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90-Year-Old Grave Digger Digs Own Grave Right Before Birthday


When you’re digging graves for a living, your mind tends to wander. When you’re 89 years old and have been doing it for 45 years with the same backhoe, it really wanders far.

So, on a slow day of digging, Canadian grave digger Jimmy Kickham decided that when he turned 90, he’d dig his own grave. Literally.

“I love digging. Just one of those things that gets into your system. It’s just work. Money. No matter what they wanted dug, I could do it,” he told the CBC.

That doesn’t mean he’s ready to jump into the hole in the ground. He sees it as no more extreme than writing a will. For his family, it’s one less thing to think about once he’s gone. “They’ll know it’s already done for me so they won’t have to worry. Just a matter of taking the top off off, opening it up, and that’s it,” he said.

Ever the grave-digging perfectionist, Kickham knows exactly how he wants his earthly remains to spend eternity: the “old-fashioned way,”  with a pine box lowered into the hole and covered. The box is in place now, with just a few inches of soil on top.

“It’s something else. That’s one of a kind, I figure,” said another maintenance worker, Eric Gallant, according to the CBC. “The only thing that’s missing is his casket.”

Kickham added: “And me!”

He has no plans to hop into the hole soon, however. His 90th birthday is tomorrow, after all.


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The Book of Faces: Sir Markus Zuck Goes On A Journey For The Truth


Every man considers himself a hero and every hero has a journey. Sir Markus Zuck’s was simple: He was on a search for the truth. It’d proven difficult for him and so many others to find. Where had it gone, this truth? Had someone stolen it from the people? Was a villain hiding it in their lair?

Sir Zuck didn’t know why this burden was his to carry. Why had the Media of the Round Table chosen him? He had been a young squire who wanted some friends. It didn’t matter if he never saw them in person or interacted with them in any meaningful way. That big, giant number of all his friends lighted the screen and everyone could see it and never again say he didn’t have any friends. Thus was his inspiration for the Holy Scripture: The Book of Faces.

But the kingdom had gone and elected an orange-faced dragon as ruler. Trebuchets lofted accusations that The Book of Faces had spread fake news and influenced the people to make this decision. “A pretty crazy idea,” Sir Zuck had responded. “Identifying the ‘truth’ is complicated…I believe we must be extremely cautious about becoming arbiters of truth ourselves.”

In Facebook We Trust

Yet within Sir Zuck’s Knighthood of the Faceless, tension rose among the ranks. These knights did not share such an optimistic view like their leader. Their antagonistic whispers even traveled to that dread-awful fiefdom, the land of Times, and word soon spread across the kingdoms: Perhaps the Book of Faces was to blame.

Even his own creation betrayed Sir Zuck.

How had it come to this? So generous, Sir Zuck considered himself. Had he not gave away The Book of Faces free of payment? Had he not produced flying beasts to transport The Web of Wide Worlds into the peasants’ hands freely? This was what a good knight did, no?

But the Media of the Round Table accused him of nefarious deeds.  All Sir Zuck wanted was more folks to read The Book of Faces. That was his sole motivation.

“The blasphemy!” Sir Zuck raged quietly. “Don’t these nitwits know the power I’ve bestowed? Do they!”

Sir Zuck was venting one again to his robot steed, Greycoat. Legend had it Greycoat made the finest toast in all the land, preparing it for Sir Zuck precisely when he wanted. But these were not times for such frivolities as toast! The truth had disappeared! No one could find it! And it was up to Sir Zuck to once again save the people.

The Tilting Windmills

So he rode out, chasing the tilting windmills, slaying the dragons (but not the orange-faced one), and giving hope once again to the peasants, all while searching high and low for this “truth.” But he just couldn’t obtain it. Downtrodden, he wrote on The Book of Faces, “Identifying the ‘truth’ is complicated.”

He paused. He had made camp near the water, and walked towards it now. The still surface provided Sir Zuck a glimpse at his reflection. Was the face starting back at him truly so vile? Why had forces attacked his defenses? Did they not remember the gift he’d given? He’d bestowed every royalty, every knight, every peasant that elusive commodity in these kingdoms. He’d granted them friends. Didn’t they see how he was sort of kind of trying to do better while expanding his reach? Maybe that was it! Maybe they didn’t know all Sir Zuck was doing.

He returned to camp and finished his post on The Book of Faces. He reminded the people a great many of things: that just 1 percent of Facebook news was fake, and that both sides were lying so what did it matter? Most of all, he told people he was trying. Because wasn’t that enough: To say you’re trying with no discernible plan of action publicly even while you’ve potentially had the secret all along privately?

Sir Zuck certainly thought so. Truth was found once again. Kind of.

