Cannabis

Via Rolling Stone:

I mean, everything in this country’s a gateway drug, so don’t tell me that marijuana’s bad when you’re throwing alcohol at my head in every ad everywhere. You look at the ads: as soon as the rum bottle opens, it’s women in bikinis and good times? It’s a depressant, so don’t tell me it’s good times. Everyone’s fighting and vomiting. And they need Uber to take them home ’cause they can’t drive a car. I don’t want to outlaw it, I just want no part in it. And to people who say, “Why don’t you get your stimulation like a real American, with alcohol?” And marijuana’s bad? Do you see any inconsistency or hypocrisy there? I sure do. Stop being such a hypocrite and overcome your bigotry.

Parallels Between The Music And Cannabis Industry

Spending decades within the music industry has taught Rollins numerous lessons. One of those include how to treats fans and not rush a product that isn’t properly ready. He says the consumerism infected music and produced a lot of mediocre music and Rollins doesn’t want a similar thing to occur within the cannabis industry.

Via Rolling Stone:

[I]f you’re going for money over care in the cannabis industry, you’re gonna sell less than good product. You’re not going to value your customers. They’re just going to be consumers. I know bands who treat their audience like consumers. I treat my audience like they’re sacred objects. Without them, I don’t get to do anything. I live in that shadow of not wanting to fail them. I don’t take myself seriously, but I take them really seriously. And that’s what the cannabis industry could do if they value the humans who come in to buy this thing that is grown. That’s where they could blow it: by loving the money more than the people who are giving them the money.

Would He Ever Use Himself?

As we mentioned, Rollins is well-known for his drug-free lifestyle. He does foresee a day where he becomes a cannabis users, he says, though it’d be strictly for medicinal purposes.

I’m only 56 and, man, I snap, crackle and pop. I threw my body around a lot. And I’m in pain all the time. Something’s always hurting.


I don’t wanna until the day I do wanna. And on the day I do, I don’t wanna get a dealer; I don’t wanna sneak around. I don’t wanna have illegal stuff in my house. I just wanna go to the store and buy it. Groceries, cannabis, gas up the car and go home. I just want it to be part of my errands. For now, aspirin works fine.

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Is L.A. Reid’s Exit From Sony Because Of Sexual Harassment; Kevin Hart & Eniko Parrish Are Expecting Boy

L.A. Reid’s abrupt exit from Sony Music may not have been as graceful as it was initially presented.

The music mogul and former head of Epic Records has been accused of sexual harassment by a co-worker.

via NY Post:

The 60-year old music industry veteran allegedly made inappropriate physical advances toward an assistant at last December’s company holiday party, among other instances, according to a March 22 letter a lawyer for the woman sent to Julie Swidler, Sony Music’s General Counsel, said a source who provided details from the letter.

The female assistant, whose name The Post is withholding, also claims Reid, who has led Epic for nearly six years, also asked her to lie down in bed with him and give him a hug while the two were at a hotel while traveling on business, the letter alleges.

Reid, who is married, also made comments about what clothes he liked her to wear and described her as looking “fine,” the letter claims.

Sony Music, in a one-sentence statement on Saturday — “L.A. Reid will be leaving the company” — confirmed the executive was on his way out. It did not elaborate.

When asked about the complaints made in the letter, Sony Music on Sunday had no comment.

Sony Music CEO Rob Stringer, who took over the top spot at the company last month, appears to have taken decisive action in the first major crisis to come along.

“We are not allowing a culture like that in this company,” one insider familiar with Reid’s ouster told The Post, “no matter how much a person brings to the bottom line.”

Reid’s recent successes include signing Meghan Trainor, Future, Fifth Harmony and DJ Khaled — who currently has the No. 1 hit on Billboard’s Hot 100, with “I’m the One.”

Reached Sunday night, Reid’s lawyer, Joel Katz, the head of Greenberg Traurig’s global entertainment and media practice, had no comment.

A second source, familiar with the thinking of Reid’s camp, said the March 22 letter is inaccurate.

