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8 Tips That Make For Super-Successful First Dates


No, but really — how does a person have better sex or a better relationship? The Fresh Toast has enlisted Rachel Krantz, a sex writer and proud canna-enthusiast, to help readers out with some answers as its sex columnist. No question is off limits, and all questions will remain anonymous. Please send your sex and relationship inquiries to Now, onto this week’s topic: how to be smarter about first dates.

Q: I’ve been single for the past year. I’ve been doing a lot of online dating, but I feel like I must not be doing it right. The people I go out with seem nice enough, but either they don’t ask for a second date, or they do, and they turn out to be totally wrong for me — only I don’t find out until after I sleep with them and they reveal their true selves. What am I doing wrong? Is there any way to screen people better on a first date, or at least make it less of a waste of time if I’m not attracted to them?

A: Dating can be hard — everybody knows that. But it can also be surprisingly fun, an activity you use not only to find people to love or f*ck, but to get to know yourself better as well. As someone who’s gotten better and better at dating from the more secure position of being in an open relationship (it takes a lot of pressure off a first date) here are the things that have worked for me.

Take At Least Half An Hour To Center Yourself Before The Date


If you’re just rushing to a date from work or otherwise hurry the getting-ready-process, you’re not going to be in a good frame of mind before the date. Personally, I like to give myself at least an hour to put some music on, get dressed and do my makeup, and take a hit off my vape. Those are the things that make me feel sexy and confident before a date — but it’s different for everyone. Find a routine that works for you, and make sure to try to check in with yourself mentally before the date: How are you feeling? What do you want out of tonight even if you’re not attracted to the person? Why are you fundamentally a good person even if they aren’t interested? Why do you want to meet someone in the first place?

Asking yourself these kinds of questions will help you go in with a clearer intention and more confidence. For example, last night, before a first date I was excited for, I told myself that my goal was to be honest, kind, to remember what a catch I am, and to at the least be open to making a new friend.

Consider Showing Up At Least 10 Minutes Early

Personally, I like showing up a little early. Having a few minutes to pick the spot I like best, to order my drink, and to otherwise center myself before the person shows up makes me feel more confident by the time they walk in. Warm up by trying to make conversation with someone next to you or the bartender. That way, you’ll feel braver by the time your date arrives (plus, they might desire you more if they see you talking to other people — friendly, confident people are attractive).

Pay Attention To Body Language


OK, so you’ve met. As you begin speaking, if you’re interested, pay attention to their body language. Are they crossing their legs towards you? Finding excuses to touch you? If so, they’re into you, and if you are too, you can proceed with confidence. If you’re less sure either of you are interested from body language, don’t get discouraged — just keep it as information in the back of your mind, and don’t overstep what they’re signaling to you more than a few times if it’s not reciprocated.

If You’re Not Into Them, Use It As An Opportunity To Practice Kindness

It’s disappointing when you’re not interested in a first date — but it doesn’t have to be a waste of your time. Use it as an opportunity to practice listening, talking about yourself with confidence, and learning about something new. Consider whether they could be a good friend or work connection for you. If you can tell they are interested and you aren’t, practice treating them the way you would want to be treated in that situation. There’s a lot to learn from a “bad” date too, believe it or not — mainly, the kind of person you want to be.

Try To Hold Eye Contact To Build Tension


If you’re both attracted to each other, staring into the other person’s eyes can be a bit intense, like staring into the sun. But if you can, practice holding their eyes for at least three seconds every so often — especially if they are talking about something important or you’re communicating a point you want them to remember about you. It’s hot, it’s intimate, and it will build chemistry that can explode later.

If they can’t meet your eyes back, they might just be shy — but it could also be a red flag for you that they are not as comfortable with intimacy as you are, and you can proceed with some more caution if you do choose to get involved.

Ask “Awkward” Questions


Last night, I asked my date to tell me more about something he’d referenced offhand — how he was pretty sure his parents are in a sexless marriage. That led to a conversation about his mom’s addiction, his experience in childhood trying to help her, and how it’s impacted his relationships. I learned that he was indeed a kind, open, introspective man.

People tend to stick to small talk on first dates, but that’s a big mistake. Dig deeper, and you can get a sense of someone’s character and emotional intelligence much more easily. If something has been a deal breaker for in the past — you mentioned in your question that you often don’t find out until after you sleep  with someone — try to ask questions that get at that. So, for example, if a lack of ambition is a deal breaker for you, ask someone if they are happy in their work. If you have an ethical line in the sand, ask someone if they’re pro-choice or see the problem with eating animals. Whatever it is that’s essential for you, don’t save it for later in the interest of being polite. For more ideas of”awkward” questions to ask on a first date that can reveal a lot about a person, check out this other article I wrote.