Are You Ready For Breastfeeding and T-Rex Emojis? ‘Cause Yeah, They’re Coming


Emojis are there for when words aren’t enough to express yourself, but even emojis feel limiting sometimes: the correct smiley face or symbol is just not there to communicate how you really feel.

Well, here’s some much-needed good news. On Nov. 10, the Unicode Consortium approved 56 new emojis to be included in their Unicode 10 release. The new emojis are a response from the consortium to numerous requests they’ve received over the past year.

How Do You Really Feel?

Some that might help explain how you’ve been feeling lately include “grinning face with crazy eyes,” “shocked face with exploding head,” and “face with open-mouth vomiting.” Also included are a hijab emoji, pie emoji, pretzel emoji, T-Rex emoji, bearded person emoji, and a breastfeeding emoji. You can check out the full list here.

And we do suggest you check out that full list. Unicode is very detailed in their public revealings of why and how each emoji was created. For example, you might be wondering why was it so important to add an orange heart. Aren’t there like 30 different colors for heart emojis? But their report and subsequent reasoning reveals that orange completes the color spectrum for heart emojis and there are many cultural associations for orange like, “In Buddhism it represents illumination, the highest state of perfection.”

Also worth noting: there is no page for why the broccoli emoji was created, just that it was “frequently requested.” Uh-huh. You’re allowed to draw your own conclusions from there.

However, all this doesn’t mean you’ll be receiving these new emojis immediately. Once Unicode shares these new emojis, they still need to get approval in iOS and Android updates. But new emojis are coming. And that’s something to (finally) smile about.


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “Wasp Swarms And Poop: WTF Is Going On In This Little UK Town?” “Donald Glover’s ‘Atlanta’ Obscures The Line Between The Real and Surreal,” and “Election 2016 Opt-Ed: A Clear Victory For Cannabis

5 Amazing Munchies From Around The World That You Need To Try Right Now


Sure, Funyons dipped in peanut butter are weirdly delicious. But if you plan to commit to the munchie-munching lifestyle, you’re going to need to broaden your horizons. How broad are we talking? Thai street snacks, for starters. Read on to discover the best international bites to satisfy that uniquely intense hunger. And a passport is not required–with a little hustle, you can make some of these mini-meals and others in the comfort of your own underwear.

1) Quipe (Dominican Republic)

When Middle Eastern immigrants made their culinary mark on the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean nation adopted the recipes as part of their own culture and repertoire. One of the most popular street food snacks is called quipe (or kipe) — a North African croquette made of bulgar, ground beef, herbs and spices; a knock-off of Lebanese kibbeh. Translation: move over lady fingers, we’ve found the perfect finger food.

2) Opihi (Hawaii)

An ideal snack for the adventurous eater, opihi is to Hawaii what oysters are to the Pacific Northwest. These tiny sea snails can be slurped right out of their shells, grilled, served ceviche style, smoked or marinated like poke. It’s a fun snack that can be popped right into your mouth like candy — sinky, slimy candy. Yum!

3) Mu Ping (Thailand)

Grilled meat on a stick may seem like an American invention (we are the Land of the Corn Dog, after all), but it’s not. For proof, just look at how many other countries prepare it so much better than us. And consider Thailand, who’s citizens are so good at grilling meats they made this list twice! Mu ping is a ubiquitous Thai street snack of skewered pork marinated in a mixture that includes garlic, fish sauce, soy sauce, cilantro root, and white pepper before being grilled over hot coals. (To find this tasty business, simply follow the heavy smoke to the nearest vendor). Served with chili sauce and sticky rice, mu ping is a snack enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Oh, and late-night snack, too, if your gut holds out that long.

4) Moong dal (India)

Anything spicy and fried is hard to ignore – that’s essentially the foundation of Gary Busey’s career — and South Asia does it to perfection. The hyper popularity of fried moong (mung) dal in India lies in its simplicity. It’s soaked, dried, and fried before salted with a chaat masala and chili. Indian kacang putih vendors also sell it in Malaysia. Lucky for us, most Indian grocery stores carry a few brands of the stuff. It’s known as yellow split mung bean here in the states.

5) Daigaku Imo (Japan)

One of the most desired snacks sold on the streets of Japan, these University Potatoes–a nod to the cheap, calorie-dense snack’s popularity among college students–are candied fried sweet potatoes topped with toasted sesame seeds. It’s a basic snack that provides a magical and addicting contrast between crisp outer shell and pillowy interior. If you don’t fall into a carb coma first, the sweet and savory combo will certainly help get you through an all-night cram session.