Meanwhile, Reid, also known as Antonio Reid, has been telling friends since Thursday, when reports of his ouster started ricocheting around the music industry, that he is talking to Warner Music Group boss Len Blavatnik about a position running the company’s Warner Brothers label, sources said.

It’s a Boy! Kevin Hart & Wife Eniko Parrish Are Expecting Their First Child Together

Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish took to Instagram on this good Mother’s Day to announce that they’re expecting a baby boy!

“Celebrating Mother’s Day with my beautiful wife. We are laughing at the fact that this time next year we will be celebrating her 1st actual Mother’s Day,” Kevin captioned a photo of the two of them.

He also posted a sonogram image of their baby boy captioned “miracle in the making.”

Kevin and Eniko got married Santa Barbara, California, in August 2016. Kevin has two children with ex-wife Torrei: Heaven, 12, and Hendrix, 9.

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The Fresh Toast Marijuana Legislative Roundup: May 15

Most of the marijuana legislation news last week took place on the East Coast, with significant action in New Hampshire, Vermont and Delaware. But the biggest headline of the week was the announcement that the federal government may be bringing back elements of the failed war on drugs. Find out about that more in our weekly marijuana legislative roundup.


On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a two-page memo instructing federal prosecutors to pursue the most severe provable charges for drug offenses. The move effectively overturns a memorandum circulated by former Attorney General Eric Holder in 2013.

The Holder memo urged prosecutors to avoid seeking charges that could result in inordinately long or racially-motivated mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses in cases where certain criteria are met. The move represents the Trump administration’s first major effort to change the somewhat more lenient federal drug enforcement policies of the Obama administration.

New Hampshire:

The New Hampshire Senate on Thursday voted 16-7 in favor of legislation to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. Under the bill, possession of up to three-quarters of an ounce of cannabis will be reduced from a misdemeanor to a civil violation punishable by a fine of no more than $300.

The state House of Representatives, which passed a bill decriminalizing possession of up to an ounce of marijuana earlier in the legislative session, must now take up the legislation. Governor Chris Sununu has said he will sign the bill into law if passed.


On Wednesday, the Vermont House of Representatives passed a bill to legalize possession and use of small amounts of marijuana. Under the legislation, adults 21 and older would be allowed to possess up to an ounce of cannabis beginning in July 2018. The bill, which passed the Senate the previous week, would also create a commission tasked with drawing up an effective system to regulate the production and distribution of marijuana products.

Governor Bill Scott has stated that he is not opposed to legalizing the plant so long as certain public concerns are addressed.


Lawmakers in Colorado failed to come to an agreement to define what constitutes prohibited public consumption of marijuana before the 2017 legislative session ended on Wednesday. Under the recreational cannabis law approved by voters in 2012, “open and public use” of the plant is not allowed.

However, the meaning of this phrase has been hotly contested in recent years, with the debate centered around whether consuming marijuana on one’s private porch constitutes public use. Legislation put forth by the Senate would have permitted a party of no more than five to do so without legal repercussions. Representatives in the Colorado House, however, argued that the five-person limit is arbitrary and would violate the spirit of the measure passed by voters.


The Delaware House Finance and Revenue Committee voted 10-2 on Wednesday in favor of a bill to legalize possession of small amounts of cannabis. If enacted, the measure would allow possession of no more than an ounce of marijuana by adults 21 and over. The legislation also provides for the licensing of retail stores and cultivation facilities, and establishes an excise tax of $50 per ounce on marijuana sales.

A commission would be created to come up with a comprehensive regulatory framework for recreational cannabis production and distribution. The bill will now go to the floor for a vote of the full House.

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Stealthing, The Scary Sex Trend You Need To Know About

Tinder, Bumble, Grindr, and plenty of other social media apps have facilitated hook ups and dates between people who are basically strangers. These apps allow people to meet, relationships to blossom, and sexy time to flourish between consenting adults.

Stealthing is a disturbing trend where guys remove their condoms mid-sex without the consent of their partner, resulting in a rush or euphoria in response to the naughty behavior. These men have online forums where they discuss their methods and their enjoyment when performing this act and deceiving their sexual partners. They brag about their rights of “spreading their seed” and even have guidelines on how to perform a successful “stealth.” 