Allow For Silence


When I was younger, I used to fill even the slightest lull in conversation with a question. I wanted men to like me, and one of the easiest ways to do that was to get them to talk about themselves. While this wasn’t a bad strategy (it’s still good to ask questions!) you should pay attention to how the conversation flows between you two, and whether you’re the one doing all the driving. If you notice you’re the one who keeps asking questions, allow for that awkward pause, and see what they come up with. Chances are, the conversation will go deeper once they have a chance to say or ask what’s really on their minds. And if they can’t fill the silence, even after a long pause, be honest with yourself about whether that will be a problem for you down the line.

Think Of It Kind Of Like Being Recruited 


Think of a first date as a job interview you’re going on even though you already have a good job — being in a positive relationship with yourself — and imagine the other person is trying to recruit you to join their team. That way, you’re not coming from a place of desperation, and you’re remembering that you are a catch. No need to be snobby or rude, just remember — you have options, and you’re not desperate. Let them sell you on why you should want to be poached away from the full-time job that is being fundamentally confident in who you are.

Keep checking in with yourself throughout the date, and remember: until you believe you’re a catch, it’s going to be hard to convince someone else who’s worthwhile that you are. If you find you follow these tips and you’re still having no luck, don’t blame yourself — but also see what you can do to get to know and love yourself better before you try inviting someone else in.

Good luck!

13 Hacks To Make Sex Feel New Again No Matter How Old You Are


No, but really — how does a person have have better sex or a better relationship? The Fresh Toast has enlisted Rachel Krantz, a sex writer and proud canna-enthusiast, to help readers out with some answers as its sex columnist. No question is off limits, and all questions will remain anonymous. Please send your sex and relationship inquiries to Now, onto this week’s topic: hacks to make sex feel new again


Q: I enjoy sex, but I feel like, at age 35, I basically have had sex every which way now. I sort of know what will make me come, and for the most part, things are pretty vanilla. I’m looking ahead to the new year, and wondering what sort of things I might do to make sex more exciting. I’m not necessarily looking to do anything toooooo crazy or outside my comfort zone, just looking for some safer ways to mix it up.

A: Thanks for the question! I think most people can relate to what you’re asking — there are only so many ways to reinvent the wheel — even though when it comes to sex, we have pretty endless options, if you think about it. The thing that always makes sex feel similar is that we ourselves are the common denominator — we have never had sex for which we aren’t ourselves present (hopefully, anyway). Here are some easy tips, whether you’re in a relationship or not, to help make sex feel a little bit brand new.

Put A Mirror By The Bed


This is an easy hack that almost always makes a difference. We’re visual creatures, and seeing not only yourself but also your partner from a new angle is almost guaranteed to mix it up. If you already have one, put it in a different part of the room and see if that doesn’t make a difference.

Go on Pornoroulette

Remember Chatroulette, and how they eventually banned all the naked people? Well, now there’s Pornoroulette, where said free nudity is sanctioned. Try it out alone or with a partner and have sex with other people watching or participating from the privacy and safety of your own home. Angle the camera so that your head is cut off if you’re worried about someone recording.

Speak Another Language


If you or your partner speaks another language, ask them to break it out in bed. Even if you don’t understand, it will feel like you’re sleeping with someone new. Extra points for whispering it in your ear.

Masturbate in the Bath Before You Have Sex


There’s something so fun and naughty about masturbating in the bath. A woman can use the faucet, a showerhead, or a waterproof toy, and if a man is present, he can sit behind her and rub her breasts. It’s so intimate and naughty feeling.

Treat Yourself To A New Toy Or Prop

It’s the holiday season, so check out my guide to some sexy new vibrators and gifts you can treat yourself to. There’s nothing like some new swag to make things feel fresh.

Have A Silent Session

Try challenging yourself to be totally silent and just focus on your breath the next time you have sex. It’s incredibly intimate, and will make you more aware of the normal ways in which you usually perform during sex. For extra intensity, look them in the eyes as much as you can.

Flip The Usual Power Dynamic


If you’re usually the more dominant partner, challenge yourself to trying to being the submissive, and vice versa. It might seem weird or funny at first, but if you read this guide, you’ll be off to a great start.

Ambush Them When They Least Expect It


The other day, I was working from home when my partner snuck up behind me and started touching me. It was fun to have him want me at a totally unexpected time, and I was pleased to see that work could wait while we took a little quickie break.