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5 Rolling Papers For Every Kind Of Smoker

It has been almost 300 years since the first rolling papers were introduced to the world and since then the options grown to the point where they almost seem endless. From invisible papers to flavored ones, those who like to roll up can now spark in style.

We found five pretty cool rolling papers for the different type of smokers and well, to each his own.

If You’re Feeling Fancy

Paying $55 for a 12-pack of rolling papers is not for the weak hearted. However, in the event you’re feeling fancy, meet the Magnum Trojan of papers: Shine, offers their papers dipped in 24-karat gold. That’s right, gold. So if you’re looking to show out and show off, then Shine is the right choice for you.

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Alternatively, they offer gold cones for the super fancy. Already rolled but still dripped in high-quality edible gold, these cones will elevate your smoking experience, making it as convenient as it is glamorous.

If You’re Feeling Sly

Do you live in a state that hasn’t hopped on the legalized marijuana bandwagon? Well, if you do, have no fear, because Urban Wraps makes rolling papers with a fake cigarette print that’ll let you smoke and be incognito, kind of. While we know weed and cigarettes definitely don’t smell the same, Urban Wraps does offer a nice little cover up to smoke your weed, in semi-peace.

Plus, these wraps are quite inexpensive because a pack of 99 will run you $10. Additionally, Urban Wraps throws in a plastic doob tube, that’ll keep your pre-rolled fresh and safe from lint, gum and whatever else you have rolling around in your pocket or bag.

If You’re Feeling Flavorful

Flavored papers are nothing new, but they certainly aren’t for everybody. However, if you are feeling flavorful, Juicy Jays rolling papers might do the trick. They have over 30 fruit flavors including: watermelon, blueberry and peaches & cream. Plus, they offer flavors like cotton candy, bubble gum and ummmm, peanut butter?

Not into sweets? Don’t worry, the extensive line of flavors includes menthols. Plus, you can shop to your size: just like your favorite candy bar, you can get your rolling paper in king size.

If You’re Feeling Adventurous

And by adventurous, we mean, if you’re ready to give your next session a huge lift. Lift Tickets Medicated Rolling Papers are made out of all natural hemp and infused with high-grade hash oil that will give your joint a major boost. Aka, you can roll your weed in weed.

Adding extracts and oils to your joints can get a little messy and annoying, but Lift takes the hassle out of that for you. The joint burns evenly and slowly and what’s even better is there’s no runs, no drip and no mess. Be warned, these are quite difficult to find, but if you’re an adventurer, you might be able to locate them.

If You’re Feeling Transparent

If you are one of those smokers that seems to give very little shits about where you spark up and you’re proud of your cannabis consumption, these transparent papers are for you. They are made of plant cellulose and 100 percent natural ingredients.

These papers by Trip2 are thinner and clearer than your standard rolling papers and pride themselves on being “TREE FREE” and biodegradable. So if you’re looking to show off what’s inside your joint, these transparent papers will do the trick.

A Brief History of McDonald’s Customers’ Wacky Incidents and Lawsuits


Some days, you’re just not loving it. That is the case for many specifically disgruntled McDonald’s customers over the years. There’s been 911 calls and lawsuits and media reports.

We would like to commemorate these people. They may be brave fighters of innocuous causes, but that does not dismiss their attempted heroics. And so we have constructed this list of common folk battling McDonald’s in various, trivial ways.

Before we do, however, we have to say one thing: Most of you folks should’ve known what you’re getting into when you walk into a McDonald’s. It is not Nobu. When you enter a McDonald’s, you’re also accepting that something not-great can happen. A blue plastic ball might hit you in the face. Your McDouble with Cheese might look like someone sat on it. Pretending these are not possibilities within McDonald’s is a lie to only one person: Yourself.

A 911 McNugget emergency

Florida woman Latreasa Goodman lost it when she ordered a 10-piece McNuggets, paid for her meal, then was told they were out of McNuggets and refused a refund. Furious, she called 911 three times to help recover her money, despite employees apparently offering her a McDouble.

“This is an emergency,” Goodman told a Fort Pierce police dispatcher in one of the calls.

She was eventually received a citation for misusing 911. Meanwhile, McDonald’s offered her a full refund and a free meal of her choosing.

Crunchy McChicken’s

A bite into a spicy McChicken sandwich could be described in the following ways: savory, juicy, spicy, salty, not good for you. But one woman experienced a crunch and discovered a shard of glass inside.

According to Reuter’s, “Vjollca Lecaj said she suffered severe and permanent oral injuries, as well as ‘great pain and anguish’ after biting into and chewing the glass.”

The cause of the contamination? Apparently an overheated coffee pot that had exploded in the kitchen.