This practice has yet again made governments question the definition of rape and where lines should be drawn. Several women who’ve been victims of stealthing agree that it is a form of rape that threatens their agency, leaving them feeling victimized and powerless. Many of them are too ashamed to talk openly about it. 

In January 2016, a man in Switzerland was convicted of rape after taking his condom off during sex. The authorities alleged that their partner didn’t agree to have sex without protection, qualifying as sexual assault. Hopefully, authorities in other parts of the world will follow Switzerland’s example and offer the necessary punishment for people who do these types of things. And watch out on Tinder!

5 Random Facts About Chipotle You Should Know

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, Chipotle is an American fast food chain founded in Colorado, 1993. Since then, it’s grown and expanded incredibly opening different establishments in Germany, France, Canada and the UK. Even though they’ve faced their hardships (salmonella, anyone?), they’re still the undisputed kings of the burrito business.

Here are 5 random facts on Chipotle that we’re sure you’d never heard of:

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The Style

You could say Chipotle looks industrial and cool, like they tried hard to look like they weren’t trying too hard, but in reality they didn’t have much money when they first opened. The decorations look cheap because they kind of are. Luckily, the company that’s now worth around 15 billion dollars doesn’t have to waste any money in fancier decorations because everyone kind of likes their hipster looks.

The Food

Founder Steve Ells never intended to become the king of burritos. With a degree from the Culinary Institute of America, Ells was planning on using Chipotle as a stepping stone or a way of making some money so that he could then invest on the fancy and gourmet restaurant he’d been studying his whole life for. To his great surprise, Chipotle became a huge success and he decided to stick with it, warts and all. 

It’s Relationship To Jason Mraz

Jason Mraz, yeah the two-time Grammy award winner, has an avocado farm where he grows around 30,000 avocados a year. One of his largest buyers is Chipotle, who uses around 10,000 avocados a day to make their beloved guacamole.

The Burrito Coin

This is a big secret but supposedly there’s a special burrito coin awarded to super faithful customers that’s been going around since 1999. Its look has been redesigned a few times, but you can get one on EbaySadly, the coin is only valid for one burrito, so you might as well just keep it as a souvenir.

Chipotle Pizza

The company announced their partnership with a growing pizza place called Pizzeria Locale, on Colorado. At the moment, the pizza place has no plans of expanding but maybe soon you’ll be able to buy some pizza at your nearest Chipotle. We have no idea, but that sounds great.


Caitlyn Jenner: I Might Run For Congress; Chanel Issues Apology To Gabourey Sidibe For Alleged Racial Profiling

The BBC reports:

The ex-Olympic athlete, who changed her name and transitioned to living as a woman aged 65, said Trump was being “influenced by people around him”. Jenner said her life was “much simpler” now she was living openly as a woman.

She told the program she was now considering going into politics to promote LGBT issues. “I do a lot of political stuff, but it is mostly all behind the scenes,” she said.

Asked if she would stand for election, she added: “I have been asked that question quite a bit, to be honest with you – over the next year I’m looking into it. I want to know where can I do a better job for my community, in bringing the Republican Party around when it comes to all LGBT issues.”

“Is it from the outside? Kind of working on the outside and the perimeter and working with everybody to get the Republicans to change their thinking? Or is it better off being on the inside and actually running for a Congress or Senate seat? Can I do more good there? And those are the things that I am evaluating.”

Chanel Issues An Apology To Gabourey Sidibe For Alleged Racial Profiling Incident

Paris fashion house Chanel is apologizing to Gabourey Sidibe after she came forward with claims she was racially profiled in one of the brand’s boutiques.

via NYDN:

The “Empire” star detailed her encounter in Lena Dunham’s Lenny Letter on Tuesday, writing that the saleswoman directed her to a store across the street to buy her eyeglasses.

“I knew what she was doing. She had decided after a single look at me that I wasn’t there to spend any money. Even though I was carrying a Chanel bag, she decided I wasn’t a Chanel customer and so, not worth her time and energy,” Sidibe wrote.