Ask About An Ex During Sex

Pick an ex who you feel a comfortable level of threatened by — a bit, but who you know is in the past — and ask them how they used to like it when they were with them. “What position did she like to come in?” you can ask. “Show me.” Or you can ask them to recount a particularly fond sexual memory. You’ll get all the intensity of imagining them with someone else, without any actual non-monogamy in the mix. (That’s another great way to mix it up too, by the way, but you said you didn’t want to go too far outside your comfort zone, so that’s another column.)

Set A Constraint


Tell them they can do anything but penetrate you, or that they’re allowed to do anything but touch you with their lips. Try kissing and having to keep your clothes on for at least 30 minutes. Whatever it is that sounds hot to you, and reminds you of being a teenager — do that.

Play “Do You Remember”

Reminisce together about the first time you had sex — with them, or maybe in general — and describe it in as much detail as you can. If that doesn’t sound that hot, pick another time that sounds hot to remember, and the next time you’re stoned together or just chilling, surprise them by reminiscing out of the blue. Don’t initiate sex right away — and see who cracks first.

Follow The Golden Rule


If you’re feeling like sex is kind of boring lately, think about what you would want someone to do for you. And then, instead of being bitter that your partner isn’t doing that, initiate it yourself. It can be surprisingly hot to seduce someone the way you’d like to be seduced, and it will give them a good idea of what you want in the future. If you’re wondering what they might like, you can also think about the ways in which they touch you. If they’re always giving you booty massages, chances are they’d also love a booty rub.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Sex just can’t always feel brand-new. Especially if you have a monogamous longterm relationship, there are only so many ways to get that intensity that you might have felt at the beginning. That said, you will still feel it sometimes — especially if you follow these tips. Just don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t feel it all the time. Try to enjoy sex for what it is — a way to blow off steam, feel good, and connect with your partner. Just because it isn’t new or earth-shattering every time, doesn’t mean there’s something inherently boring or wrong with it, either.

Happy sexing!

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Is This Video Of A Guy Playing ‘Doom’ While Driving A Porsche Real?


As Leah Finnegan wrote in her newsletter, “If there’s one thing bloggers hate, it’s writing.” She was writing to explain how Saturday Night Live is the perfect show for bloggers—it’s short, low-input fodder for content. You place some HTML code into a blank template, write a witty paragraph, and hit publish. That scheme demonstrates why every Sunday morning sites flood with viral SNL clips and each weekday late-night clips proliferates into your feeds.

Every blogger is guilty of it, myself included. When you heedlessly chase a fresh look for your site and social platform, you can succumb to some stale practices.

It also serves as motive behind every website publishing a video by a YouTuber named vexal this President’s Day. In it, he appears to program a method to play the video game Doom while driving a Porsche 911. By simply inserting a USB stick and the game’s CD disc, you can honk your horn and turn your steering wheel to control your favorite video game while riding around.

The only problem, of course, with this video is that it’s a prank. This isn’t real. It’s an ongoing joke involving the ability to play Doom on almost most new pieces of hardware, like calculators, ATM machines, and printers. That’s why vexal’s joke works—it’s plausible you might be able to run Doom on a car, too.

He administered a similar joke two years ago, claiming you could play Doom on a toaster. Again, all you needed was a USB stick and light programming capabilities and there you were controlling Doom via toasters. (This is why a toaster rests in vexal’s passenger seat in the video; it’s a comedic callback.)

One look at this reddit thread shows an online community in on the joke. This is a troll working an entire industry to his satisfaction.

vexal is keeping the bit going with comments like “And to answer everyone’s number one question, is it a real video: Yes, it really is a video” and “Some Japanese cars are better for running JRPGs. You can run American games on them too usually but the experience might be sub optimal.” All insider jokes from the gaming community that might go over outsiders’ heads.

Regardless, the bit is good and deserving of a round of applause. The media, much to one President’s delight, unwittingly delivered vexal’s punchline for him.

Peep Oreos? Take This Quiz And Spot The Fake Oreo Flavors


Guess what time it is? Now that Valentine’s Day is over, it’s all of the sudden Easter!

And to commemorate this glorious affair, Oreo has come out with a limited release flavor. Can you spot what it is among the other crazy flavors they’ve released over the years?

Here’s a quiz to text your O-R-E-O-I-Q. You will never look at the classic snack the same way again.