Customers paying in fake money

A McDonald’s employee hosted a Reddit AMA a few years ago, revealing some horror and comedic stories alike. Huffington Post has a full recap if you’re interested, but one worthy bit was the time a customer attempted to pay in board game money. The employee suspected it was Life.


Vegetarians vs. Beefy McFries

Back in 2002, McDonald’s labeled it fries and hash browns as a vegetarian menu item. The fast-food chain had made a switch to using pure vegetable oil to fry their fries, removing the beef fat the previously cooked with.

But it was discovered McDonald’s wasn’t using pure oil as they claimed. They were still including a form of beef flavoring for their fries. This raised some serious ire among the vegetarian and Hindu communities, the latter of which considers the cow a sacred animal.

The company eventually settled with the plaintiffs and donated $10 million to Hindu and other groups.

Hey McDonald’s, Don’t Supersize me

The first lawsuit of its kind, Caesar Barber sued McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, and Kentucky Fried Chicken. His claim: Their food was making them fat. He sought damages for the medical conditions consuming their food had wrought, including his obesity, diabetes, and both of his heart attacks.

“Those people in the advertisements don’t tell you what’s in the food,” Barber told the Guardian. “It’s all fat, fat and more fat. Now I’m obese. The fast-food industry has wrecked my life. They said 100% beef. I thought that meant it was good for you.”

His case was dismissed “without prejudice” back in 2003 and he didn’t re-file.

Napkin Please?

One man filed a $1.5 million lawsuit against McDonald’s after receiving just one napkin with his meal.

Webster Lucas alleged that he returned to the counter asking for more, but was refused. According to the New York Daily News, “Lucas alleges the debate took a racist turn when the Mexican-American boss mumbled something about ‘you people’—which Lucas took to be a reference to him being black.”

When offered free burgers as an apology, Lucas took it as an insult, and claimed the incident caused him “undue mental anguish.”

TFT Finds Out If It Works: Opening A Can With A Spoon


A viral video is making the rounds, showing a guy opening a can of corn without the aid of a can opener.

But this is Dave Hax we’re talking about. He’s got a YouTube channel filled with useful hacks, so he’s kind of a pro. That being said, his video makes it appear that opening a can with a piece of flatware is a piece of cake. You don’t have a can opener and you’re in dire need of some corn? Grab a spoon.

First, if you’re stranded somewhere (because why else do you so desperately need to open a can of food), you likely don’t have a spoon. But, if you do have a spoon and are just too lazy to find the opener buried in the silverware drawer (all of us at some point), you just take that spoon and dig into the can like you’re whittling away at a block of ice. It looks so simple. But is it really? To answer that question, I asked the strongest guy I know, my dad, to give it a whirl. Here’s what happened.

There you have it. If you don’t want to risk cutting a major artery, just hop on over to the nearest drug store and shell out a few bucks for a can opener. It’s way better (and cheaper) than buying a trip to the emergency room. If you don’t have access to a can opener, you know what you do? Skip the damn corn.


Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Cheese Lattes Are Now A Thing,                9 Of The Best Pumpkin Beers In America, and What I Ate Today: Coquine’s Katy Millard.

10 Need To Knows About California’s New Cannabis Rules


Now that California has legalized recreational marijuana for adult use, it doesn’t mean you can drop by your neighborhood store and pick up a pack of pre-rolls and enjoy a toke walking down the street. What are the new cannabis rules?

Here are the do’s and don’ts for Californians and those of you visiting the state:

When do the marijuana stores open?

You are going to have to wait until January 2018 — yep, more than a year – before the state sanctions recreational stores. Medical patients can still go to existing dispensaries for their medicine.

Can I just go to a medical marijuana dispensary and buy it?

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Nope. Medical dispensaries are for qualified patients. If you have a qualifying medical condition, you are eligible for a card.

Then how do I get some?

Well, you need a connection. Adults are allowed to give (not sell) up to one ounce of dried herb or eight grams of concentrate to another adult.

What about growing my own?

Californians are allowed to grow up to six plants inside their residences or outside in an enclosed structure. The grow area needs to be out of public view and securely locked. So if you can wait for a harvest, you are good to go. But until then, you’ll have to get it from a friend,

Can my company still fire me if I fail a drug test?

Yep. Employers are allowed to follow their own drug policies. So if you work in a drug-free workplace, you may want to hold off celebrating with a victory joint.

If a law enforcement officer smells weed, is that probable cause?

Nope. The odor of weed no longer constitutes probable cause. You do not have to agree to a search of your person, car or home. It’s the law!

Can I give some of my stash to a friend?