The incident occurred in Chicago, while Sidibe was there filming “Empire.”

It wasn’t until other store associates of color noticed that she was famous for the original saleswoman to help her.

Eventually, Sidibe, 34, picked up two pairs of frames and two pairs of sandals for co-star Taraji P. Henson, who was stuck on set.

“Unfortunately, I’m used to people giving me bad service. Honestly, if I walked out of every store where someone was rude to me,” she wrote. “I’d never have anything nice.”

Chanel issued an apology in the wake of the letter written by the Precious star, stating “We are sorry that she felt unwelcome and offended.”

“We took her words very seriously and immediately investigated to understand what happened,” the statement continued. “Knowing that this is absolutely not in line with the high standards that Chanel wishes to provide to our customers.”

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Here’s How New Jersey Is Preparing For Recreational Marijuana

Despite the fact that New Jersey governor Chris Christie remains adamantly opposed to the concept of legal marijuana, state lawmakers are preparing to reveal a master plan for how they will establish a taxed and regulated pot market the second Christie’s veto power is no longer a problem.

On Monday, state Senator Nicholas Scutari, one of the leading legislative forces dedicated to marijuana reform in the Garden State, will formally announce the introduction of a bill to legalize a recreational cannabis industry. Although the details of the proposal have not yet been made public, previous attempts indicate that it will likely call for adults 21 and over to be given the freedom to purchase marijuana in a manner similar to beer.

“The national trend is toward legalization,” Scutari told NJ Advance Media. “It’s absolutely necessary to save our neighborhoods from drug dealers. And we can use the tax revenue. And people are smoking it anyway.”

The mission to end marijuana prohibition in New Jersey became a hot topic of discussion last week, with several reports indicating that lawmakers were simply holding out on plans to legalize weed until after Governor Christie, a man who believes marijuana is a “gateway” to the destruction of civil society, is forced down from his executive perch.

But lawmakers feel it is necessary to put the marijuana debate in the forefront in order to ensure easier passage in the State Legislature next year. If not, it is distinctly possible the issue could get jammed up in a flurry of negotiations and stall tactics.

“We got to get the ball rolling and educate the legislators,” Scutari said. “This is not something I can guarantee passage of right now. But we’ve got to work it so it will be ready for a new administration come January.”

However, there is still some concern over whether President Donald Trump’s administration will revert back to the era of Nixon and launch a blitzkrieg-style attack on states that have legalized the leaf. Although the Justice Department has not yet given any sort of confirmation on its plans for dealing with legal weed, it seems that every month a new comment or memo inches the nation further back to a time when total prohibition was the law of the land.

Yet, New Jersey has been prepping for a legal marijuana market for the past several years, so unless U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his cronies over at the DEA say otherwise, lawmakers are going to proceed with creating a system that allows the state to capitalize on the cultivation and sale of legal marijuana.

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Charlie Hunnam Grew Marijuana When Meaty Acting Jobs Ran Dry

Actor Charlie Hunnam is having a moment. The Sons of Anarchy lead and Guillermo del Toro muse is a bona fide star in back-to-back big production films released closely. The first is James Gray’s Lost City of Z, where Hunnam plays an Englishman obsessed with finding purpose through a hidden Amazonian civilization. He also acts as the titular role in Guy Ritchie’s upcoming King Arthur epic.

But times weren’t always so fruitful for Hunnam, according to a recent New York Times profile. He admits to being a rather picky actor, only assuming roles he felt personally attached to. He said his attitude and desire to build a proud body of work for himself led to some rather lean years for the actor.

So Charlie Hunnam grew marijuana.

Yes, Hunnam cultivated organic cannabis in his Los Angeles home to provide for himself when the acting jobs he wanted weren’t coming in. Later he would sell the crop to a medical dispensary to earn money.

“I can’t believe I’m being this candid,” Hunnam revealed to the NYTimes.

Hunnam said his weed-growing days are behind him. We can’t help but wonder, however, with his growing celebrity, if Hunnam wouldn’t be wise joining the ranks of the many celebrity cannabis brands filling the marketplace these days.

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