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The Best Developments In Marijuana So Far In 2017


Political turmoil have made cannabis companies reconsider their future and adjust their plans. Still, the growth of the industry is rising due to the decriminalization and legalization of the plant in over 29 states within the US, a landmark in the history of the plant (at least in this country). In a short amount of time, legal marijuana has become the fastest growing industry in the U.S. with a 25 billion dollar opportunity for revenue according to USA Today. Why didn’t we legalize it before?

Due to the plant’s newfound value, smart companies have been working hard to use it to their advantage, developing tools and strains that have cannabis enthusiasts very excited. Here we list some of the most rousing developments within the marijuana world.

Green Energy

Thanks to the plant’s versatility, the hemp is at the forefront of many ecological companies that are planning to develop oil, paper, clothes and even a hemp airplane that will run on biofuel at 210 mph. All with the purpose of helping out our planet and being cool while they’re at it.

Social Media

Apps like MassRoots and Duby have been huge in creating a social media presence for cannabis and connecting people that have common interests. 

There’s also MyDx Inc, a company that’s developing an affordable analyzer that gives users knowledge on what they’re consuming, checking for contamination and giving information on the chemicals that we can’t see. These tools give users the best marijuana experience, eliminating negative side effects and leaving you with only the good stuff. 

Medical Marijuana

Developers of marijuana strains have gotten creative with their concoctions, coming up with amazing stuff like Mendo Breath, Sour Kush, Candyland, Red Dragon, and so much more, with the purpose of helping people who are suffering from chronic pain, insomnia, nausea and others. 

Amazing Tech



The slickest portable vaporizer ever.

Lean Green Wizard Cone Machine:

Grind & load like a boss with the new Lean Green Wizard all-in-one kits!

A post shared by Lean Green Wizard (@leangreenwizard) on

This grinder and cone filling combo will make your life so much easier. Say goodbye to messy and poorly wrapped joints.

Wax Liquidizer:

For creating your own vaping juice. 

Goldleaf Grow Journals:

These journals are beautiful and handy for the growing field of cannabis cultivation. They’re also great for the recreational or medicinal user, logging and documenting their marijuana habits.


The Stars’ Secret To Filming Those Naughty ‘Fifty Shades’ Scenes

The one subject most everyone associates with the Fifty Shades franchise is sex. It is, truly, the only reason the books or movies exist. So it stands to reason one of the topics frequently asked of Fifty Shades co-stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan are about those steamy sex scenes.

Dornan was asked once again about those sex scenes on the Graham Norton Show, where the actor revealed that this installment will be more romantic than the first. But—to the delight of house mom everywhere—there will be more sex.

That’s when Keanu Reeves inquired what kind of direction Dornan receives regarding “vocalization.” Dornan responded: “My temptation is always just to try to make Dakota laugh. So sometimes I’ll do things like, when there’s a moment where I’m meant to orgasm, I’ll be like, ‘do-do-do do do-do.”

“Do-do-do do do-do” as the trumpet sound you hear before someone yells “charge!” Try to not hear that sound next time you watch a sex scene.

Former NFL Player Arrested For Being Naked Three Times in 8 Months


Days after he was sentenced to 10 days in jail for trying to break into a Portland, Ore., home while naked, former Detroit Lions cornerback Stanley Wilson II was arrested Saturday for allegedly trying to break into another Oregon home while nude. The most recent arrest comes just over a month after Wilson was arrested for allegedly hanging out in a stranger’s yard while in the buff.

The first nude incident took place last June, when Wilson stripped off all of his clothes and tried to break into the home of 78-year-old Robert McCall through a window, the Oregonian reports. McCall, as you might not expect, felt threatened at the sight of a nude, 33-year-old former professional football trying to break into his home, so he shot Wilson before he could enter. Police later found Wilson, who was still nude, standing in a fountain with a bullet wound in his stomach.

Seven months later, on January 10, Wilson was arrested after police reportedly found him wandering around a Portland neighborhood without clothes on. A month later he was sentenced to time served plus three years of probation and mandatory drug treatment (he has a history of methamphetamine abuse) for the first incident, which he pleaded guilty to. The relatively lenient sentence apparently wasn’t enough for the clearly troubled Wilson, who the Associated Press reports was detained just four days later for nearly an identical crime, though this time, thankfully, he wasn’t shot. He was taken by officers to Marion County Jail; it’s unclear what, if any, charges have been filed.

Brave Raccoon Free After Highly-Publicized Ride On Trash Truck


On Friday, Politico reporter Helena B. Evich spotted a raccoon hanging on for dear life from the back of an trash truck in an Arlington, Virginia neighborhood. Evich snapped a photo of the critter and shared it to Twitter, where it quickly went viral.