Yes. But, technically, it is illegal to sell to a friend. The law allows for a “gift” of up to one ounce of dried herb or eight grams of concentrate.

Can I smoke in public?

Nope. You can smoke in the privacy of your own home or the home of someone else. But no smoking in a park or bar or anywhere in public.

What happens if I smoke in public?

There is a fine of $100 for smoking in public. If you smoke marijuana in a place that also outlaws tobacco smoking, the fine is $250.

RELATED: Marijuana Use And Guy’s Member

What about driving while impaired?

Don’t do it. Ever. Drugged driving laws are the same as drunk driving laws. And, like alcohol, it’s against the law to have an open container of pot in your car.

I have a marijuana arrest on my record. Can I get it expunged?

Yes. Prop. 64 retroactively reduces criminal records. If you have a pending case, chances are it will be tossed out before going to court. If you have an older arrest, you can petition the court for a reduced sentence or have it totally dropped.


6 Essential Cannabis Accessories For The Home Entertainer


Why cannabis accessories? Hosting a group of friends or family members to your home to indulge in the ounce of Blue Dream you picked up at the dispensary is a time-honored tradition. As such, we’ve put together a mix of fun and useful cannabis-related accessories to keep around the house for when you whip out the weed for your guests.

Rolling Papers

While you may typically prefer to smoke a bowl or vape pen at home, it’s always a good idea to have some rolling papers on hand for when guests come around. Not only does it offer an activity that will bring people together, it also revives old memories for some that will get people laughing and having a good time. Give RAW Papers or your favorite brand a try.

A Grinder

#green #spacecase #madeinusa

A photo posted by Space Case ( on

Not everyone grinds their pot before they smoke it, but if you’ve got the tools and the luxury, there’s little reason not to. Aside from the primary goal of breaking up the nug, grinding the cannabis also builds up kief as a byproduct which can be sprinkled on top of the next bowl and thoroughly enjoyed.

Plus, if you get the right grinder you’ll only need one as it’ll last you many years.

The Cannador

Nothing says you take your herb seriously like the Cannador. Billed as “premium storage for connoisseur,” the Cannador comes in multiples sizes to meet your needs, so whether you’re a two-strain household or a six-strain household, they’ve got you covered.

Labeling made easy. What’s your choice for a Friday toke?

A photo posted by Cannador® (@cannador) on

Moreover, the ability to clearly label each container makes it easy for everyone to grab whatever they’re in the mood to smoke.

Magical Butter MB2e

Infusing marijuana into butter or oil to make edibles can be tricky business for beginners, so companies like Magical Butter took all of the guesswork out of it with products like the MB2e machine. Having one of these around the house can make it simple to leave some butter infusing for a couple of hours while you prepare other things and then return to make the treat of your choice. Trust us, your friends will thank you.

Adult Coloring Books

Who said coloring books had to be just for kids? With the recent addition of the word “adult” to new series of coloring books, anyone can now sit down with a pack of crayons or colored pencils and become entranced in a picture without having to look over their shoulder in fear that someone may see them.

It makes for a fun alternative to watching Netflix once you’ve settled into a spacy high and can be done solo or in a group setting.


#ozium#naija #nigeria #naijaboy #lagos #talkgaywithfaye #snoopdogvaporizer #snoopdogg

A photo posted by 08023062651 (whats app only) (@the420culture) on

The smell of marijuana can be a glorious thing … at the right time and in the right place. When you need that smell to go away, give Ozium a try. A short burst will send the smoky herb smell out of the room quicker than you can imagine.

Live On The Fresh Toast Stage: Nola Ade


Upon graduating from college, Nola Adé entered law school, eventually becoming a legal intern at Russell Simmons’ Rush Communications in New York. While in the Big Apple paying her professional dues by day, Adé was also paying her musical dues at night, performing every Sunday night The Village Underground open mic. Once she returned to Chicago, the law student still found time to perform background vocals with acts like The Ones and The Alpha Clef project at spots like The Elbow Room, Hard Rock Cafe, and The Double Door. Gigs with The Wishing Well cover band and solo performances at The Shrine, The Promontory, The Throne Room, The Velvet Lounge and the City Winery Chicago, further honed her skills and built an audience through innovative takes on modern classics like Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie” and Chrisette Michele’s “Love Is You,” as well as Adé originals like “Love.” The buzzing attention eventually earned Adé opening slots for shows with national recording artists like Bilal and Avery*Sunshine, and a spot performing on the Lexus Verses and Flow stage at the 2015 Chicago Auto Show. Now a freshly minted entertainment lawyer, Nola Adé has finally landed on her destination, fully committing to this thing called soul with her exciting indie debut of The Love Dance EP.

New Video – “Love”

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