“This raccoon is having a rough morning-just wanted some trash & ended up in Rosslyn!,” she wrote. “And yes I alerted the driver.”

RELATED: 5 Morning Activities To Help You Feel Happier

Evich contacted someone at American Disposal Services who assured her the company would investigate. The company was apparently good to its word, and a few miles later the driver, along with the help of police, managed to get the situation under control. Now brave raccoon free after highly-publicized ride on trash truck.

“It was as gentle as it could be,” Susan Finarelli, a spokeswoman for the city of Falls Church, told the Post.

Raccoons are very curious and used to living near people, so they can sometimes seem very bold. A raccoon’s natural response to a confrontation is to freeze and stare at you. It’s still afraid of you, it’s just waiting to see what is your next move. They are opportunistic scavengers, this means they will eat almost anything they come across. And a trash truck is a buffet for them.

The Week in Hot Messes: Bigfoot in Alabama, Frozen Penises, and a Bloody Valentine


Perhaps Valentine’s Day brought out the strange in people this week because there was no shortage of bizarre news stories over the past seven days. There was a man who accidentally shot himself trying to make jewelry on Valentine’s Day, a spa in England that will freeze your penis or vagina to sharpen up your sex life, and a town in Alabama trying to get national recognition for its Sasquatch sightings. Let’s review the Week in Hot Messes.

We’ll start in Evergreen, Alabama, where city officials have declared the town to be the Official Bigfoot Capital of Alabama. After noting that he personally had not seen Bigfoot or anything similar, Councilman Luther Upton said, “A lot of people have seen these things. They aren’t quacks. They are legitimate people who’ve seen these things.” We agree with the councilman.

Moving on to Manchester, England, where a spa is reportedly offering a treatment that freezes people’s genitals in an attempt to make them look better and sexier. “It’s not uncomfortable, it’s quite relaxing,” Cryotherapy UK co-director Debra Lister said last year. “You can feel it nipping a little bit but it’s not invasive at all.” Mhm.

Back in L.A., hundreds of people celebrated Valentine’s Day by giving their loved one a bouquet stuffed with $400 worth of weed. “I just thought it was a cool way that you could give flowers but instead of them dying and throwing them away in a week you can get some practical use out of them,” one customer said. “You come home from a long day of work and you have a headache, flowers aren’t going to help you any.’’

In Connecticut, a heroic teen allegedy stole a pizza guy’s car for a joy ride and led the police on a wild chase before finally being apprehended. And in Ottawa a man making a necklace on Valentine’s Day…accidentally shot himself with the bullet he was hoping to decorated the necklace with. “If you go do some research on what’s in a bullet, it’s not something you want to make a necklace out of,” a police spokesman said. “The reason why we put it out obviously is not in humor, it’s the public education piece here. Ammunition is live, it’s not a toy, and it should be dealt with carefully.” Solid advice.

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Master Of Fortune Cookie Writing Quits Because Of Writer’s Block


The man responsible for the best part of every Chinese takeout meal, the fortune cookie, has quit his post. He’s got a serious case of writer’s block.

Donald Lau has worked as the “Chief Fortune Writer” at Wonton Food — one of the largest fortune cookie distributors in the game — for 30 years.

He used to crank out 100 fortunes a year, but now only feels inspired for two or three fortunes a month. It’s easy to imagine that the burnout rate for writing tiny koans and quips that go into free cookies as your full-time job is pretty high, but that’s not the entire problem with Lau’s creative block. He told Time that a shift in the industry is partially to blame for killing his mojo:

“In the ’80s, when Lau first landed the role at the Queens and Brooklyn-based company, cookie fortunes were, well, fortuitous (think: “A dream you have will come true”). But today, he says, the premium is on new, inspirational sayings that promote Yogi tea bag-style well-being.”

So, if you’ve noticed your own fortune cookies lately have shifted from the more astrological, “You will battle a great foe who is sitting at this table with you RIGHT NOW” style of predictions, to the shitty faux-encouragement of Hallmark cards – that “Your greatest foe is within you” silliness – it’s not just you, but the whole cookie market changing.

“When they eat their fortune cookie, I want the customers to open the fortune, read it, maybe laugh, and leave the restaurant happy so that they come back again next week,” Lau said, according to the New York Post. And dammit, he just can’t find that spark anymore.

But there is some sweet to this sour story: He isn’t bailing out of his love for fortune cookies forever. He’s focusing on being Wonton Food’s Chief Financial Officer full-time. Hopefully he brings back the fortune-telling spirit of cookies with his new power.

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